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Shane’s POV

As the weeks passed and September was getting closer, I was getting so excited about meeting Scott again that I didn’t pay attention to some sickness that was getting more recurrent every day. I was throwing up every morning, and I was extremely tired all the time, but I only cared about meeting Scott again. The thing is, in the last week of August, my sickness was too obvious, and my mom scheduled an appointment with our family doctor so he could check on me before leaving for college. I wasn’t that worried, but I knew she was right.

The appointment was pretty easy at first because the doctor just asked about my generals and did a quick checkup. He had been in charge of my health since I was a kid, so he knew everything about my special condition. So, while I described my symptoms, I saw him noting things down while looking worried. He said he needed a blood sample to run some tests, but I had to wait ‘until the next day for the results. I thought it was just a stomach bug, but he sounded very serious, so I was getting worried.

The next day, I went to the doctor’s office with my mom because she was worried. The doctor didn’t even give us a chance to process his explanations about the blood tests before releasing the bomb. He said, considering my condition—he meant my womb—he needed to run another exam because the symptoms matched a pregnancy. The blood test showed my hormones matched with either a pregnancy or testicular cancer. My world fell apart because the memory of that time with Coach Wagner came to mind, as did my guilt about it.

My mom laughed at the doctor until I had to accept the truth: a man had fucked me, which meant a pregnancy was possible. My mom lost it, and the doctor tried to calm her down while I cried. He told me, as a solution to my problem, that I could get an abortion, but I couldn’t do that to my baby. Then, when we arrived home, things got worse because my dad wanted to kick me out of the house. He asked me over and over again who had knocked me up, but I was too ashamed to tell him the truth. He was really mad, but my mom protected me from his anger. She was mad at me too, but she was still a mom. She was still my mom. That night, I cried again because I knew I was screwed.

Over the next few days, my world fell apart. My dad said he wasn’t paying for my college, so my plan to meet Scott again was over. On top of the very stressful fact that I was a pregnant man, my mom was mad but also confused, so she barely talked to me.

Even though I had considered getting pregnant at some point in life, it was many years into the future and only with Scott’s kids. Sadly, that was really far from reality.

When September arrived, instead of leaving for college, I was drowning in chaos. My doctor transferred me to another doctor who could help me with my specific condition because my old doctor wasn’t sure what to do with me. That new doctor, Tyson Walters, wasn’t an expert in male pregnancy because there was no such thing, but he was at least an expert in pregnancies. However, his office was 2 hours away from my hometown because my dad insisted he didn’t want our neighbors to find out I was a freak.

On my first appointment with Dr. Walters, a few days before my 19th birthday, he asked me many questions. Some of those questions were pretty personal, but it was to be expected because he needed to know, for example, the date I had gotten pregnant. It was awkward, and I blushed all along, but he was very professional, and his questions were logical in my condition. He was actually pretty supportive all along.

A while later, he took me to another room and asked me to lie on a bed and lift my shirt up. I knew what he was about to do, and I felt ridiculous. It was a bit awkward while he spread that cold gel over my lower abdomen, so I closed my eyes. Then, while the doctor moved the device over my abdomen, he asked me to open it again because he had something to show me. I was afraid but curious about what it was, but I could only smile when I saw the screen.

He said I was eight weeks pregnant with identical twins, and even though that made things even more complicated, as soon as I saw the little babies on the screen, I couldn’t help but smile and cry. They were my babies; they were part of me, so when the doctor asked me if I wanted an abortion, I rejected the idea without hesitation again. I had to protect them. I even imagined having them in my arms. I asked if they were boys or girls, but the doctor said it was too early to know. Even then, I was in love with them.

Starting that day, I looked at things very differently. My dad was still mad, and my mom was mostly silent about everything, but I focused on the babies that were growing inside me. They were the only things that mattered to me. I spent most of my time alone in my room, so I was always shirtless to have free access to my abdomen. I was even waiting for the babies to start moving or something because I didn’t know it was still way too early for that. I was just extremely excited. Everything was great when I was in my room, but as soon as I walked out of it, it was kind of a nightmare.

By the time I had my second appointment with Dr. Walters, when October started, my parents were fighting every single day, and it was always about me. My dad didn’t want to pay for my appointments or anything related to me, but my mom insisted they had to. She gave me the money to pay for that appointment, but I knew I needed someone else’s help. I had to swallow my pride and call Coach Wagner to tell him the truth. Initially, he didn’t believe me, but I told him I could bring the proofs to his house and show them to him and his wife so they could conclude if I was telling the truth. Obviously, he freaked out and agreed to give me money to pay for everything I needed, but only if I never called him again. He didn’t want to lose his marriage, which I didn’t want either, and I really needed the money.

