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We couldn’t be happier as the weeks passed. Spencer faced many challenges, but we were so in love with the idea of having babies together that his face was permanently adorned with a broad smile. When December started, Spencer was almost 16 weeks pregnant, and his weight was only a few pounds from 400 pounds. His belly stuck out about 8 inches from his former flat abdomen, making it impossible to hide his growing gut.

Even when Spencer wore oversized hoodies and jackets, his belly would stretch the fabric, hinting at his round abdomen, leaving me excited and horny. I loved how much bigger he was getting because, apart from his belly, some other parts of his body were also thickening. His butt looked fuller, straining his pants. His chest looked somewhat rounder and softer, and we knew it was all due to his overeating. He had strange cravings for high-calorie foods and carbs, things he had avoided for years before finding out he was pregnant.

He often texted me while I was at work, asking me for burgers or French fries, donuts, and fried chicken. He had a favorite place to get the fried chicken from, and even though they could deliver it to our apartment, he was somewhat needy, demanding that I bring it personally after work. When I arrived home every evening, I carried several bags of fast food for my big guy. My favorite moment of the day was when he sat beside me on the couch to devour it all right before my eyes. Others wouldn’t give those moments a thought, but I loved them.

Spencer laid on his back, resting his head on my lap. He went through several pieces of fried chicken like he hadn’t eaten in days, and I could only smile. I reached for his bare belly and rubbed it while Spencer continued eating. He often said he wanted big and healthy babies, insisting he had to eat a lot to grow our babies big and strong like him. I laughed and leaned to kiss his lips, marveling at how he was glowing and bursting with joy.

“You look stunning. Did you know that?” I said, caressing his belly while he ate the last piece of chicken.

“Hmm, I think I look like a pig,” he said, chuckling without pausing his eating.

“Well, you’re the prettiest pig ever,” I replied, rubbing small circles over his taut belly.

Spencer smiled, winking at me. “Thanks for filling my stomach with all this food. You’re the best,” he patted his round belly before sitting up. “Now you gotta fill me up in other ways,” he added, a lustful grin spreading on his face as he eyed my crotch.

I laughed and quickly removed my pants, revealing my big, hard dick. “You’re such a greedy pig; you knew that?” I replied playfully, “I’m all yours, big guy. Bring your insatiable butt over here and ride me all night long.”

“Hmm, some respect, Owen; I’m carrying your children,” Spencer said, rubbing his belly and laughing as he approached to sit on my lap facing me. He guided my dick to his ass and sat heavily, taking in my foot-long cock in a single move. I smiled and moved my hands to his belly, caressing its taut skin and marveling at the fact that my babies were growing there. As he started bouncing up and down on my dick, hypnotizing me, his moans grew louder. I wouldn’t change those moments for anything else.

Our routine revolved around Spencer’s pregnancy for the next few weeks. We still attended classes, but as the holiday break approached, our minds drifted farther from school stuff. Considering Spencer’s belly was growing faster than we expected, we decided it was better if he dropped out of college for the next semester. We loved how big Spencer was getting, but we had to be careful to avoid stares or suspicious comments. Spencer noticed some of his classmates staring at his belly. We couldn’t blame them. Those stares were the proof we needed to decide to hide Spencer for the rest of the pregnancy.

When he reached the 16-week mark, the same day we saw the number “400” on the scale, the winter break was only a week away, and another challenge arose. Each of our parents insisted on us going home for the holidays. We had never missed a family gathering but didn’t feel ready to tell them about Spencer’s pregnancy. I thought my parents could be somewhat understanding because they knew I was gay and I wasn’t the guy carrying eight babies. But Spencer’s parents were a whole different story because, even though they knew he was bi, they thought it was just a phase and that he would end up marrying a girl.

As the days passed and the holidays approached, I noticed Spencer’s attitude toward me changing. He wasn’t the loving and sweet guy I loved so much, but he turned colder and more serious. He even asked me to give him some space, so we slept in different rooms, which hadn’t happened since we found out he was pregnant. I knew he was nervous and couldn’t blame him, so I tried to be understanding.

