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Mayternity Special - Patreon Exclusive

“Ugh. Stop moving. Stop kicking. Stop growing. Daddy can’t take this anymore,” Julien groaned as he waddled into his house after work, rubbing his overpacked belly. “You’re almost 2 weeks late, and Daddy can’t grow anymore.”

Julien closed the door behind him, waddling into the living room after a long day at the Home Depot, where he worked as a manager. With his right hand on the small of his back and the other one rubbing big circles over his large abdomen, Julien’s body could only be described as a sight to behold, or as Julien would define it himself: ready to burst. With each step, Julien felt the weight of the entire world in his belly due to its current population. With each step, he groaned in discomfort, which had come to be his permanent state.

“Ugh, these clothes are so tight,” Julien said as he approached the couch, pulling up the hem of his enormous polo t-shirt. Even though he managed to find clothes big enough to cover his fertile body, they were so snug on him that the “ready to burst” sensation was ten times worse.

As he revealed his massive, hairy belly, his hand continued rubbing his taut skin, trying to ease up the pressure and discomfort caused by the size and weight of his babies. With seven 12-day-overdue babies stretching his womb and his skin beyond Julien’s wildest dreams or nightmares, it was hard to believe he could expand even more. However, Julien woke up to a bigger and fuller belly every morning. He loved being pregnant and wasn’t eager to feel the labor pains, but he was getting too big, and he needed the babies out as soon as possible.

Julien grunted as he felt one of the babies kick really hard near his navel, increasing the discomfort because he couldn’t reach that part of his belly to rub it. He could only take a deep breath to deal with the pressure and strain on his skin. During work hours, he had to drown out all the moans and groans because he didn’t want people to get suspicious about his condition, but now that he was home, he could groan in discomfort without restraint.

As he stood by the couch, he removed his T-shirt and put it aside, revealing his massive, hairy, milky pecs, which he had come to love even though they represented a challenge because of their size and plumpness. His lactating chest blocked part of his view and constantly leaked milk, but Julien knew it was all part of the beauty of fatherhood. He removed the pads he wore over his nipples to avoid having large wet spots on his T-shirt, and a stream of milk poured out of both nipples immediately. He grinned and pressed his fingers over his nipples to stop the leaking, aware that his pecs needed a milking session, but he wanted to relax first.

Once the milk flow stopped, Julien started the slow and careful process of sitting on the couch with more groans. His heaviness was hard to handle as he slowly lowered himself, only to let his body fall a few inches from the seat because his legs and arms couldn’t keep him up for long. As his body sank into the cushions, Julien groaned even louder, trying to find a comfortable position for his back, for his hips, and for his crotch, which suffered in this position due to the massive belly crushing it beneath.

As Julien struggled to get comfortable, he sighed at the enormous changes his body had undergone over the last nine months. At 34 years old and standing tall at 6’1”, Julien used to have a regular dad-bod, not exceptionally muscular, but it was evident there was a strong build beneath a layer of fat. His broad frame had always been thick, but his pregnancy had taken the definition of thickness to a new level.

His arms were thick and somewhat soft, but his deltoids, biceps, and triceps bulged so nicely that they made him look strong. His massive, milky pecs were bigger than any chest he had seen, giving him a deep cleavage due to how much they pushed against each other. As much as Julien hated to admit it, his enormous chest made him feel sexy. His belly was huge due to the seven kids endlessly growing inside him, but as uncomfortable as it could be, Julien loved that his septuplets were so big and active.

His thighs were enormously thick, and his wide hips had widened even more to give his enormous ass more room to grow. Julien knew that part of his massive butt was muscle, but the fat that surrounded those muscles made his backside look bubbly, round, and enormous. Due to his wide hips, thick thighs, and massive fat ass, he had some trouble finding pants to wear. Everything was too tight and too uncomfortable, except for some shorts or sweatpants that, even then, clanged to his body like a second skin but allowed him to go to work every morning.

“Hmm, it’s still hard to believe I’m so big,” Julien groaned again as he finally found a somewhat comfortable position, surrounded by cushions and spreading his legs as wide as his hips allowed him to.

