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I walked into my apartment, and the first thing I did was look for my roommate, Hunter, who was very likely procrastinating on our couch or having a snack in the kitchen. Over the last few months, he had gotten pretty lazy and was starving all the time, so he had gained a lot of weight. He had always been a total stud, but his bigger and rounder shape was driving me crazy, so I loved to spend lots of time with him.

Hunter was kind of hesitant to be seen out in public because of his size, so we preferred indoor activities instead of going out. I was definitely not complaining because that meant I could have him only for me. There was a lot of him for me to enjoy, and I had no intention of sharing him with anyone.

As I closed the front door behind me, I couldn’t stop smiling because it was our movie night. I truly loved movie night, not only because I got to spend time with him but also because he wasn’t that careful about his eating while we watched a movie. Which is why I was carrying several bags of fast food for the two of us. Well, it was mostly for Hunter.

As I mentioned, he was really hungry all the time, so he really appreciated it when I brought burgers, fries, donuts, and candies for him to eat while we watched a movie. To be completely honest, movie night was more about me feeding him tons of food than us actually watching a movie. I just wanted him to be happy, and food got him in a really good mood all the time.

I was really excited when I walked into our living room, wanting to find him lying on the couch like most nights, but the living room was empty. The TV was on, but Hunter wasn’t there. I knew exactly where he was, so I left the bags with the food on our dining table and went to the kitchen.

Just as expected, he was standing there with a bowl of popcorn in hand while looking stunning. I smiled big, staring at him for a few seconds to admire how hot he looked. Hunter is 6’3” tall and usually weighed around 220 pounds of bulky muscle, but he had gained so much weight that he was around 300 pounds between muscles and fat. Said fat was mostly located in his pecs, his huge belly, and his massive ass, so I was literally drooling while I stared at him.

Hunter was almost naked in the kitchen because none of his clothes fit him anymore. He never wore clothes most days, but he had an apron on, which left nothing to the imagination. The apron couldn’t cover his big belly and did nothing to cover his fat pecs, which looked bigger than ever before. I loved to rub his belly and pecs because he said it made him feel better, and since I was such a good friend, I was more than willing to make him feel better. Then, there was his huge ass that couldn’t be contained by any of his pants, so I could see it in full glory. I couldn’t help but get hard right there. We were just friends, but every day it was harder for me to hide how much I lusted over Hunter.

I approached very quietly, while I thought about our friendship and how it had changed so much over the last few months. I never saw him as anything else but a good friend, even though I always admired how great he looked. When we first met, we got along because we both loved going to the gym. We actually met at the gym when we were about 22 years old. We were both in college, and our interests were pretty similar.

We both wanted to get bigger, so we loved eating and lifting. The only difference was that I was more into the lifting part, and he was more into the eating part. That gave us different results, but we were super happy with how things were turning out. I got big muscles while he got big too, but in a softer way.

We became very good friends, so we rented an apartment together a few months after we met. We spent lots of time together, especially at the gym, encouraging each other to get bigger, lift more weights, and eat more food. Our friendship was simply perfect, and even though we were definitely only friends, it was really hard to deny that there was some sexual tension between us. It got even more obvious when we started posing for each other to see our gains.

For a few weeks, we posed shirtless, but as we got more excited about our results, we started taking more clothes off, and suddenly we found ourselves nearly naked in front of each other. We only wore the tiniest posing thongs, leaving nothing to the imagination. Since then, we started getting nearly naked to check on our bodies once a week, and I was literally drooling over his off-season-looking muscles while he clearly lusted over my big muscles.

Some other things caught our attention from each other’s bodies, but it was hard to point them out since we were ‘just friends’. Since the day I met Hunter, I noticed he had a big and delicious-looking ass, and, modesty apart, I have a pretty big dick. So, in my mind, it all made sense: my 10-inch-long dick was meant to fuck his big ass. However, as I mentioned, we were just friends, so I never did anything.

When we started posing in front of each other, I could barely resist the urge to grab his ass, and I noticed he checked my bulge out pretty often. It was all really subtle, but I knew things were heading the right way for me to get my hands on his ass. Even then, I never thought we could get that intimate, but Hunter was full of surprises. I always tried to play it cool when we were posing in front of each other, so he made the first move.

Two years after we had moved in together, I was flexing my biceps in front of him in our living room while he talked about how big I was. As I posed, Hunter got up and pressed his body into mine. We’re both 6’3”, so we were eye to eye, and I felt his soft bulge rubbing against mine, making me shiver. He pushed his body tighter against mine, and his soft dick started getting harder against my body. I couldn’t handle his advances as I could feel my own dick starting to grow until a loud snap rang through the room when my tiny thong tore off from my hard 10-inch dick.

