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Casper couldn’t stop thinking about his family while he continued caressing around his engorged, leaky nipples. The sensation was strange but somehow made him feel better. His pecs were always extremely full, so caressing the nipples while the pressure went down at least a bit was a tiny light of goodness in Casper’s permanently uncomfortable state. The babies continued crying in their cribs, and the ones inside him continued kicking nonstop; every second was an overwhelming mix of exhaustion, hopelessness, and disbelief. But even then, as he caressed his enormous belly, he couldn’t help but smile, thinking about his beautiful sons.

“You guys are making me struggle a lot, but I can’t wait to have you in my arms,” Casper whispered, embracing his fatherly side, which had helped him deal with his unusual circumstances. “I’ll love you as much as I love your older brothers, all five of them,” Casper added, lovingly rubbing his belly as he thought about the older quadruplets and Ed.

A tear traveled down his cheek as Casper thought of Ed again. His eldest son was a great young man, a wonderful son who would’ve done a fantastic job as an older brother if Casper hadn’t been a coward in the first place. He didn’t know if his wife would’ve accepted him back with the first quadruplets, but he knew Ed would’ve been by his side during the worst moments.

“You would’ve loved your older brother, but… uugghh… ohh… I think that was a contraction,” Casper said as he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. His breathing became shallow while the contraction passed. “Maybe you’d get to meet him one day. If I ever find a way to explain where you all came from,” Casper said, weakly smiling while rubbing the top of his massive belly when the contraction ended.

As Casper tried to summon his energies to stand up while recovering from the contraction, he thought about the night after his first sexual encounter with Filip, the night he apologized to his wife and son. Everything was great back then, but the future had already taken an unexpected turn.


Casper apologized to his wife and his son about an hour after Filip had fucked him in the back seat of his car. Casper had been regretful about his actions, and after some talking, the family hugged tightly, making Casper cry with happiness. Casper jumped over his wife when he was in their bedroom later, passionately kissing her. They shared a fantastic night together, with the most amazing sex they had ever had.

Casper wanted to be the best husband and father ever, but even though his behavior improved at home, he continued meeting with Filip every morning. They didn’t reunite for dinner anymore, but Casper left his house about an hour earlier to meet with Filip on an abandoned lot with no nearby houses for an intense fuck session before going to work. Casper loved to start his days in the back seat of Filip’s car, with Filip’s muscular body on top pounding hard into him and the thick dick stretching his hole beyond what he thought was possible.

Casper couldn’t stand a single day without feeling Filip’s dick buried deep inside him. He also loved the feeling of Filip’s warm seed flooding his guts; it made him feel alive. Their secret encounters gave Casper the energy to go to work and be a wonderful husband and dad when he arrived home. Everything was great as long as Filip fucked him every morning. However, deep inside him, Casper knew that he would have to deal with the consequences of his cheating, but he never expected what the consequences would be.

By New Year 2021, Casper was feeling off most of his days. During the first days of the year, he experienced sudden sickness every morning, accompanied by extreme fatigue, making him think it was COVID. As the tests came negative, Casper’s fears grew. He threw up every morning and felt nauseous all the time. He was tired and drained every single moment of the day, except for the beautiful moments he spent with Filip every morning at the abandoned lot.

Casper hid his sickness from Filip as best as he could, focusing on the incredible feeling of the thick dick plowing his hole over and over again every morning. It had been two months since the first time they had sex, and Casper couldn’t get enough of Filip’s dick. In Casper’s mind, his cheating helped him deal with the sickness while also igniting the fire to have a great sexual life with his wife.

Casper’s relationship with his wife had never been better, and she was worried about his sickness, forcing him to schedule an appointment with a doctor by the end of January. Casper called a close friend, Dr. Tate Reid, who had been his friend since childhood. Tate was the type of friend who would help Casper bury a body if he killed a person. They grew up in the same neighborhood, and even after Tate’s family moved to another city, their friendship remained strong.

“And you said you’ve been experiencing all these symptoms for a few weeks? Nausea, fatigue, dizziness, episodes of extreme hunger, mood swings, correct?” Tate asked Casper while reading his results from many exams and after a long conversation about the symptoms. “Have you noticed anything else?” Tate asked as he took notes on his iPad.

