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Hayden walked confidently through the empty halls, enjoying the cold wind announcing the impending December snowfall as the soft glow of the setting sun cast long shadows across the campus. Hayden had always loved the cold, even though he grew up in a permanently hot town. He was excited about going home for the holidays in about two weeks, but he had a lot of things to do before enjoying some family time with his parents and little brother.

As he approached the gym for practice, Hayden took a deep breath and smiled, thinking about the events of the last two months. It had been nine weeks since the day he joined the wrestling team and met his teammates. For the first 4 weeks, Hayden went through intense practices in preparation for the regular season, which started in November. He trained with James, Marcus, Jake, Tyler, and Connor six days a week and reached the proper conditioning for the dual meets and open tournaments, setting the stage for the season.

Hayden couldn’t help but inflate his chest with pride as he recalled all the victories he brought for the team, helping them win all the duals and the tournaments and filling the coach with pride. They still had more matches ahead before the holidays and a local championship before the New Year, so they still had work to do. Hayden was very excited about his success with the team, and it also helped him get closer to his teammates, James in particular.

After the wild rounds of sex they had on the day they met, Hayden and James had messed around some more, but not as seriously as the first time. Whenever Hayden performed well in practice or during the duals in November, James rewarded him with secret encounters in the lockers or other random places. They hadn’t talked about being exclusive or having a relationship, which was good with Hayden. He loved to feel James’ naked body against his, but neither of them was interested in a serious relationship.

As Hayden thought about James’ magnificent body, remembering a few times when the massive guy rode Hayden’s big dick, he felt his fuck tool harden in his pants, and a grin spread on his face. College life was going better than expected. He had grown accustomed to the rigorous demands of college life, balancing his studies with the grueling wrestling practices that had become a central part of his routine, and on top of it all, he had lots of fun with James and the other teammates.

Fixing his pants to hide his half-hard dick, Hayden pushed the heavy gym doors, expecting to see James and the others already there, but Marcus stood alone in the middle of the mat with his wrestling singlet already on. Marcus turned as he heard the door open, and a welcoming smile spread across his face when he saw Hayden. Even after all those months, Hayden couldn’t help but gasp at Marcus’ towering and imposing frame, making the tall guy smile even more.

“Hey, Hayden,” Marcus greeted Hayden. “It looks like it’s just the two of us tonight.”

Hayden returned the smile as he approached and shook Marcus’ hand. “Hey, Marcus. I guess so. Where’s everyone else?”

“Coach decided to give us the night off, but I didn’t check on my phone on time, and I guess you didn’t either,” Marcus explained as he began stretching. Hayden took his phone from his bag, only to find the messages from the coach. “Since we’re both here, what do you say about a one-on-one to work on a few things?” Marcus asked, and Hayden nodded.

“Sure, let me change, and I’ll be back in a second,” Hayden responded with a smile.

Hayden went to the locker room and quickly removed his thick jacket, sweatpants, and shirt. Standing only in his jockstrap, Hayden glanced at his reflection in the mirror, and a few thoughts crossed his mind. He had noticed a slight change in his physique over the past few weeks. His muscles looked bulgier than ever due to the arduous training but seemed somewhat softer.

He didn’t mind the bulk because it helped him on the mat against the opponents, but he couldn’t help but feel worried about a sudden increase in his weight, most noticeable on his abdomen. His once-chiseled abs now bore the faintest hint of softness and a rounding-out shape that Hayden had always avoided. His ass, already prominent after all his years of training, also looked fuller and jiggled more than ever before. He attributed these changes to the infamous freshman 15, expected during a guy’s transition to college life, but he had already gained 14 pounds in only 9 weeks since joining the wrestling team, so he was still worried.

Snapping out of his trance, Hayden quickly put on his singlet, noticing that the stretchy material only accentuated the changes on his body. The red fabric strained to contain his bulging pecs, stretched taut around his midsection, and barely held his fat ass and big bulge in place. Hayden softly groaned as he adjusted his singlet between his thick thighs, realizing that he would need a bigger singlet if he got any bigger.