“Hey, daddy, you’re finally home.” A voice came from the stairs, making Julien smile and turn his head to see one of his eldest twin boys, Robbie, walking into the living room.

“How are you feeling? Any sign that the babies are coming soon?” Asked the second twin, Ronnie, as they hugged him from behind the couch.

“Hey, big boys. I feel ready to burst, but your little brothers seem to be too comfortable inside me. No Braxton Hicks, no contractions, not anything,” Julien replied as his 16-year-old twins walked around the couch and sat beside him, leaning their heads against his shoulders. “What about you? How was school?”

“It was fine. There’s not much to say about it. Well, we had an exam, and... Ronnie almost failed it,” Robbie said, wrapping one of his arms around his massively pregnant daddy’s hairy torso.

“Oh, come on, I got 25 correct answers out of 30; Robbie got 26; that’s not a big deal. I was far from failing it,” Ronnie replied, wrapping his arm around Julien’s torso like his twin did.

Julien laughed and hugged them tight. “It sounds like both of you did great. Maybe you should get an extra portion of dessert at dinner,” Julien said, smiling at his sons and kissing their foreheads.

The babies started moving more, which happened often when their older brothers were around, forming large bumps on the surface of Julien’s taut belly. Ronnie and Robbie smiled and rubbed big circles over their daddy’s beach ball-sized gut. Julien tilted his head back and relaxed in the loving embrace of his eldest boys. He loved spending time with his big boys, listening to their stories, and high school gossiping.

Ronnie and Robbie were born the summer after Julien’s senior year in high school, about a month after graduation. As a young dad to twin boys, Julien faced many challenges, mainly because male pregnancy was supposed to be impossible then and now. When he was pregnant with his first boys, most people thought Julien had only gotten fatter, and he was glad because he avoided all the drama about being a pregnant man. Knowing that he was capable of getting pregnant was initially shocking, but when he held his babies in his arms for the first time, all the fears and shock were replaced by pure love.

“Daddy, daddy, daddy...” Two voices came from the stairs, taking Julien out of his trance and making him turn his head around again. “You’re home.”

He kept his loving embrace with Ronnie and Robbie as he felt his 10-year-old twins, Dillon and Dixon, hugging him from behind the couch, just like the eldest boys had done a few minutes before. “Hey, my big buddies. You missed me or something?” Julien asked, receiving a kiss on each cheek from his second-eldest twins.

“We always miss you, Daddy,” Dixon said.

“I missed you too. It was a long day. How was school?” Julien asked the younger twins.

“Ian said he’s having a little brother, and we wanted to tell him we’re also having little brothers, but...” Dillon started saying, and the older twins looked at him in surprise.

“But you know that’s our secret. Right?” You didn’t tell him, right?” Julien asked, and Dillon denied it with his head.

“We didn’t, daddy. We kept our secret,” Dixon replied, and the older twins sighed in relief.

“Well done. You’re better at keeping secrets than your older brothers,” Julien said, laughing and hugging Ronnie and Robbie tighter.

“Oh, come one! We were 6, and we didn’t understand,” Robbie said, laughing and patting Julien’s belly.

While they laughed, Julien thought about his second pregnancy. He was 25 when he gave birth to Dillon and Dixon, and the older twins were already in school. Julien had managed to graduate from college a year before and had a great job in the administrative department at a textile factory. When he found out he was pregnant, hiding his growing bump became a challenge. His second twins were larger than the first and went a week overdue, but he convinced everybody that he was only getting fatter.

Dealing with his job while his belly grew wasn’t that difficult because he spent most of his time sitting in front of a desk. However, explaining to Robbie and Ronnie about the coming babies and the fact that their daddy was having them, even though daddies couldn’t do that, was another story. The older twins were excited about their younger brothers and wanted to tell everyone about them. They knew they had to keep the secret, but the 6-year-old boys told their teacher that their daddy had two babies in his tummy. The teacher didn’t believe them, but Julien had to explain to the twins why it was so important to keep their secret.