However, even though we weren’t sharing a bed, his demands never stopped; they only became more intense. His classes were over for the year, so he stayed home the whole day. The anxiety caused by the impending revelation to our parents only increased Spencer’s hunger, and he even wanted me to sneak away from my job whenever he texted me to bring him candy or drinks. I couldn’t fulfill those requests because I couldn’t leave my workplace during my shift, but he didn’t understand.

“Where have you been?” Spencer shouted one evening as I arrived from my shift, two days before we left to visit our parents. He was naked on the couch, eating a bowl of ice cream, his eyes red from crying. “I’ve been starving to death all afternoon. You put these babies in me, and now you can’t fulfill your responsibilities.”

I froze by the door, taking in the scene and processing his words. “What are you talking about? I left about... five hours ago,” I replied, a bit angry at his complaint. “Also, I doubt you’ll starve to death if you don’t eat for a few hours. Look at you.”

“Are you calling me fat?” He replied, looking evidently offended.

I laughed out loud and stood before him. “You can’t be serious?” I said, taking the bowl of ice cream from his hands. “What are you? A woman going through menopause? What’s wrong with you?” I said it without thinking about my words before they escaped my mouth, regretting them immediately.

“I’m pregnant with your babies,” he said, tears running down his face. “I’m fat because of you. My parents will disown me because of you. That’s what’s wrong with me.” He stood up surprisingly quickly, considering his size and condition. I saw his massive frame cast a shadow over me as he approached. 

“No, Spencer. I didn’t mean to say that aloud. Look, I get you’re scared of your parents’ reaction, but...” I began, but he looked furious and hurt. His face was red with anger while tears streamed down his cheeks.

“You didn’t want to say it aloud, but you think it,” he firmly said.

“Spencer, I don’t think you’re fat. You look stunning. You’re perfect,” I replied, caressing his face. I felt like the Hulk’s girlfriend trying to calm the green monster down. I smiled, pulling Spencer into a quick kiss and making him sigh. “Spencer Collins, you’re not fat. But if you were fat, I would love you the same. I wouldn’t mind having some soft spots to squeeze on your body.”

Spencer chuckled and hugged me tight, leaning in to rest his head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Owen. I… I… I’m scared. When you didn’t come when I asked you to come, I felt like you didn’t care about me, and...”

“Hey, hey, stop it there. I won’t let you complete that sentence,” I said as I hugged Spencer tight. “I didn’t come because I was at work, and you know we need the money. But I’d swim through the Pacific Ocean twice to get to you if you were in trouble.”

Spencer only rested his head on my shoulder for what felt like an eternity, and I felt some tears still escaping his eyes. “Would you sleep with me tonight? I don’t want to be alone. And... I want you there when I tell my parents about the twins and these eight babies.”

“I’m not leaving your side, now or ever. You’re mine, and I’m yours.” I smiled, caressing his back. “Also, our 10 coming babies are my responsibility, as much as yours.”

We cuddled tightly that night, talking about our plans for the future. We knew our parents would likely cut any financial help they gave us because it was for school expenses. It was a huge problem. We knew we had a lot of things to pay for and buy very soon, considering the twins were due in April. The woman Spencer got pregnant was willing to give up on all her rights over the babies, and I wanted to adopt them as mine. But we needed to cover the legal expenses of the process.

We had too many things to worry about but still had to make more sacrifices. Spencer was already dropping out of school, at least temporarily, and the more I thought about it, the more I convinced myself that it was for the best if I did the same. I was the only one earning any money, and with a part-time job, it wasn’t much. Dropping out of school meant I would have the time to get a full-time job to support Spencer and our 10 coming babies. We left for the holidays, aware that college was out of near-future plans.

Spencer wore several layers of baggy clothes when we arrived at his parent’s house. However, his parents immediately noticed his belly when we arrived. He was 411 pounds on Christmas Eve, and his belly stuck out about 10 inches from his rib cage; even though his thick pecs helped him conceal his belly’s actual size, it was impossible to hide.