As he stepped out of the locker room and approached Marcus, Hayden couldn’t help but marvel at his teammate’s physique again, causing his dick to harden in the pouch of his jockstrap again.

“Ready to get started?” Marcus asked, grinning when he noticed Hayden’s singlet looking ready to burst and his half-hard dick straining the singlet. “You look great, Hayden, but I can’t help but notice you’ve put on a bit of weight.” Marcus winked and looked at Hayden’s body up and down.

Hayden shifted uncomfortably, his cheeks flushing as he scratched the back of his head. “Yeah. I’ve noticed it. I think it’s just the freshman 15 catching up with me. I’ve been trying to keep up with my workouts, but I guess I’ve been over-eating lately.”

Marcus nodded as he walked around Hayden, his gaze lingering on his bulging abdomen and glutes. “Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us, man, and you look amazing!” Marcus said, playfully slapping Hayden’s ass to see it jiggle, making the young man gasp. “But we can work on this together. Practice will be just the two of us, so we can focus on specific moves and conditioning for the mid and lower parts of the body.”

Hayden chuckled when Marcus slapped his ass again as they moved to the center of the mat, their bodies poised and ready for action. Marcus took the lead, demonstrating his speed and strength through different moves and techniques. Hayden watched closely and followed Marcus’ instructions.

Then, Marcus said they had to put the techniques into practice, prompting Hayden to attack him, which Hayden immediately did. Marcus’ larger frame seemed to dominate the match as their bodies collided, but Hayden had no intention of giving up without making Marcus sweat. He had improved over the last two months, so Hayden was determined to show the bigger man that he couldn’t easily defeat him.

Both of them groaned while they pushed against each other’s bodies. “Keep your stance low,” Marcus said. “And remember to use your hips. I can tell you have great strength there.” Marcus added, slightly stepping backward and making Hayden lose balance.

Marcus quickly moved and wrapped his arms around Hayden’s torso to reach for the young guy’s back and grab his massive ass. Marcus grinned and loosened his grip enough for Hayden to turn around, attempting to leave. Then, Marcus pulled Hayden tighter against him, feeling the massive ass rub against his bulge and making Hayden pant. Marcus hugged Hayden from behind so tightly that Hayden could feel Marcus’ pecs pushing against his back and his dick stirring to life.

“You’re doing great, Hayden. And this weight gain isn’t bad. You look better than ever,” Marcys whispered into Hayden’s ears as he released him from the hug, but Hayden stayed there, enjoying having Marcus’ muscular body against his.

“Thanks. I guess your dick confirms you look how I look,” Hayden said, pushing his hips backward to feel more of Marcus’ dick against him. “I know what you’re doing, and I’m not against it. You also look incredible. Maybe you’d like to do a workout focused on the hips.”

Marcus chuckled and firmly grabbed Hayden’s hips. “Sounds perfect.”

Both guys quickly threw their singlets and jockstraps away. Hayden got on all fours on the mat, and Marcus got behind him immediately. Marcus massaged Hayden’s fat ass cheeks, making him moan. Then, Marcus rubbed his 10-inch-long dick against Hayden’s ass, sending shivers down Hayden’s spine.

“Go ahead. Don’t hesitate,” Hayden said, pushing his hips backward and making Marcus smile.

Following Hayden’s instructions, Marcus buried his dick into his teammate’s hole, enjoying the animalistic sounds that escaped his lips. Marcus pushed his entire 10 inches of dick into Hayden in one swift move, loving how the younger guy’s plump ass felt against his body. Marcus leaned forward and covered Hayden’s body with his. Then, his hips started booking, slowly but hard, and Hayden’s moans grew louder.

“Told… you. We’re... working the... hips,” Hayden managed to say as Marcus sped up his pace, not letting him form words.

“I’ve dreamed about this ass of yours since the day we met, and it feels much better than I ever expected,” Marcus said, bucking his hips as hard and as fast as a jackhammer while Hayden moaned and gasped for air.

