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The best things in life often come from the most unexpected situations. When I met the man who’s now my husband, we could’ve never imagined the great journey we had ahead of us. From the lowest point in our relationship, a great gift came out, or more accurately, several great gifts came out. Our uncommon love story revolves around my husband, Spencer Collins. However, as he’s currently busy, I’ll take the pleasure of writing down our memories for you to enjoy. My name’s Owen Richards, and I understand that you need some context, so here we go.

Spencer and I met a few months before graduating from high school. I was an average guy, standing at 5’10” with a regular build. I was neither skinny nor overweight, and I didn’t have muscle either, so there was nothing impressive to talk about. I didn’t have any remarkable visible attributes, but I wasn't bad looking either. Some girls even said I was handsome, thanks to my brown hair and green eyes, although I didn’t care about their opinions. Spencer, on the other hand, was outstanding in every single way. As soon as I saw him, I fell in love and I couldn’t take my eyes away from him.

We first crossed paths at my cousin's 18th birthday party. Spencer was friends with my cousin, but since we attended different schools, we had never seen each other before. I had never enjoyed family gatherings, but that day was different. The instant I saw him, I was captivated, and believe me, there was a lot of him to admire. Standing at an impressive 6'7", Spencer was by far the tallest guy there, towering over everybody else. Not only that, but his perfectly shaped muscles were so big that he was for sure the most broad-shouldered guy at the party.

Spencer was only 18 years old, but his impressive magnificent body would’ve put any bodybuilder to shame. I still remember how his thick muscular pecs stretched his blue shirt almost to the bursting point, while the sleeves were clearly struggling to contain his massive biceps. The shirt was one or two sizes too small for him, but it would’ve been huge for a regular guy. His lower body was equally as impressive, and his shorts left nothing to the imagination, his tree trunk thighs and big ass filling out the shorts to the brim. And his big and full bulge was making my knees weak.

While his body was unbelievably hot, his face was surreal. His dark hair and blue eyes complemented the rest of him perfectly. His pink lips were so kissable, and whenever he smiled, I couldn’t help but release a deep sigh, drawing attention from everybody around me. I found myself constantly sighing and my legs were trembling, I was a complete mess. Spencer caught me looking at him multiple times, but instead of freaking out, he responded with a kind smile, making me blush and sigh even more deeply. I must’ve looked ridiculous.

My cousin noticed I was staring way too much at Spencer and, aware I was gay and attracted to the big guy, he took hold of my hand and pulled me to where Spencer was to introduce us. It was evident I lacked the courage to do it myself. Once my cousin introduced us, he left us alone, and I could barely articulate any coherent sentences.

He looked bigger and more handsome than I had initially perceived from afar, but apart from his perfectly sculpted body, he was also the nicest and kindest guy I had ever met. He was the sweetest too, perfect in every single way, but there was only one minor issue about him, nothing serious though – Spencer was bi but I said it was okay. He said I was cute and handsome, and those words were more than enough for me at the moment. At least he wasn’t straight, so there was hope.

We started hanging out pretty often, just like friends, but he still called them “dates”, even though they weren’t romantic. We texted each other all the time and talked for hours on the phone, every single day. He convinced me to join the same gym he went to, and although I wasn’t that interested in gaining more muscle, spending time with him was a good motivation to join. We started working out together almost every day, and I loved the results. I had the chance to witness his huge body in action, drenched in sweat and pumped as fuck, while I also got bigger. It was a great bonding activity that brought us closer as friends.

When he told me that he had been accepted to the same college I had been admitted to, we decided to share an apartment and started living together. We spent a lot of time together, whether working out or playing video games in our living room. Whenever we were alone, he would always be shirtless, and he convinced me to do the same because he wanted to appreciate my gains, and I willingly obeyed. Everything was going well.

However, there was only one issue that felt like a small nightmare within my fantasy. We slept in separate bedrooms, naturally, and since we were just friends, he would bring random girls every week, and I would hear them having sex all night long. He knew it hurt me a lot, but there was nothing I could do about it because we weren’t boyfriends or anything.

