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Hayden couldn’t keep his hands off his abdomen on the way to his hometown. The scene in the doctor’s office repeated in his head as he tried to process what was happening to him. His secret encounter with Marcus was also on repeat in his head. Hayden and James weren’t exclusive, but they were having kids together, changing some things. His pregnancy had so many negative implications that he didn’t know where to start.

He was young, only starting college, and his parents still paid all his expenses. He couldn’t afford to raise one baby, so having six was crazy. He was on the wrestling team, a contact sport that would be risky in his condition, and the team’s captain was the father of the babies. And the most shocking part: he was a man. He shouldn’t be able to get pregnant, but here he was, thinking about how to tell his parents, James, the coach, and the team that he was pregnant.

Hayden wore a loose-fitting t-shirt and a thick jacket to hide the slight curve of his growing abdomen, with oversized pants to hide his thickening ass and thighs. He wanted to keep his pregnancy a secret from his parents and brother at all costs, at least until he found out how to tell them that his career as a wrestler was over.

Hayden’s parents picked him up at the bus terminal, happy to have him back for the winter break. They asked many questions about wrestling, and even though his mind was full of many thoughts, Hayden responded to make them feel proud. Their living room was full of Hayden’s trophies, medals, certificates, and photos of his wrestling career in his high school years, so it was an important topic for them.

As they arrived home, Hayden’s 12-year-old brother, Noah, ran to hug him tight, excitedly greeting him. Noah had just entered his school’s wrestling team, and it seemed like he was as good as Hayden. Noah admired Hayden and was determined to follow in his brother’s steps.

“Hey, big bro,” Noah exclaimed, throwing himself into Hayden’s arms. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too, little man,” Hayden replied, lifting Noah in a hug and pushing his belly against the boy’s body. “How is wrestling going?”

“Great! I’ve won all the matches since I started. The coach says I’m as good or even better than you were at my age,” Noah responded, proud to be compared with Hayden.

“That sounds great, but... you have a long way to go before you catch up with me,” Hayden said, putting Noah down as they entered the house.

Over the next few days, Hayden enjoyed the home-cooked meals, the warm hugs from his family, and the festive spirit of the holidays, but he couldn’t help but feel anxious about his secret. He often moved his hand to his abdomen in a protective manner, trying to hide his belly and checking if everything felt okay. It was still hard to believe that he had six lives inside him, so he had to touch his belly to remind himself that it was all true.

His morning sickness persisted, but it was more manageable, making way for an excessive hunger that frequently attacked him. He often woke up in the middle of the night to have a snack, even though he had devoured large portions of his mom’s meals. Remembering that he had to tell James about the pregnancy in a few days only increased his anxiety, leaving him starving.

Hayden couldn’t stop touching his belly, marveling at how firm it was and wondering how big he would get. Part of him thought he could hide his pregnancy until the end of the season in March, but he knew it was unlikely. He thought about his options, not knowing what to do but aware that he needed to tell James first.

On December 30th, Hayden and his family went to the championship. He was nervous because he had to wear his singlet, which hugged his body like a second skin, showing off the curve of his abdomen. Also, Hayden was hesitant about wrestling because it could hurt the babies, but couldn’t come up with an excuse to avoid it. And finally, he was nervous about facing James and telling him the truth.

Hayden put on his red wrestling singlet, which felt tighter than ever. The stretchy fabric hugged his abdomen, accentuating the curve where his chiseled abs used to be. The singlet strained around his massive ass, emphasizing the size of his bulge at the front. Hayden’s 220-pound body turned heads on his team, the opponents, and the audience, making him feel even more nervous.

Fans cheered, and competitiveness filled the gym. Hayden took a deep breath and faced the matches, focusing on making his parents, Noah, the coach, and James proud of him. The day was long, and Hayden was exhausted by the end of it, but his team performed exceptionally well, winning all their matches. They couldn’t stop smiling when the announcer declared the team the champions.

They went out to celebrate and have pizza together. Hayden acted like nothing was happening but couldn’t stop looking at James. The big man looked so happy and confident that Hayden was nervous about the possible reaction. Then, he looked at Marcus and remembered how much he had enjoyed having sex with the tall man, but he thought things wouldn’t work with him now that he was pregnant.

As James excused himself to go to the bathroom, Hayden also excused himself and followed the captain. Hayden hesitated to enter the bathroom for a few seconds, not knowing how to tell James the truth. Then, James opened the door and found Hayden caressing his abdomen.