Hayden was so lost in pleasure that he didn’t notice his dick was leaking pre-cum onto the mat because he was more interested in the incredible sensation in his guts while Marcus’ pre-cum entered him, making him feel bloated even before the big guy started cumming. Everything about that moment felt incredible. Having Marcus’ body surrounding him felt fantastic; Marcus’ balls hitting his balls with each thrust was surreal, and the massive dick reaching so dick felt fantastic.

“Buddy, I’m so close. I’m pulling out now,” Marcus said between groans as his balls prepared to send a big load into Hayden’s guts.

“Don’t. Go ahead, finish inside,” Hayden said, flexing his glutes to stroke Marcus’ dick and prevent it from moving out of his hole.

When Hayden flexed his glutes, Marcus moaned loudly, and a massive wave of cum flooded the young guy’s guts. Hayden moaned when he felt Marcus’ thick seed filling him up, resulting in his own dick shooting massive globs of cum onto the mat. Both guys were so high on pleasure while they both came that they didn’t notice they were making a mess.

Then, as Marcus stopped cumming, Hayden felt his abdomen tightening and feeling fuller than before. He groaned loudly and placed his right hand over his distended midsection, which started rounding out under his palm. Hayden moaned and groaned while his belly inched outward, further than a simple bloat. The expansion only lasted a few seconds, and the difference was subtle at first sight, but for Hayden, his belly felt very different. His once flat abdomen had thickened in the last two months and now had a curve that made Hayden smile.

“Are you okay?” Marcus asked while Hayden rubbed his abdomen, heavily panting.

“I am. You were incredible,” Hayden added, looking at the messy mat beneath them. “Sadly, we should clean this up before anyone finds us.”

“Oh, true,” Marcus said, pulling his dick out of Hayden’s hole with a loud pop. “Let me help you up, and I’ll clean this up,” Marcus said, offering his hand to a panting Hayden.


Hayden woke up feeling utterly drained the morning after his intense practice with Marcus, still only wearing a jockstrap. As the soft light of dawn entered through the thin curtains of his dorm room, he groggily turned over in bed, feeling his body protest with each movement. A wave of exhaustion washed over him as he rubbed his eyes and tried to shake off the lingering dizziness, but the room seemed to slightly spin as he sat up.

Memories of the previous night’s practice flooded his mind, and a small smile tugged at his lips as he recalled the incredible sensation of Marcus’ dick buried inside him. He absentmindedly placed his hand on his abdomen, feeling the slight bulge that felt more pronounced since Marcus’ cum filled his guts to the brim. His fingers traced the contours of his stomach, smiling as he realized that it was just a reminder of the incredible sex with Marcus.

“I don’t mind the little belly after such a good fuck,” Hayden said while caressing his abdomen.

Then, a sudden wave of nausea hit him like a freight train. His stomach churned violently, and Hayden barely had time to register the sensation before he had to jump out of bed and rush to the bathroom. Kneeling in front of the toilet, he retched several times before vomiting his dinner from the night before. He felt weaker every second, the cold sweat on his forehead making him shiver despite the room’s warmth.

Once he stopped throwing up, Hayden leaned against the bathroom wall, his mind racing with confusion and worry. He couldn’t get sick on the verge of an important championship. Hayden struggles to feel better, splashing cold water on his face and taking deep breaths to steady himself. However, even after he had regained composure, the dizziness lingered, a constant reminder that something was wrong.

Hayden continued with his routine between scheduled dual meets with other teams, and with some pills for nausea, he managed to win all his matches. He tried to hide his sickness from his teammates and the coach, but over the following weeks, his condition only worsened. Nausea became a near-constant companion, striking at the most inconvenient times and leaving him doubled over in pain. The pills helped, but the nausea never disappeared.

His appetite fluctuated wildly. He couldn’t stand the sight of food some days, while on others, he felt ravenous, devouring everything in sight. Despite his efforts to maintain his regular workout routine, he noticed that he was gaining weight at an alarming rate, which he attributed to his constant overeating or stress for finals. His entire body thickened, but most of the additional pounds settled around his midsection, adding to his growing sense of unease.