When Julien gave birth to Dillon and Dixon by mid-October, the twins had another teacher, so the episode didn’t transcend. The new teacher only knew that the twins had two younger brothers and didn’t ask for more details. 10 years later, Julien’s boys knew very well that they must keep the arrival of their baby brothers a secret from everybody.

“Daddy, we’re hungry,” Dillon said, still hugging Julien’s neck.

“Me too. I didn’t have lunch,” Robbie said, playfully patting Julien’s massive pecs. The older twins often teased their dad about his overproductive pecs. As teens, they respected their dad but also made fun of him whenever they had the chance, and considering Julien’s particular conditions, the jokes were limitless.

“You have plenty of milk for all of us, Daddy,” Ronnie said, laughing and patting Julien’s other pec. “These jugs look full.”

Julien laughed. “HA, HA. You’re funny. I’ll show you the photos where you guys enjoyed these jugs,” he responded, making the twins frown, somewhat disgusted.

“Daddy!” Three voices said at once as the door separating the kitchen and the living room opened, and Julien’s 8-year-old triplets, Wyatt, Wylde, and Wylie, ran toward their massively pregnant daddy.

“Hey there, kiddos. I was wondering where you were,” Julien said, releasing the older twins from the hug to give space for the triplets to come closer.

Wyatt and Wylde took Robbie’s place, and Wylie took Ronnie’s place on the couch to hug their daddy. Julien responded with a kiss on each of their foreheads.

“Daddy, daddy. We made a drawing at school,” said Wylie.

“We had to draw our family,” added Wyatt.

“And we wanted to draw our little brothers, but we didn’t,” Wylde said, bringing up a sheet of paper with his drawing.

“I’ll bring mine,” said Wylie and Wyatt simultaneously.

While the two boys ran upstairs to get their drawings, Julien smiled and thought about his third pregnancy. He got pregnant less than two years after the birth of his second twins, and since there was an additional baby compared with the previous pregnancies, his belly got a lot bigger. Wyatt, Wylde, and Wylie were born in the first week of December, less than two months after Dillon and Dixon’s second birthday.

Julien still worked at the same textile factory but in the production department. Even though he convinced everybody that he was only getting fatter, the truth was a burden, creating many challenges because he stayed on his feet for most of his workday. His feet were constantly swollen, and his back was in permanent pain, but he needed to pretend he was okay to keep the truth a secret.

However, Julien’s heart filled with joy whenever he saw how excited Robbie, Ronnie, Dillon, and Dixon were about the coming triplets. And when he finally had his triplets in his arms, he couldn’t be happier. With each pregnancy, Julien enjoyed more of his role as a father, making him want to have more kids in the future since he was only 27 when he gave birth to the triplets.

“Look, look, look!” Shouted Wyatt when he returned with his drawing, soon followed by Wylie with his.

Julien picked up the three drawings and checked on Wylde’s first. Julien smiled when he saw their entire family. He realized that his boys had to draw several people while other kids only had 2 or 3 siblings. Wylie’s and Wyatt’s drawings also had their entire family. The three of them had drawn the family into the same position. There was a large circle in the middle of the paper, with a man very close to it, Julien. The rest of the family surrounded the circle, which could be mistaken for a table, but Julien knew better; it was his belly.

By Julien’s side, on his right, sat two mid-sized young men who looked exactly the same, whom Julien assumed were Robbie and Ronnie. Next to them was another set of identical young men, whom Julien figured were Dillon and Dixon. Then, right by Julien’s side, but on the left, the triplets drew themselves, three identical kids. Next to them, they drew two identical toddlers, Julien’s youngest kids, 3-year-old Marco and Martin. Then, across the circle, right in front of Julien, they drew their dad, Sebastian.

“These drawings are amazing. But you really think my belly is so big to fit you all around like this?” Julien asked, smiling and pulling the triplets to kiss them again. “I’m kidding, I know I’m super big, but it’s because of your baby brothers, who won’t stop kicking Daddy while they hear all your voices,” Julien added, groaning as he felt several kicks from within.