On those nights when he was loudly fucking one or two girls, I considered moving out of the apartment. But there were other nights when we would be sitting on our couch, and out of nowhere, he would start caressing my pecs or my abs, leading us to making out. As we rubbed each other's bodies, I would just forget about him fucking a girl, and I focused on how kind and sweet he could be. Even though I deeply desired him to be only mine, I accepted the fact that he was bi and we were just friends.

Everything changed for the better on my 20th birthday. When I arrived home from my part-time job, everything was really quiet, which was unusual. I assumed Spencer was away on a date or something, so I went straight to my room. Upon opening my bedroom door, I saw lots of candles on the floor, and there was Spencer, lying naked on my bed. It took me a few seconds to comprehend what was happening, but then he stood up and got right in front of me, causing my heart to race.

Spencer pulled me closer to him and I didn’t know what to do. I smelled his intoxicating manly scent and my knees got weak. His muscles looked more impressive than ever before, and he was smiling as he told me how he had finally realized that I was the one he truly wanted by his side. He promised me that I’d be his only one, and I couldn’t believe my ears. It felt like a dream, but the sensation of his body against mine confirmed to me it was all real. When he asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend, I eagerly responded with a yes, without hesitation.

We kissed passionately for a while, and he helped me undress. One thing led to another, and a few minutes later, I was lying on my back in bed with the most perfect man on top of me. He looked so hot and so big as he lifted my legs up. It was a dream come true when I felt his thick 8.5 inches long dick pressing against my hole. He said we were meant to be together, and when he started pushing his dick inside me, I knew he was right. It was my first time, but I didn’t feel pain, only pleasure. I knew he had experience, but the warmth coming from his body and the weight of his body on mine were enough to make me feel intoxicated with pleasure.

He started moving at a slow pace, but his strength was so immense that it felt as if a truck was rolling over me with each thrust. In a very good way, though. As he kept fucking me very passionately, I started rubbing his powerful arms. My whole bed trembled under the weight and strength of Spencer’s forceful movements. I felt drunk, consumed by love, lust, and pleasure. My mind went blank as he sped up, and his thick dick rearranged my guts with each thrust. I couldn’t articulate words, so I just moaned over and over again.

I felt pre leaking from his dick, straight into my guts. I realized his big balls were really full because of the excessive amount of pre flowing into me. I felt full even before he started cumming, and I craved for more. Pre-cum was leaking out of my own dick, without it being touched. Spencer’s performance was incredibly good, and the longer he stayed inside me, the more pleasurable it became.

As he sped up his pace, the pleasure became overwhelming, so I was on the verge of losing consciousness. I wasn’t in control of my own body, and my own dick was shooting cum all over my abs. I lost track of time, and I didn’t care about anything but Spencer’s dick inside me. He made love to me so nicely and for so long that night, that I wanted him to stay inside me forever. When he finally started cumming, it was such a big load that I felt completely filled to capacity..

After that night, the encounters with random girls stopped, and we started sleeping together exclusively. We had sex almost every night, and Spencer was always the sweetest. We were madly in love with each other, and for about two years, our lives were perfect. We spent a lot of time together, often at the gym, which gave us great gains in line with our fitness goals

By the time we reached the age of 22, I was happy with my well-developed muscles and overall great shape. Weighing in at 190 pounds, I was considered big for a guy my height, but not huge. On the other hand, Spencer was truly gigantic. At his impressive 6’7”, he had always been a big and imposing-looking guy, but with his hardcore workouts and the ridiculous amounts of food he ate, he had turned into an absolute muscle god by the age of 22. Weighing around 350 pounds of pure muscle mass, he was the biggest guy everywhere we went. Despite being so big, he was still the sweetest and kindest guy ever.

Every day he made me fall in love with him all over again. I knew he truly loved me, and I loved him with all my heart. But when our relationship was reaching its peak of perfection, an unexpected twist shattered my perfect fantasy. Little did I know that it was the best thing that could ever happen to us.



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