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“Joey, we shouldn’t be out here… or at least you shouldn’t be out here. You’re a week overdue, and the doctor said you need to rest,” my boyfriend Matt said as we walked down the street, holding hands. I briefly rested my head on his shoulder in response before we continued walking.

Deep inside me, I knew he was right. The doctor had advised me to take it easy, but being a week overdue with a kid who seemed to be against the idea of coming out of my womb made me want to take a peaceful walk. It was also an attempt to trigger my labor, so we could finally meet our big bundle of joy.

As I waddled alongside Matt, I gently rubbed my belly trying to ease up the discomfort caused by the constant movements inside. Our boy was already pretty cramped in my womb, not only because he was overdue, but also because he was pretty big. I was carrying an 11-pounder who seemed to enjoy leaving me breathless.

The baby loved using my lungs as a punching bag, and my bladder as a target for his kicks. I found myself running to the bathroom as frequently as I had to stop to catch my breath, which was very often. These were just additional reasons for Matt to be annoyingly insistent about me staying in our apartment all the time, but I was already tired of the imprisonment.

“Joey, please. Let’s go back. We should go back home. You shouldn’t be here.” Matt insisted and I stood in front of him to look him in the eyes. I pulled him on a kiss while his hands were on my belly. He is 4 inches taller than me so he had to curl over my belly for us to kiss. I knew that was the best way for me to convince him about anything. I was his biggest weakness and we both knew it.

“Sweety, I know you’re right  but I was so bored in the apartment. I’ve been there for three weeks without seeing anyone else but you. And I had to wait for you to come home from work… oohhh…” I jumped when the baby kicked me really hard and he felt it too. He smiled and moved fast ‘till he was behind me and his hands were on my belly.

“And is that a problem? Why would you need anyone else with you?” Matt said and even though I wanted to laugh because of his overprotectiveness, I was almost panting after the kick and the fact that his touch was turning me on and he noticed my short breathing. “Are you alright? You want me to call an ambulance? I told you we should’ve stayed home!” Matt said, clearly freaking out but he got even closer to me.

“Matthew Graham… I’m fine. Calm down. It was just a really strong kick and the fact that the stud I have for a boyfriend is pressing his bulge against my back. He’s making me pant in anticipation. We have a track athlete on the way and he loves kicking me so… between you and your son I can barely breathe.” I smiled and reached back to grab his ass while he kissed my neck and rubbed my belly.

“Joey… we’re in a public place. Don’t do that.” Matt kissed my neck and made me moan because his touch always felt incredibly good and instead of moving away from me, I felt his body getting tighter against mine. “I still think we should go back home. I’ll give your belly some rubs and I’m sure our boy will settle down.”

“Well, I don’t feel you moving away from me even though we’re in a public place. Are you trying to convince me to go back home? Because you’re doing a great job.” I said as I felt his dick chubbing up in his pants.

“You know there are other methods to speed up things and I have the right tool for that. I know I’ve been trying to be careful but… I think it’s time for me to help you go into labor.” Matt said and his dick got even harder. I knew what he meant and his words were really convincing because I had been longing for some real action for a while so I considered it for a few seconds.

For the last few weeks Matt had been really nervous about the baby and the fact that I was still pregnant. Initially he said he wasn’t sure if he would be a good dad so he wanted the baby to stay inside me for as long as possible. Matt is the sweetest guy ever and I was sure he would be an amazing dad but he was really nervous. He treated me like I was made of porcelain and he made sure I was comfortable all the time because he wanted me and the baby to be okay but… he took it to the extreme sometimes. He wanted me to stay in bed all the time so I wouldn’t fall. It was sweet but really annoying. He didn’t even want to fuck me hard because he was worried about hurting the baby. That part was especially annoying because I was really horny all the time.

I remembered the night when he knocked me up and it was so incredibly good that my hips were sore for a few weeks after that day. We had just moved in together, as boyfriends, so he was really passionate. He even mentioned his dream about me giving him tons of kids. It was so hot and he was so passionate but as soon as we found out I was pregnant, he was more careful and he never fucked me that hard again. He had a point because his dick is… above average but I was sure that a 10 inches long dick wasn’t enough to hurt our baby. I needed that big dick fucking me into labor and I knew his offer was the right moment to ask for it.