“They always get excited when you arrive home,” a low, masculine voice said, making Julien chuckle. “As excited as we all are,” Sebastian said as he entered the living room, only wearing sweatpants and leaving his super muscular torso on display, with their—not for long—youngest kids in his arms, who extended his arms for Julien to hold them.

“Hey, big guy. Well, please tell your sons to be more careful; I’m not sure if my skin can handle their kicks at this point,” Julien replied, rubbing the sides of his hairy belly to calm the babies down. “And... I think my big babies want their daddy to hold them.” 

“Yes, Daddy,” Marco said as Sebastian placed them on Julien’s lap.

“So, tell me about your day. Did you enjoy your day with your dad?” Julien said, hugging and kissing the kids like he did with all the older ones.

“Yes! We went to a big house, and Dad said...” Martin said.

“Shhh, it was our secret! I literally told you it was our secret,” Sebastian said as he kneeled down in front of Julien’s belly to kiss the taut skin, causing a massive wave of movements and kicking from within. “Sorry about that. I guess they missed me as much as the boys missed you.”

“Uugghh… Yeah, I think so. Oh, please. I asked you to make them stop, not make them go crazy,” Julien said, gritting his teeth in discomfort due to all the movements in his belly. They always reacted like that when Sebastian was closer, like their babies from previous pregnancies.

While Julien waited for the babies to calm down, he thought about his pregnancy with Marco and Martin. He was 30 years old when he got pregnant, and he already worked at the Home Depot, but at a lower level than his current job. The twins grew large, and as expected, they went overdue, but Julien managed to survive the struggles caused by his growing belly because it was his fourth pregnancy. His belly didn’t get as big as in the third pregnancy, and his job was easier to handle, so the pregnancy was smoother.

However, Marco and Martin were the most active babies Julien had carried so far, and when they heard Sebastian’s voice, they went into a frenzy mode that only stopped when Sebastian sang to them. All his kids had been very active in his belly, but Marco and Martin were outstandingly active, and their dad’s voice made it all worse, but it was also the solution.

When the youngest twins were born, by late January, Julien had a set of soccer costumes and toys for them. He said that with Sebastian cheering them up by the field, they would be soccer stars with how much they kicked when they heard their dad’s voice. Since the first pregnancy, Julien’s babies had always reacted to Sebastian’s voice when they were inside him, but Martin and Marco were a special case, and the septuplets were following in their steps.

“Don’t you think it is enough to get me this big, and now you want to make them rip off my skin?” Julien said as the septuplets calmed down and the kicking stopped, leaving him breathless. “But we’ll talk about that later. What’s that secret you want our sons to keep away from me?” Julien asked, smiling at Sebastian.

“Nothing important. It’s this big house in this incredible neighborhood. I had some visits scheduled, and I took the kids with me,” Sebastian said, taking Marco and Wylie in his arms to sit beside Julien on the couch.

“Oh, open house. I’m pretty sure you’ll close a deal very soon. You’re the best real estate agent in town,” Julien replied as Sebastian sat down.

Julien smiled as he enjoyed having his entire family by his side. Julien sat with Marco and Wylie on his lap, and Robbie sat next to him with Dillon on his lap. On the other side, Ronnie sat with Wyatt and Wylde on his lap, next to Dixon, who had Martin on his lap. Julien bought that huge couch to enjoy these moments, and even though he knew they wouldn’t fit in when the septuplets were born, he couldn’t be any happier.

“You look stunning, Julien,” Sebastian said, leaning in to passionately kiss Julien’s lips.

“Oh, dad! Not now. Disgusting!” Ronnie said, quickly standing up, soon followed by the rest of the kids.

“Get a room; don’t do that in front of the kids,” Robbie said, taking the youngest twins in his arms as they all walked into the kitchen while their dads laughed.

“A simple kiss is the best weapon to get them away,” Julien said, kissing Sebastian over and over again while their hands traveled to the massive baby-filled belly.

“You know our kids; they don’t understand that all of them exist because, at some point, I got lost in these beautiful lips of yours,” Sebastian said as they started making out. “...and lost in some other places.”