“Oh, hey. You didn’t have to wait outside; there are several stalls in there, and... it’s not like you haven’t seen it all already anyway,” James said, winking and smiling at Hayden. His cocky attitude had only increased with their victory.

“No, I only wanted to talk. I have something important to tell you,” Hayden said, pushing James back into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. “I don’t know where to start.”

“I’ll start then. Man, you looked hot with the singlet. That ass of yours, fuck! Better than the day we met,” James said, approaching Hayden and reaching for his huge ass.

“Yeah, about that day. I... hmm... what we did in the locker room,” Hayden said as James massaged his ass, making him moan. “James, stop it for a second, hmm, please.”

“What we did in the locker room was great, and I think we both deserve Part 2 after today’s events,” James said, leaning in to kiss Hayden’s neck.

“James, listen… I…” Hayden tried to talk as he lost himself in James’ touch. “James, I’m pregnant. You got me pregnant that day after practice,” Hayden said as James stopped what he was doing.

“What? Is this some foreplay? Because I’m totally in,” James said, grinning and pressing his body tighter against Hayden’s again. “We hardly know each other, but I would have some babies with you,” James playfully said, thinking it was a joke.

“No, it’s true. I went to see a doctor a few days ago, and I found out I have a womb, and... you put six babies in me that day. I’m 12 weeks pregnant with sextuplets, and they’re yours,” Hayden said between moans, snapping James out of his trance.

The captain froze for a few seconds, expressing his conflicted emotions and asking many questions about the pregnancy. He looked nervous and scared. Hayden was terrified that James would run away, leaving him alone with the babies, but after some thoughtful moments, James smiled and hugged Hayden.

“This is the craziest shit ever, but if you say we’re having six babies together, then I’ll be the best dad ever,” James said, kneeling before Hayden to lift the hem of his t-shirt. James revealed Hayden’s slightly round abdomen, where his babies were growing. “So, hey there, little ones. I’m your dad. Your daddy just told me about you, and you should know that I’ll be by your daddy’s side all along. He’s stubborn; he wrestled all day even though he knew you were inside him,” James said to Hayden’s abdomen, kissing it to emphasize his promise.

“I’m surprised you didn’t freak out. I was nervous. Nobody knows about this. I don’t know what to do,” Hayden said, worried but enjoying James’ touch.

“We’ll find a way to tell them, but not yet. Let’s wait a few days. Let’s hope you don’t get too big to hide this. I think I overdid it that day. Six babies is a lot, but what can I say? I’m a stud,” James said, proud of knocking Hayden up with sextuplets.


When Hayden returned to school, his life became a delicate balancing act of keeping his pregnancy a secret, attending classes, and maintaining his commitment to the wrestling team. The Conference and National Dual Meets were approaching, adding pressure to Hayden’s complicated situation. His belly grew rounder with each passing day, making it more difficult to hide it.

Even though Hayden was anxious about the whole thing, he felt nice whenever James approached to touch his belly when the team was distracted. James would pull Hayden aside to rub his belly or talk to their babies. Their status hadn’t changed: they weren’t boyfriends, but James was excited about becoming a dad, and Hayden loved the attention.

Hayden’s belly was evident by mid-January. The round shape on his abdomen was still visible when he wore loose clothes, and the snug material left nothing to the imagination when he wore his singlet. His entire frame looked thicker, his belly was rounding out, and his ass had grown even thicker, just like his legs and arms.

The team traveled to various locations to compete against teams from across the region, making Hayden feel permanently exhausted due to his pregnancy symptoms and the many activities they had to attend. The matches were grueling, pushing him to his limits, but he managed to win them all. Everything was becoming challenging as his belly grew, but everything felt better because James stayed close, making sure Hayden felt alright.

“What if we wait until the end of the month to tell everyone? They’ve noticed your belly, but maybe they won’t get too suspicious,” James said in the captain’s small room in the lockers after practice in mid-January, with Hayden in his arms, cuddling while caressing his belly.

“You must be kidding. I’ll be as big as a house by the end of the month. My singlet can barely hold on around my abdomen, my ass, and my balls. Everything is getting so tight, and... my nipples are so sensitive,” Hayden said, prompting James to move his hands to the younger man’s pink nipples.

“So, sensitive? Why didn’t you mention that before?” James playfully said, rubbing around Hayden’s nipples and making him moan and gasp. “And even if everybody notices you’re getting thicker, as long as you keep winning all the matches against other teams, you’ll be fine. And you’ve been performing exceptionally well. You did great yesterday.”