“Correct. It all started after the New Year, and apart from those symptoms, I’ve been feeling bloated, and I’ve gained some weight, most of it on my abdomen,” Casper responded, placing his hand on his subtle belly.

“You should cut on the donuts; I know you love them too much. I think you should watch your eating; I can tell you’re getting a gut,” Tate said, chuckling and making Casper laugh. “But seriously. I want to run an ultrasound to see if your stomach is doing okay because most of your symptoms relate to your digestive system.”

Casper nodded, and they moved to another room. Casper lay on his back on the examination table and lifted the hem of his shirt to reveal his hairy abdomen. Tate moved the transducer over Casper’s abdomen for a while, looking confused, but then his eyes widened, scaring Casper.

“Have you been sexually active in the last few months?” Tate asked, sounding confused.

“What? Yeah, I mean. I’m married; I have sex with my wife all the time,” Casper responded, trying to figure out why Tate had asked about it.

“No, I mean, man... How do I say this? Did you know you have a womb?” Tate responded, keeping the transducer on Casper’s lower abdomen.

“Tate, I’m sick, and you’re making jokes? You know me, my wife, and my son; I’m a man,” Casper said, somewhat bitter.

“I’m not doubting you’re a man, but you have a womb, and you have four fetuses inside that womb. Casper, you’re pregnant. I’d say you’re about 10 weeks pregnant with quadruplets,” Tate said, turning the screen around to show Casper the four dots representing his babies.

Casper laughed when he heard those words, not believing Tate. However, as he paid close attention to the screen, he realized it couldn’t be a joke; there were four babies inside him. Casper struggled to contain his tears as Tate continued asking more questions about the womb and the babies, but Casper couldn’t respond. He didn’t know about the womb, but he immediately knew where the babies had come from; they were Filip’s.

Tate explained that he had read some articles about male pregnancy, but it was supposed to be impossible. He said the articles talked about some men developing functional feminine reproductive organs, allowing them, in theory, to get pregnant. He said that most of these men never found out they were able to get pregnant because the additional organs were only internal, connected to the anus. Since those men never engaged in same-sex intercourse, they never noticed. Some people thought it wouldn’t be safe for a man to get pregnant, even if the body allowed him to. Tate didn’t know about any recorded cases of a man getting pregnant, and he said that if there were any cases of successful male pregnancy, he knew most men would try to hide the condition.

Casper nodded because he wanted to hide his condition. He didn’t know how to react, so he only asked a few questions about the possibility of getting hurt during the pregnancy. Casper asked how the babies were coming out if he didn’t have the right equipment, making Tate laugh.

“You shouldn’t have the right equipment to conceive either, but here you are,” Tate said, moving the transducer off Casper’s belly and carefully wiping off the gel from the hairy abdomen. “I guess these babies will come out the same way someone put them inside you. This takes me to the next question: have you felt anything different down there? Something that you’d say isn’t normal.”

Casper was speechless and a bit uncomfortable with the question, but he remembered how easily Filip had fit his thick dick into his virgin hole. He figured his hole was naturally stretchy because it was meant for additional functions. “I don’t think so. Everything works as it should,” Casper said, lying to avoid talking about his wild fucking with Filip.

Tate nodded but looked concerned. His professional side took over and tried to make Casper feel good about the news. Tate even talked about the possibility of an abortion because of the unprecedented circumstances, but Casper couldn’t do that. He was confused, but deep inside, he already cared for his unborn children. The only path to go down in Casper’s mind was continuing the pregnancy and facing the consequences of his acts. Tate was supportive of this decision and prescribed prenatal vitamins and pills for the morning sickness. He also wanted to monitor Casper’s pregnancy, but the pregnant man didn’t want to feel like a lab rat.

Casper felt like a freak over the next few days. Part of him wanted to tell his family and try to figure out a way to make things work, but he knew it would be too complicated because he would have to explain his cheating with Filip. Casper also thought about telling Filip the truth, but since they were just fuck buddies, he couldn’t expect the other man to take any responsibility in such a complicated situation. Casper didn’t know how to handle the situation, at least without destroying his family and ending up alone.