“What happened to you?” His dad asked when he saw Spencer. Mr. Collins wasn’t a mean man, but he was a perfectionist. He loved his son and hugged him tight, but he playfully made some remarks about Spencer’s weight gain, making my big guy blush.

His mom was a bit more harsh, requesting that he start a diet after the holidays, but even then, she immediately offered him a slice of pie. I stood by Spencer’s side because we wanted to tell our families as soon as possible. So, we sat with our pie on their dining table, with his parents asking many questions about school. Spencer was sweating, even though the house and the whole town were cold. I reached for his hand under the table, making him gasp, and his parents noticed, exchanging surprised stares.

“Mom, Dad, I have something important to tell you,” Spencer began, taking a deep breath. “Where do I start?” He said this, looking at me. “I’ll start with something I should’ve told you a while ago. Owen and I... we’re boyfriends. I love him, and he loves me more than I deserve.” Spencer looked at his parents, who didn’t move for a few seconds.

“Spencer, we understood when you told us you liked girls and boys. It wasn’t that bad; we only want you to be happy. But… You also know we’ve always wanted grandchildren, and... with all respect, Owen can’t give you a family,” Mr. Collins said, making me chuckle.

“I know. I’m well aware Owen can’t give me kids, but...” Spencer continued, taking another deep breath. “A few months ago, I cheated on him with a girl, and she ended up pregnant. She’s 26 weeks pregnant with twins. And I’m the father,” he said, and his parents froze again.

“That’s... unexpected, but... is Owen okay with this? I’m not understanding,” Ms. Collins said, looking at me and waiting for my reaction.

“There’s something else. This woman doesn’t want to keep the babies, so I’ll raise them with Owen. He will be their dad as much as I am,” Spencer said, his parents more and more silent as he continued talking. “And there’s something else. Mom, Dad. I… We’re not only having twins. A few weeks ago, I was sick, so I went to the doctor, and he found out I have... How do I say this? I... have a womb, and... I’m pregnant. Owen and I are expecting octuplets.”

Spencer’s parents turned pale but didn’t believe him. They initially thought he was joking. Then, they thought Spencer was losing his mind. When I assured them that Spencer was telling the truth, they thought I was also crazy. The room turned into a chaotic mess of arguments from his parents, trying to convince Spencer that he was not pregnant. His dad even said I was responsible for their son going crazy.

Spencer left the room while his parents were still freaking out, and I immediately followed him. He sat on the couch, crying, so I approached and wrapped my arms around him, caressing his belly. I knew he was nervous and sad, but I assured him over and over again that everything would be alright.

“We only need each other and our babies, okay?” I said this, kissing his cheek and sliding my hand under his shirt to rub his taut belly.

Strangely enough, seeing us hugging on the couch was the proof Spencer’s parents needed to believe our story. His mom asked him to lift up his hoodie and shirt, and for an unknown reason, she immediately believed our story when she saw Spencer’s belly. His dad looked reluctant but slowly approached and tightly hugged Spencer. They shared a sweet hug, and Ms. Collins pulled me into it. Their warm expressions of love made me smile.

“You better take good care of my son,” Ms. Collins told me when we broke the hug.

“And you better get married. My grandchildren won’t grow up outside of marriage,” Mr. Collins said, making Spencer and I blush.

I had considered marrying Spencer, but I always expected him to ask the questions first. However, things were different now that he was carrying my kids. The rest of the evening was filled with questions and concerns from Spencer’s parents. Learning that he was dropping out of school, at least until he had given birth, made them freak out again. My lack of a stable job to support our “family” was an issue for Mr. Collins. However, their concerns only led them to promise to give us some financial help and to pay for all the legal expenses for the adoption process of the twins.