“Hmm… But it’s getting harder. I’m 14 weeks pregnant with six babies. Six! I get tired so fast, and I feel so heavy. Also, I don’t know if I’ll be able to survive another match without my singlet bursting due to my own growing body,” Hayden said between moans while James continued playing with his nipples.

“Well, if that ever happens, I bet our team will get even more fans, which is good. Everybody will know you’re carrying our future champs,” James said, moving his hands to Hayden’s belly and then to his ass. “And we all would get a great show with this massive butt on full display.” James firmly squeezed Hayden’s ass, making the pregnant guy chuckle as he realized that James was hooked on his body even though they weren’t in a relationship.


Hayden’s weight continued to increase as January progressed. His symptoms persisted, but he dealt with them, and by the end of the month, he weighed 238 pounds and had to get a bigger singlet to accommodate his growing body. Most of the weight was centered in his belly, now a noticeable and firm swell straining against his clothing. His ass and thighs had also grown thicker, adding to the challenge of concealing his condition.

He managed to survive all the matches during January, but Hayden knew he was running out of time. The coach repeatedly pointed at his weight gain, even though Hayden won all his matches. They were all worried, but James insisted they had to wait a little longer to avoid the coach expelling Hayden from the team.

However, as great as Hayden performed on the mat, the coach ordered him to do additional workouts with Tyler to maintain adequate conditioning. Tyler had a sturdy build, which made him look strong and thick. Hayden had always admired the junior’s physique, marveling at his broad pecs and strong core.

“You’re running late, buddy,” Tyler said as Hayden entered the gym one night at the end of January. His natural confidence made Hayden smile. “But don’t worry, I won’t tell the coach that you’re getting slower.”

“Yeah. I’m sorry. I got caught up with stuff,” Hayden said, moving his hand to his 16-week pregnant abdomen like he was trying to protect it from Tyler’s judgment. “Give me a second to change into my singlet.”

“No, we won’t be doing any wrestling tonight; shirtless and shorts will do fine,” Tyler said, approaching Hayden with a cocky grin. “You’ve been looking thicker. I’m not sure if you’re trying to bulk up, but I think you’re not doing it correctly,” Tyler added as he stood before Hayden. Tyler was 2 inches taller and got so close that Hayden felt his fresh mint breathing against his face.

“Eh, no, I’m not bulking. I’m just struggling with stuff. Class, the team, and... you know how this is,” Hayden said, feeling Tyler’s abs rub against his belly. “But I would appreciate it if you helped me keep up with my workouts. I can’t deny I’ve been gaining some weight.”

“Hmm… sure. Some weight,” Tyler grinned, patting Hayden’s belly as he moved away. “Let’s start with some jogging to warm up. Take the T-shirt off. I want to see those muscles in action.”

Hayden sighed and, unable to escape, removed his t-shirt and revealed the full extent of his “weight gain” on his upper body. Tyler’s eyes widened when he saw Hayden’s belly, ignoring it as best he could. Tyler started jogging, asking Hayden to follow him, randomly changing his speed to get the blood flowing. It was a simple warming-up exercise, but Hayden struggled to keep up. The added weight and the discomfort in his abdomen made each movement feel heavier, leaving him breathless only a few minutes later.

“You okay, man? You won’t tell me a big man like you already got tired,” Tyler said, his tone friendly but sarcastic.

“I’m fine. I need a minute to catch my breath,” Hayden replied, absentmindedly rubbing his belly and moving his other hand to the small of his back, leaving Tyler confused.

“Man, you need to tell me what’s going on. What’s up with the gut and all the rubbing?” Tyler asked, approaching Hayden to get his hands on his belly.

“It’s nothing. I had too many snacks, I guess. I’m fine,” Hayden said, moving his hand off his belly but keeping the other one on his back.

Tyler got behind Hayden and started massaging his shoulders, making Hayden gasp and softly moan. “You seem to be under a lot of stress; let me help you with that,” Tyler said, massaging Hayden’s back. “I think you need a good massage, but you should give your back a break first. Let’s get you on your back on a bench to release some of the pressure.”

Hayden couldn’t help but groan in relief at Tyler’s massage, so he followed the taller man and did what he was told. Hayden lay on his back on a bench, the position only accentuating the curve of his belly. Tyler sat beside Hayden’s head and firmly massaged his pecs as more moans escaped the pregnant guy’s lips due to his sensitive nipples.