Since my second appointment went as well as the first one, I was even more in love with my babies, even though my life was a nightmare. Even then, my mom still gave me extra portions because, somehow, she knew I was extremely hungry all the time. By the time I was 16 weeks pregnant, around the last few days of October, I had gained 16 pounds, and even though I didn’t have a big belly, my abs were gone. When I had my clothes on, at least the bigger ones, I looked as normal as ever, but while I was in my room and my shirt was off, there was an undeniable belly where my abs used to be.

Since I had nothing else to do, I spent hours playing with my belly and thinking about Scott. I closed my eyes, and while I rubbed my belly I imagined I was pregnant with Scott’s kids. I thought about his hands rubbing my belly while our kids kicked, and I couldn’t help but smile. I spent hours just doing this, dying to call him. I needed to hear his voice, but at the same time, I was too ashamed to talk to him.

I was too ashamed to do anything. Even coming out of my room to have dinner was awkward because my dad didn’t want to see me, and I didn’t want to face him either. So, my mom brought my food to my room most of the time, even though she was clearly mad at me. She was sweet but never did anything against my dad’s harsh attitude. But I can’t blame them because I knew they were disappointed.

Even then, there was this sweet moment when I was about 19 weeks pregnant and my belly was obvious. I hadn’t seen my dad in days, and my mom always saw me with a shirt on. That Saturday my dad was away, and I was shirtless when my mom walked into my room. She looked surprised, and I tried to cover my belly with my sheets, but she came closer and took the sheets away, marveling at my round abdomen. She hesitated for a few seconds but then placed a hand on my belly. I was almost crying. It was the first time she had touched me like that in a while. She still cared about me, even though I had disappointed her. She looked at my belly like she was looking at a unicorn. Then, she smiled.

 Please promise me you’re going to be a good father to this baby. Don’t let your dad’s attitude change how you feel about it,” she said, and I started crying.

“I promise, Mom. I’ll take care of them. I’m having twins. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, but... I never found the right moment,” I said, and she smiled even bigger while her hand was still on my belly.

She hugged me tight, with one of her hands still on my belly. While we were hugging, I felt something pushing against my mom’s hand from the inside. It took me by surprise, and my mom felt it too, so she broke the hug and looked at my belly again. One of the babies was moving, and soon its sibling followed. That made me so happy, and I was grateful my mom was there with me. We spent a few more minutes looking at the babies’ movements in my belly, but then my dad arrived, and she left. After that day, things got even more complicated.

A few days later, when I was 20 weeks pregnant, I went to my appointment, and Dr. Walters told me I couldn’t go to his office anymore because I was calling too much attention. I knew it was because my belly was getting too obvious. It made sense, but I felt terrible. That was a bittersweet appointment because he also told me I was having twin boys, which cheered me up a lot. Having two boys was a dream come true, even in our strange circumstances.

Even though Dr. Walters said I couldn’t go to his office anymore, he also told me he had a son, Tyler, who was about to get into medical school but already knew a lot about pregnancies. Tyler could come to my house to check on me and keep my pregnancy on track without anyone finding out. I wasn’t that eager to go out in public, so having home visits sounded great. The only problem was that my dad would surely freak out if a doctor came to our house to check on me. I accepted but didn’t tell my parents.

For the next few weeks, I tried to find a way to tell my parents, or at least my mom, that a man was coming to our house to check on their pregnant son. Thankfully, as Christmas was getting closer and my parents were under so much stress, they decided to take a 3-week-long vacation on a Caribbean cruise. I didn’t know about that until the day they left, by mid-December. My mom came to my room to tell me they were leaving, and even though I was somewhat sad, I was also relieved to spend a few days away from them. She hugged me very quickly, and then I was alone.

For the first time in months, I could walk through the house without fear. I could rub my belly freely, and it was getting big already, so I did it a lot. Since the babies moved a lot, my belly always needed some rubs. Those were some great days. I also had the chance to eat everything I wanted, not just what my mom gave me, which wasn’t a small portion either. I felt free for the first time in months, and I realized that was what I wanted for my kids too, but I didn’t know how to give them that kind of life.

A few days later, the answer to my problems came in the form of an extremely hot medical student. Tyler Walters came to check on me three days before Christmas when I was 24 weeks pregnant. My belly was pretty big, so when he saw me, the surprise was evident in his eyes. His dad had told him everything about me, but I knew it was not the same having a man in front of you, so clearly pregnant. He was surprised, and I was amazed. Tyler was 23 years old, and even though he was about an inch shorter than me, he looked huge because of his muscles. I couldn’t believe how hot and how nice he was. He made me feel
 safe, somehow.

After he checked on my health, we talked for a while, and I told him about the situation with my parents. He said he could help me find a cheap enough place for me to rent. I wasn’t sure at first, but I had some savings, plus the money Coach Wagner gave me was enough. Tyler also offered me his financial aid in case I needed anything. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears while he kept talking. Even when he left a while later, I could only smile and look at my belly. Things were about to change for me and my kids, and it was all thanks to Tyler Walters’ help.



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