Things were great with Spencer’s family. However, my parents had a different reaction. They freaked out big time and requested that I leave Spencer immediately. They said Spencer was crazy—as expected—and my dad insisted I didn’t have to pay for anything. They insisted the twins weren’t my responsibility, so I could run away without remorse. My mom was hysterical when I told her I was dropping out of college to get a full-time job; she was literally shaking as she talked about me throwing my future into the trash can.

I didn’t expect them to react like that. However, they reluctantly accepted my decision when they saw I was determined to stay with Spencer. They still retired the financial support they gave me, but at least they didn’t kick us away. Spencer was evidently sad because of my parents’ reaction. But while we hugged in his bed that night, with his parents’ permission, I assured him that everything would be alright.

Considering Spencer’s parents were willing to pay for a lawyer to follow the adoption process, I immediately contacted someone I knew. I explained our situation, telling the lawyer we wanted the twins’ last name to be “Collins-Richards.” The lawyer responded I couldn’t give the babies my last name because I wasn’t married to Spencer. The only way for me to adopt them as mine was if Spencer and I got married. It wasn’t a big deal, but I was sad. Those babies were also mine, and for some legal shit, they couldn’t have my last name.

Then, as we returned to our apartment after the holidays, our relationship was better than ever. Things started somewhat improving. We dropped out of college, but I found a job that paid enough to help with our expenses. Spencer’s parents sent us money to buy food and prenatal vitamins for Spencer, even though I knew he didn’t need them. And surprisingly, my parents kept sending me money, even though they were still somewhat mad. My mom texted me that they would still support me on the condition that I would continue college after the babies were born. I obviously accepted.

Seeing how things were working fine after a pretty emotionally unstable December, I made a decision on the first few days of the New Year. One that I knew was the right thing to do.

On January 7th, the day Spencer reached 20 weeks pregnant, I woke up very early and left him soundly asleep in bed. I observed his thick body and smiled. He was 424 pounds as of the night before, and his belly protruded 12 inches from his ribcage, a round, firm dome that made me gasp with excitement. His whole body was thicker and softer, making him look enormous. His skin was tender, and some spots were sensitive, and I loved to tease him.

I had a surprise for Spencer that morning. I needed to get everything ready before he woke up, which would take a long time, considering he had to empty his bladder frequently. I added decorations to our living room and put on my best suit. Everything looked perfect.

I got in position when Spencer went from his room to the bathroom. I heard his heavy footsteps approaching a few minutes later. I took a deep breath, smiling broadly.

“Owen? Why aren’t you in bed?” He asked as he entered the living room, fully naked, with his right hand atop his belly and his left hand on the small of his back. He looked stunning, even though he was half asleep.

“Spencer Collins, I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and now I know this is the right thing to do,” I said, kneeling before him, leaving him speechless. “I’ve looked for the definition of perfection in a dictionary, and the words can’t describe what perfection is. However, I find the true meaning of what perfection is whenever I look at you. When you smile, my knees go weak. When you laugh, my heart beats faster. When you rub your belly, I realize we’ve defied everything to create our babies. With each passing day, I realize that you, Spencer Collins, are the living definition of perfection. And I want to spend the rest of my life tied to you. Would you give me the honor to marry you?” I asked, lifting up a small red box with a ring.

“Yes! Of course, I’ll marry you,” he responded, approaching to kiss me while tears streamed down his cheeks. “I’ve been meaning to propose, but I didn’t know how to do it.”

“You only had to ask, and I would’ve surrendered immediately,” I responded between kisses as I slid the ring onto his finger. “My body, my heart, and my soul—everything I am—is already yours.”

“And I’m totally yours. Even my womb is yours,” Spencer responded, chuckling as he guided my hands to his belly. “These babies will have the best dad in the world.”

“They’ll have the best dads,” I said as we continued kissing. “Now, let’s get you dressed up. Your suit won’t fit like before, but we’ll manage. We have an appointment in about two hours to get married.”

“Wait, how did you know I was accepting?” Spencer playfully said, winking at me.

“I knew. You can’t resist me, big guy,” I responded, slapping his butt as we went to his room to dress him up. We still had to face challenges, but I knew everything would be alright.



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