Tyler’s massage continued over Hayden’s firm abdomen, making him gasp. He was worried Tyler would notice his belly was too firm to be fat, but another concern rose as his dick got hard in his shorts. His big dick strained the material, making Tyler chuckle as he moved his hands to Hayden’s lower abdomen, down to the base of his dick.

“That feels so good,” Hayden mumbled as Tyler stood up and focused the massage on Hayden’s lower body.

“I know. I can tell you’re enjoying this,” Tyler said as he massaged Hayden’s powerful thighs and hips. “Your dick won’t let you hide it.” Tyler moved his hands to Hayden’s crotch and rubbed his big bulge through the fabric.

“Could you take my shorts off?” Hayden said, moaning and groaning while Tyler continued playing with his dick. “Please.”

Tyler grinned and quickly removed Hayden’s shorts and jockstrap, immediately doing the same to be naked like his teammate. Hayden moaned more when Tyler’s hands came into direct contact with his dick and bull balls. Tyler moved his hands lower between Hayden’s thighs, trying to reach his ass to tease him. Hayden willingly spread his legs to give Tyler as much access as possible to his ass.

“Is this some kind of invitation?” Tyler asked, getting between Hayden’s legs.

“It is. You’re making me feel so good,” Hayden asked, lifting his legs to emphasize the invitation. “Do whatever you want.”

Tyler didn’t hesitate to take Hayden’s legs over his shoulder while getting on top of him. He rubbed his dick against Hayden’s ass, sending shivers down his spine. His dick wasn’t as long as Hayden’s, but it was outstandingly thick. When Tyler pushed his hips forward to fit his dick into Hayden’s ass, he found little resistance, and his dick slid in quickly, even though it was a tight fit. Hayden moaned out loudly, making Tyler grin.

“Fuck. This ass feels better than I’ve been imagining since the day we met,” Tyler whispered into Hayden’s ears, who gasped uncontrollably.

“Have you been imagining how it would feel?” Hayden asked between moans.

“Yeah. And it’s a lot better than I expected,” Tyler replied, bucking his hips to fuck Hayden. “I’m sure you’ll love this, but if you want me to stop, just tell me.”

Hayden responded with moans as Tyler’s hips sped up. The bench creaked under their weight and the force of Tyler’s thrusts. Hayden was high on pleasure, but while Tyler pounded hard, he moved his hands to his abdomen, thinking about his pregnancy. He was pregnant with James’ kids and had fucked Marcus in that same gym eight weeks ago, but Tyler was making him feel so good that he only wanted more.

“Harder, please. You’re so thick,” Hayden mumbled, igniting Tyler’s overconfident ego.

“Remember, you begged for it,” Tyler said, leaning forward to kiss Hayden’s cheeks as his hips bucked harder and faster, making Hayden moan even louder.

Hayden was so lost in pleasure that he didn’t even notice his dick was leaking buckets of pre-cum over his own abdomen while Tyler’s dick leaked like an open faucet inside him. Hayden felt his abdomen getting slightly more bloated, but he didn’t want Tyler to stop; he loved how the thick dick felt deep inside his guts. The fucking continued for what felt like an eternity, and Hayden’s mind was blank; he couldn’t get enough of Tyler’s dick.

“I hope you don’t mind me finishing inside you,” Tyler asked as he felt his balls ready to explode. “You already look bloated anyway.”

“Do it. Cum inside me,” Hayden managed to say, and immediately felt a wave of warm cum coating his guts and filling him up to the brim.

Hayden groaned in pleasure, and his dick started shooting massive globs of cum over his abdomen as his belly tightened and inched outward between his and Tyler’s bodies. Hayden placed his hands on his belly, and he felt it expand in all directions beneath his palms. He didn’t know if it was Tyler’s cum filling him up so much, but the sensation was so overwhelming that Hayden almost passed out from pleasure.

By the time both guys stopped cumming, Hayden’s belly was at least an inch and a half thicker than before the fucking. Tyler kept his dick inside for a while, their sweaty bodies glistening under the gym’s lights as they caught their breaths.

“I think this was a great workout,” Tyler said, finally pulling his dick out.

“It was, and I wouldn’t mind getting fatter if that meant we’d be doing this more often,” Hayden replied, aware that he was only getting thicker over the next few months. Tyler only laughed and leaned forward to kiss Hayden’s belly, which looked tighter and rounder than a few minutes ago.



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