Additionally, Casper’s belly became more noticeable after discovering he was pregnant. It wasn’t a big belly, but the round shape was there. He couldn’t be shirtless in his house like he used to because he was too ashamed. Also, Casper carefully kept his belly covered when he met with Filip every morning. He didn’t want to give the big man any hints that something was happening. Casper was getting anxious about his secret, but deep inside him, he couldn’t stand the idea of losing his family or stopping his morning fucks with Filip.

However, Casper knew he couldn’t hide his pregnancy forever, forcing him to make a difficult decision. First of all, he stopped his morning fucks with Filip, struggling to avoid him while also longing for his thick dick. Then there was his family, which was the hardest part. Casper didn’t dare to face his wife and son, so after thinking about it, he quit his job and secretly got everything ready to leave.

Casper was exactly 12 weeks pregnant when he left in the middle of the night while his wife and son were sleeping. He had gained 14 pounds so far, and most of it was evident in his belly. Casper planned to only stay away from his family for a few months until the delivery of the babies. He didn’t know how he would explain the existence of those four babies, but he thought it would be easier than staying with his wife and son while his belly grew. Casper thought hiding from them was the best option. He knew they would try to contact him, so he changed his number to avoid having contact with them.

Casper was a 39-year-old straight, married man coming back to his mother’s house because another man had fucked and knocked him up with four kids. Explaining that to his mom was hard, but after the initial shock, she became very supportive. His mom said it was disappointing to learn that her son was a cheater, giving Casper a long speech about fidelity and the consequences of cheating. Casper only nodded and cried because he knew she was right.

However, after a long and awkward conversation about the affair that resulted in the four babies growing in Casper’s belly, his mom hugged him, allowing him to cry out in fear of what was happening but also making him feel safe in her arms. Casper couldn’t stop thinking about his family, but while his mom hugged him tight, he placed his hand on his belly and sighed at the realization that those babies needed him to stay strong.

Casper struggled to get used to his new life in the following weeks because his mom didn’t allow him to do anything in the house. It seemed like her motherly side was enjoying the whole thing. Her only son was pregnant, and as unusual as the situation was, she could bond with him over the symptoms and general aspects of the pregnancy. She constantly asked Casper if he was hungry, and since he was starving most of the time, he ate whatever and whenever he wanted.

Casper was worried about getting too fat, but his mom always convinced him he needed to eat a lot to have strong and healthy babies. “You’re eating for five, and I want those babies to be big and healthy when they’re born,” she often said, preparing a massive snack for a constantly hungry Casper. He didn’t say anything and only continued eating, but a part of him was scared about the birth if the babies got too big.

Casper started enjoying his life with his mom after his initial hesitation. His belly was growing a lot, and his mom was excited about it, often giving it soft rubs. Casper enjoyed caressing his round abdomen when he was alone, marveling at how firm it was and how much it showed through his regular clothes. He wore oversized clothes to hide the belly, even though his mom insisted he looked good. But whenever he saw his reflection in the mirror, he couldn’t help but sigh in disbelief.

Casper never went out of the house to avoid people’s stares. He spent his days eating, lying in bed, and watching videos or TV shows. He knew it was good to relax in his condition, but he noticed some parts of his body were responding to the constant procrastination. His arms and pecs looked softer, and his love handles looked thicker. His ass and legs were thicker, making his shorts feel snug on his body. Casper was worried because his belly wasn’t the only part growing, but his mom insisted it was expected for the body to get thicker and softer during pregnancy.

Even though his mom made things much easier to handle, Casper was often saddened when he thought about his family. He missed his wife and their son, and his mom insisted that they deserved to know what was happening, but Casper couldn’t stand the idea of standing before them with his big belly. He was sad about it, but the bigger his belly got, the more he started enjoying the pregnancy and the fact that his sons were growing inside him.

Everything became even better one night when he was 17 weeks pregnant. Casper was only in underwear, watching a movie after a large dinner. His belly felt ready to burst due to the pregnancy and the food, prompting him to lovingly rub his taut skin. As his hand rested at the top of his belly for a few seconds, he felt something firmly pushing against his hand. It was quick, and he didn’t know what it was, but he felt something similar on the lower part of his belly, soon followed by two more sensations in different directions. Casper moved his hands to those spots, and the movement continued, confirming it wasn’t gas.