Once the duals ended by mid-December, knowing that he needed to be healthy for the championship before the New Year, Hayden finally decided to visit the campus health center. He felt apprehension and hope as he walked into the doctor’s office. A nurse ran a quick examination, asking him about the symptoms. Hayden’s anxiety worsened when the doctor came a few minutes later and referred him to another doctor outside of campus because they thought he needed further examinations.

Hayden made an appointment for December 22nd, the day he was supposed to leave campus to spend the holidays with his parents. The second doctor asked even more questions, and the examinations were more extensive, including weighing him. Hayden sighed when the nurse read the numbers on the scale: 218.3 pounds. Almost 20 pounds in less than three months didn’t sound like a lot, but it was unusual since Hayden exercised constantly.

“Good morning, Hayden. I’ve been reading your file, and your symptoms are somewhat strange,” the doctor kindly said as he sat behind his desk in front of Hayden. “You mentioned you feel tired and dizzy, and you’ve been vomiting a lot. Plus, you’ve gained weight—18 pounds. Correct?”

“Yeah. I’ve been feeling really sick lately,” Hayden responded.

“I see. When did you first notice the nausea and the fatigue?” the doctor asked.

“About two weeks ago. It started out of nowhere, and it’s been getting worse.” Hayden said, sighing deeply.

“Noted. The nurse asked you about your diet, exercise routine, and any recent changes in your lifestyle, and I understand you started college a few months ago,” the doctor continued reading through Hayden’s file.

“I did, back in September. I’m part of the wrestling team, so I can’t allow myself to be sick for long,” Hayden said, sighing again.

“I understand that, and considering all the information you provided, I have some theories, and they’re all related to your stomachs or intestines, so I’d like to run a sonogram to get a clearer picture of what’s happening,” the doctor said, and Hayden only nodded.

Hayden lay back on an examination table a few minutes later, with his shirt rolled up to his pecs. The doctor prepared the sonogram machine, applying a cool gel to Hayden’s abdomen before pressing the transducer against his skin. The doctor inspected the area around Hayen’s stomach and didn’t find anything wrong. Moving lower, he checked on other vital organs, all seemingly healthy. Then he pulled down the waistband of Hayden’s sweatpants to check on his lower abdomen, his eyes widening in shock as he studied the screen.

“This is… highly unusual,” the doctor said, his professional composure slipping momentarily.

“What? What is it? Am I dying?” Hayden’s voice quivered with fear, his heart pounding in his chest.

The doctor didn’t respond immediately, and Hayden’s anxiety skyrocketed. “Hayden, calm down. I don’t think you’re dying. I would say it’s the opposite.” The doctor was evidently shocked and concerned. “Hayden. It appears that you’re pregnant. I have to double-check, but here you have a womb, and inside that womb, I see six fetuses.”

“A WHAT AND SIX WHAT?!” Hayden shouted, struggling to comprehend the impossible reality. “I’m a man; I can show you! I can’t be pregnant.”

“I know you’re a man; you don’t have to show me. I can tell. And yes, men can’t get pregnant, but you can. You have six fetuses developing in your womb. You obviously have options since this is unprecedented. However, I’ll need to monitor your condition very closely. Whether you decide to continue with the pregnancy or not,” the doctor said, turning the screen for Hayden to see the tiny shapes of his unborn children.

“What? You mean, an abortion?” Hayden said, evidently confused. “NO! Of course not! But… I can’t be pregnant. I’m a wrestler. What am I going to tell the coach? What am I going to tell my parents?”

Hayden had more questions than answers as he left the doctor’s office. He couldn’t help but think about his wrestling career and how mad his parents would get. Hayden was confused. He stood outside of the clinic and placed his hands on his small belly, realizing that those six kids were the results of his wild sex with James the day they met. He didn’t know how to deal with a pregnancy, and he feared his belly getting even bigger because he would have even more trouble finding clothes to wear, but at the same time, Hayden couldn’t help but smile at the thought that he was carrying James’ babies inside him.

“I guess we’ll have a New Year’s surprise for your dad when we see him during the championship in a few days,” Hayden said with a broad smile, talking to the babies as he thought about telling James the truth about the six little wrestlers they had created.



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