“So, Ryan, what if you stop pretending and you finally accept you’ve been looking at my ass all along?” Hunter said, with a grin on his face. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on my mouth as he ripped his own posing thong off. I felt a wave of lust wash over me. I had been dreaming about this for a long time, but it didn’t even come close to how good it felt for real. I returned his kiss, and we started making out. I nuzzled my nose into his neck and breathed in his smell. It was intoxicating.

I looked him in the eyes as his hands got on my hard, big dick. He stroked it for a few seconds and then winked at me. A part of me wondered if I was dreaming because it was all too good to be true, but Hunter’s touch felt too real to be a dream. I got my hands on his hips and pulled him even closer while his hands kept working on my dick for a few more seconds. Then, he moved away from me and turned around so I could see his big ass moving so hypnotically that I was like a zombie following him. Part of me was waiting for an explanation about his intentions, but I preferred to just follow what he was doing.

Hunter got on his knees in front of the couch and leaned forward on it. His ass looked magnificent, and he slapped it really hard, making it jiggle. I lost it when I saw that hypnotic jiggle. I wasn’t controlling my actions anymore. We weren’t even talking, but I knew what he wanted because I wanted it too. There was this invisible force attracting me to him, and I couldn’t fight it. I had been waiting for that moment for years, so I couldn’t stop myself even if I tried. I got right behind him and squeezed his big ass pretty hard, making him moan.

I was drunk in lust, so I didn’t hesitate to line my dick up with his hole and push forward to fit it in. I was expecting a strong resistance because I wasn’t sure if he was that used to getting a dick up his ass, but I was surprised when the big head of my dick slid in somewhat easily. Don’t get me wrong, I had to push hard to make it fit, but once the head was inside, the rest slid in without a problem. He was pretty tight, but it was because, as I learned weeks later, it was his first time.

I got my hands on his hips and started thrusting slowly at first, making sure he had time to get used to my dick because he was groaning and moaning as I moved my dick in and out of him. I saw his strong back getting tense. He was grabbing the cushions really hard as I started speeding up my thrusts. I knew he was in pain, at least a bit, but his moans were an indication that he was also enjoying it. He was definitely longing for more, and I was more than willing to give him more.

My thrusts started getting faster, even though his hole was still pretty tight. His moans got louder, and a little tiny part of my mind feared one of our neighbors would hear him, but the rest of my mind was telling me to fuck him harder so he would moan even louder. My horny mind made my hips go faster, and I used my full strength to pound as hard as possible into him, making him moan out really loud.

I didn’t realize at the moment how long I was fucking him, but it felt like ages, and every single second of it was incredible. When I felt my dick was about to shoot, I warned him, but he said I could shoot my load inside him, so I did. I had never shot such a big load in my life. Hunter was surprised because my load made him feel bloated, but instead of complaining, he complimented me over and over again, calling me ‘stud’. Since that day, it has been his nickname for me, as a way to remember how good that first time was, just like the few more rounds that followed.

About nine months later, when I was just arriving home for our movie night, that first time felt like ages ago because, as Hunter had gotten bigger over the months, our sex sessions were happening very often. That was part of the reason why I loved movie night so much. Eating and sitting with me on our couch always got him in the mood for some action. Well, lately, everything got him in the mood for some action, and I wasn’t complaining at all. I couldn’t say no to him.

So, while he looked at the bowl of popcorn, I approached him very quietly because I knew he hadn’t noticed I had arrived. I got behind him and hugged him tight to surprise him, and he literally jumped in surprise. My hands reached for his belly and gave it some pats. I loved how tight it felt because that meant he was full, which wasn’t surprising because he ate all day long. He was always complaining because his belly was tight instead of soft like the rest of his body, but it looked and felt amazing.

“How are you feeling tonight, big man?” I asked, patting his belly.

“Hey there, stud. I feel like a whale. I feel heavier than ever, and I’ve been having some cramps because I’ve been eating too much, but... I’m still so hungry,” Hunter said, sounding worried but kind of excited at the same time.

“You’re fine; you just need a snack,” I said, taking a popcorn from the bowl and popping it in his mouth. He opened and chewed without hesitation. “I brought a few more things for us, so what do you say if I take my clothes off and we go check that out before picking up a movie?” I added.

“Sounds like I’ll end up fuller than I already am, struggling to breathe like every movie night, but I guess I can’t say no to you, Ryan. You’ll make me explode one of these days, stud,” he said, chuckling.

“Oh, come one. You said you’re hungry, and I know you love movie nights as much as I do, and I feel like this one will be a very special one, so...” I said, giving his belly more pats and grabbing his ass firmly, making him jump in surprise and very likely in excitement.




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