“I’ve felt this before. Your brother used to kick like this.” Casper recalled how he used to rub his wife’s belly when she was pregnant with Ed. “You’re kicking. Are you telling me you’re here with me, right? We’re all in this together, the five of us,” Casper added, tears of happiness pouring down his cheeks.

The babies never stopped moving since that moment; they seemed to be taking turns because they never stopped. Day and night, at least one of the babies was kicking or rolling, making Casper smile and groan. Whenever one of the babies kicked in one direction, he reached for the spot to rub it and calm that baby down, but then another would kick in another direction, prompting him to rub another part of his belly. These movements went on for hours because they never stopped. Casper loved to play with them. However, it was somewhat painful when they decided to kick him all at once, leaving him breathless but with a broad smile, feeling already in love with the babies.

Casper’s mom insisted he needed to visit a doctor after the babies started kicking. She was excited about his son’s pregnancy and wanted to be sure the babies were healthy. She had worked as a nurse for years and knew that Casper’s pregnancy was risky. He wasn’t only a man but also middle-aged and going through a pregnancy with multiples; everything about it was high-risk. Casper knew she was right but didn’t want anybody else learning he was a freak; Tate was enough. He only wanted to enjoy the feeling of his babies growing in his belly.

He knew the babies were healthy because they kicked strong, and his big belly proved they were big. The rest of his body was getting fatter, which he knew was good for him. However, knowing that he carried four lives within him made him call his friend, Dr. Tate Reid, asking him for a home visit. His belly was already getting too obvious and couldn’t be mistaken for a beer gut, so he preferred to have Tate come over because he knew his mom’s address.

When Casper contacted Tate, the doctor accepted the request immediately because he had been concerned about him but didn’t know how to contact him. Tate said he had asked Casper’s wife about him, not revealing the reason for his concern, and she had informed him of Casper’s disappearance. Tate understood why Casper was hiding and offered to help with anything the pregnant man needed. He said he had a portable sonogram machine he could bring to check on the babies without Casper getting out of the house. It all sounded good, but Casper was nervous about letting Tate see him in such a vulnerable and freaky state.

Even against Casper’s anxiety about facing his friend with a big belly on the way, Tate scheduled his visit for a Sunday in April when Casper’s mom wasn’t in the house because of her bingo day with her friends. Casper was 20 weeks pregnant, and his belly was round and heavy, causing him to slightly waddle.

“I’m coming; I know it’s you,” Casper said as he slowly approached the front door, where Tate knocked incessantly. He wore an oversized T-shirt, unsuccessfully trying to hide his belly, and a pair of stretchy shorts that only accentuated his thickened legs and ass. One of his hands was on the small of his back, while the other rested at the top of his belly.

Casper opened the door and immediately saw Tate’s expression of shock. “Wow. You look due with a child. I knew you would be big, but you exceeded my expectations,” Tate said, making Casper blush.

“Thanks; you’re really helping my self-esteem. I know I look like a whale,” Casper said, moving to the side to let Tate in, who had a heavy-looking bag in his hand. “Come in, please. I don’t want any nosy neighbors to see me like this.”

“You look great. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your belly,” Tate said, softly rubbing Casper’s belly, making him gasp.

Casper couldn’t help but feel great when Tate touched his belly. He knew the doctor was joking, but his admiration and shock were sweet. “Thanks. I-I really appreciate it,” Casper said, rubbing the side of his belly as the babies started moving more when Tate talked. “Follow me to my bedroom; that’s where I am most of the time, so we can do whatever you want there,” Casper added as they headed to his bedroom.

“I like how that sounds, but I’d like to start with your weight. As I said, I didn’t expect you to be this big this early in the pregnancy, so I’d like to track your weight gain,” Tate said as they entered the room. Tate took a scale from his bag and asked Casper to step on it.

“In my mind, I still weigh 189 pounds. I’m not so willing to learn that I weigh a ton now,” Casper said as he got on the scale, looking down to read the numbers, but his belly blocked the view of his feet, making Tate chuckle.