“Okay. We’re going back to the apartment but I want two things in exchange.” I said as he kept kissing me and his dick kept growing. “First… I want a snack. Your boy is making me really hungry.” I said as I rubbed my belly.

“I’ll fix it on our way back. I saw a nice bakery a few streets away. What else? Ask me anything and I’ll do it.” He said and I pushed my ass back against his bulge.

“I want you to fuck me as hard as the day you knocked me up. I’ve been missing that big dick of yours all the way inside me. I know you won’t hurt the baby. I just need you to fuck me into labor.” I said in a very sensual way and I felt his dick throbbing hard.

He stayed in silence for a while and I knew he was considering it. His dick was proof that he wanted it too. I was sure he was missing those times when we fucked so long and passionate that the whole bed creaked all along. Then, after a few seconds of silence, he turned me around and kissed me very passionately. His hands started rubbing my belly and our boy was kicking up a storm in there.

“Remember, you asked for it. But… I asked for one thing while you asked for two so… to seal the deal… you gotta promise me one more thing. We’re ordering the next kid… or kids… as soon as this one comes out. I want a big family.” He said and I smiled. We kissed again and I was getting desperate to get back to our apartment.

“I’m all yours Matt. I’ll be popping kids out for you for as long as you want. I’ll give you all the kids you want and then some. My womb is yours but I need you to feed me and our boy before we order the next batch.” I said playfully and after another kiss, we started walking back to the apartment.

I was horny but I was also extremely hungry so we stopped by a new bakery shop near our building. Everything they had on the window looked delicious and my stomach growled as soon as we walked in. The smell was unbelievable. Everything looked so amazing that I wanted to order one of each of all the things they had. I really wanted Matt’s dick up my ass but the desserts looked tempting enough to get my attention away from the sex I was longing so badly for.

“Hello there. Welcome. My name’s Chris. How can we help you?” A huge smiley dark haired muscle man came out from a nearby room with a huge tray of cookies in hand. The smell was out of this world and it made me hungrier than ever before.

“Hello. I’m Matt and this is my boyfriend Joey. We… were looking for a snack for Joey. He’s pregnant and… well… you know about cravings. I guess?” Matt said while we both looked at the huge man walking in front of us, making us feel tiny.

“Oh I definitely know about that so I can definitely help you. Give me a minute and I’ll be with you.” The big man said while we were both amazed by his size. He was easily 7 feet tall and his muscles were incredibly big.

Chris was boxing the cookies up while Matt and I couldn’t take our eyes away from him. Every single muscle on his body was bulging so insanely hot that Matt was almost drooling and I… well… my knees were weak while I looked at Chris. His pecs were enormous and they looked so thick that I imagined a person sitting on top of them. He had a red apron with a big C on it and it just couldn’t hide what the guy was carrying between his legs. It was huge. Every single inch of him was huge and we couldn’t even blink while looking at him. Then. we heard a second person getting closer and our attention was taken away from the muscle man to look at a big blonde guy who smiled at us very kindly too.

“Chris, why didn’t you tell me we had customers?” The second man said as our jaws fell to the ground. He was huge too but in a very different way. “Welcome to our humble bakery shop. I’m Sam, Chris’ husband and I run this place with him. How can we help you guys?” Sam got closer and we were really impressed by his size too.

Sam was about 6’2” tall, just like Matt, but he was huge compared to Matt… or to any regular guy. He looked fat, definitely soft in most places but there were some parts that called most of our attention. Sam’s pecs were almost as big as Chris’ but they looked way softer and his huge nipples were clearly seen through his shirt. Then, there was his belly. It was gigantic and it looked incredibly tight. I would’ve said he was pregnant but the belly was too big to be a pregnancy. I wasn’t even sure how he moved such a big belly around but when I noticed his wide hips and big ass, I realized they helped a lot. His blue apron, with a big S on it, was tightly stretched over the big belly and it made the belly look even tighter.