“230.8 pounds,” Tate said as Casper’s eyes widened. “That’s 40 pounds in 20 weeks. As a reference, a woman gains 35 pounds max during the whole pregnancy. However, you’re a man having four babies, so I’d expect you to gain another 40 pounds before the babies are born.”

“You can’t be serious. Another 40 pounds? I already feel like a whale,” Casper grumpily said, making Tate laugh.

“I’m only the doctor who checks on your health; I have no involvement in you going through this. Blame that other guy,” Tate said, patting Casper’s belly. “You can keep the scale to check on your weight more often. Now, please remove your shirt and lay in bed so I can check on your abdomen and run the ultrasound.

“You must be kidding; I’m not letting you see me without the t-shirt. Look at me; I have this huge belly and...” Casper said as he moved to the bed.

“And I’m your doctor. How am I supposed to run the ultrasound if you don’t let me see your abdomen?” Tate insisted, evidently curious to see Casper’s bare belly. “I’m sure you look amazing.”

Casper sighed and removed his t-shirt, making Tate’s eyes widen. Casper sat on the bed and blushed as Tate checked his blood pressure, heartbeat, and reflexes. Tate said everything looked perfect and asked Casper to lie on his back while he prepared the sonogram machine. Casper obeyed and nervously rubbed his belly while Tate brought up a laptop and placed it on a nightstand.

“I did some research after your last visit. I read a hypothetical article about male pregnancy. This doctor says that males can carry more kids and grow them above the average for women’s pregnancies. Which seems  accurate considering you’re having quadruplets, and your belly is so big.” Tate smiled as he talked, and Casper found it cute that the doctor was so excited about the pregnancy.

“That means I’m bound to have big babies, even though I’m having four of them,” Casper asked as Tate nodded and applied gel to his lower belly. “Lucky me.”

Tate chuckled as he connected the transducer to his laptop. A new window popped up on the screen as Tate started performing the ultrasound. “Okay, let’s see how these babies are doing. We already checked that Daddy is big and healthy, and... it seems like we have four healthy babies here,” Tate said, smiling and moving the transducer over Casper’s belly. “We have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight legs; eight arms; four heads, and let me check... we have one… and two… three… and… I think, yeah, four penises. Congratulations, my dear friend; you’re having four baby boys,” Tate said, kindly smiling at Casper, who couldn’t contain his tears.

“I’m sorry, the hormones,” Casper apologized as Tate showed him each baby on the screen. When he had the first ultrasound, the babies were tiny spots, but at 20 weeks pregnant, he could see them clearly. “So, is everything okay? Nothing strange?”

“They look perfectly healthy. I’d say they’re a bit bigger than the average 20-week baby, but other than that, they are perfect, just like their daddy,” Tate added, turning the sound on and allowing Casper to hear their heartbeats. “Yeah, four strong hearts. They’re going to be as strong as their daddy.”

Casper couldn’t stop crying while Tate wiped the gel off his belly and started packing his equipment. “Thanks so much for this. You know this is all very difficult for me, but at least now I know they’re doing okay,” Casper said, softly caressing his belly.

“You have nothing to worry about. However, I’d like to monitor your and the babies’ health. I want to come visit every other Sunday and check on you. I can’t come more often because I have work, and Sundays are usually my days off with my wife and kids. I told them a friend had an emergency, and I’m sure they’ll understand if I skip our family day every other weekend,” Tate said as he walked to the door while Casper got out of bed and put on his t-shirt.

“I appreciate it. I don’t know how I’ll ever pay you for this since you said on the phone that you don’t want my money,” Casper said as they walked to the front door.

“Don’t worry about that. I’m your friend, and I only want you to be fine,” Tate said, tightly hugging Casper. “I’ll see you in two weeks,” Tate added, kissing Casper’s cheek before leaving.

Casper was speechless as the doctor left. He caressed his cheeks and blushed as he felt his dick stirring to life in his pants after Tate’s kiss. The sensation was fantastic; the hug and the kiss made Casper feel safe, even in his circumstances.

After Tate’s visit, the pregnancy hormones increased Casper’s arousal, and the doctor was the protagonist of his horny thoughts. For the next few hours, Casper couldn’t stop thinking about Tate’s sweetness while stroking his dick and caressing his bull balls. He was getting over Filip’s memory, but new lustful thoughts rose.




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