“Sorry babe. I was about to call you. They want a snack for Joey. He’s pregnant and his boyfriend, Matt, was asking me if I knew about cravings.” Chris said as he finished up with the cookies and both big men started laughing really hard.

“Believe me, he knows. He’s an expert when it comes to cravings but I’ll take care of this one personally.” Sam winked at Chris as they got closer and kissed each other. “We have a lot of things to satisfy cravings so… Joey, what if you come with me and you tell me what the baby in there is asking you for?” Sam said as he offered me his hand to lead my way. I smiled and followed him.

“I’m not quite sure what I want. I'm just hungry and… well… we were on our way to our apartment because we were about to… to… try to induce my labor. I’m a week overdue and I really wanna meet my boy. Though Matt is a bit nervous and… I finally convinced him to help me induce labor.” I said when we were a bit away from Matt and Chris, trying to hide what Matt and I were up to but Sam laughed a bit.

“Oh that means you guys are in a rush. I’m sorry, we’re taking your time and I bet your boyfriend is eager to have fun with you. You guys look really cute together by the way.” Sam said and I chuckled a bit.

“Well. He’s not that eager to… have fun with me. He said he might hurt the baby and he’s been… careful these last few months and I… well… I kinda miss something harder… you know what I mean?” I said and blushed while Sam smiled kindly at me.

“Oh… I think I have something for you then. Not exactly for you but for your boyfriend. Chris is the expert baker but I add some special treats to some of our products and I have a very special one that will give your boyfriend the boost he needs for you to enjoy. Only warning: it’s very potent so he only has to take a small bite and you’ll be seeing stars.” Sam said and somehow managed to lean forward to bring up a small box with a red ribbon on top. “This cookie will work as… let’s say an aphrodisiac but it’s much more than that but… again… only a small bite.”

“Oh… that sounds… great. Matt loves cookies.” I said as he handed me the box.

“And I’m sure you’ll cookies too after you see what this one will do.” Sam said and smiled really big.

I looked at Matt and I noticed Chris was handing him a box, similar to the one I had for him, but a bit bigger and with a blue ribbon on top of it. Matt looked back at me with a charming smile that I hadn’t seen in months. I recognized that smile from the day we conceived our boy. I got closer to him again while our boy rolled around inside me. I knew at that moment that we were about to meet our son really soon. I just felt it.

“Look Joey, I got something for you. I know you love cupcakes and Chris says this Red Velvet one is delicious.” Matt said and showed me the box he had in his hand.

“I also got something for you. I know you love cookies and Sam said this one is special.” I said and Matt smiled. Part of me knew he knew I was up to something.

After we paid for the cupcake and the cookie, we promised Sam and Chris to go back to the bakery shop after our kid was born. They were so nice that Chris even gave us a free cheesecake as an anticipated gift to celebrate our boy’s birth. I love cheesecakes so I was extremely grateful. I was definitely going back to that bakery shop, especially if the cookie did what Sam said it did. So, Matt took the cheesecake and we left with huge smiles on our faces.

While Matt and I continued our way back home, Matt handed me the box with the cupcake and I gave him the box with the cookie. Since I was so hungry, I opened the box immediately and the cupcake looked delicious. I wasn’t paying attention to Matt so I just smiled and took the paper cup away, to fit the whole cupcake in my mouth in one bite. I was extremely hungry but as soon as I swallowed the cupcake, I remembered Sam’s warning about the cookie and I looked up to see Matt swallowing too.

“Only take a small bite!” Matt and I said at the same time while we looked at each other in shock.

I realized he had eaten the whole cookie and it seemed like Chris had given him the same instructions about me only taking a small bite. I got worried for a few seconds but then I realized nothing bad could result from that. While I looked at Matt’s handsome face, I started feeling hot and our baby started kicking a lot. My pecs felt full with milk and my dick even chubbed up in my pants. Then, I noticed Matt was getting hard and it turned me on more than ever before. We smiled at each other, clearly realizing we were up for some great fun but we could never imagine the huge outcome of not following Sam’s and Chris’ instructions about the small bites.



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