Julien smiled as Sebastian’s hands continued caressing his fertile body, making him feel incredible. Sebastian’s touch always had that effect on him, making him feel great even though his body felt ready to burst. Sebastian’s touch made him want to be with that man for the rest of their lives and bring many more kids into the world, even though they already had a big brood. Since the moment they found out they were having kids together, Julien didn’t have eyes for anyone but his perfect man.

Sebastian wasn’t only incredibly hot at 6’3” and with a muscular physique that would put superheroes to shame, but his handsome face and sweet attitude made him a perfect man for Julien. But the part that Julien loved the most was Sebastian’s fatherly side. He was involved in all the details of their kids’ lives, even more than Julien himself, which was a lot. Sebastian did all the cooking and cleaning in the house while also giving some chores to all the boys to teach them good manners. He was a perfect partner, a perfect dad, and a truly perfect man.

While they were making out, Julien thought about his relationship with Sebastian over the years. They met when they were 15 but waited until their senior year in high school, when they were 18, to get intimate. Even though it was their first time, Sebastian was so passionate that Julien moaned uncontrollably all along, enjoying the 11-inch fuck tool that rearranged his guts. Only that first time was enough for them to conceive their first set of twins, and by the time Julien started showing, Sebastian was already in dad mode, getting a job to give their coming babies everything they needed.

By the time Ronnie and Robbie were born, Julien and Sebastian had their own apartment—where the babies were born—and Sebastian covered all their expenses. As young dads, they struggled to navigate through college, arranging their school and work schedules to take care of the babies. At some points, Sebastian worked two jobs and attended school, allowing Julien to stay with the kids and attend school during Sebastian’s free hours. He barely had any sleep but always said, “I’ll do everything for you and our kids.”

When they graduated and got better jobs, things improved because they could pay for a nanny, and both had more free time. However, with the arrival of the second set of twins, they had to move to a bigger place, which represented higher monthly costs. Around this time, the episode with the first twins and their teacher happened, and Sebastian went to talk with the teacher to convince her that the boys were confused and their daddy was only getting fat. He teased Julien about that for years.

After the second twins were born, they were somewhat tight with money, but Julien couldn’t resist Sebastian’s dick, leading them to the third pregnancy, the triplets. During that pregnancy, Julien struggled with his big belly, but Sebastian managed to enter the real estate business, changing their financial situation drastically. Their finances improved while Julien’s belly grew, and by the time the triplets were born, Sebastian already had a house for them to move into with their family of nine.

Through all the pregnancies, Sebastian had helped the kids with their homework and taken them to soccer, football, baseball, swimming—everything the boys wanted. Sebastian was the cool dad, but at the same time, he was the one who taught all the boys to be gentlemen. With each passing day, Julien confirmed that Sebastian was the perfect man for him.

“You must be tired,” Sebastian said, caressing Julien’s belly. “This big belly must be giving you a hard time to move around.”

“And it’s all your fault. You and those delicious eleven inches of dick of yours,” Julien whispered, pushing his body against Sebastian’s bare torso.

“My fault? You need two for tango, my love. Your super fertile womb did this to yourself,” Sebastian said, smiling and moving his hands lower to rub Julien’s big belly. “We could try to pop this big belly of yours. What do you say?”

“Sounds good, but I have two requests first,” Julien said, moving his hand to rub Sebastian’s bulge while he nodded. “First, get me something to eat because I’m starving, and... tell me the truth about the secret you wanted our sons to keep away from me,” Julien said, making Sebastian chuckle.

“You won’t forget about that, right? I told you it’s nothing,” Sebastian said, taking his phone out of his pocket.

“Seb, we’ve been together for almost 17 years; I’ve given you nine boys, and I’m incredibly pregnant with seven more; did you really think I would forget about it?” Julien said, rolling his eyes and squeezing Sebastian’s bulge.

“No, I didn’t. But I wanted it to be a surprise for the day these babies were born, but I can’t deny the news to my perfect baby machine,” Sebastian said, making Julien chuckle at that name. He loved it when Sebastian called him a baby machine. “Look. This is the house. It’s four or five times bigger than our house. Safest neighborhood in town. There are many more bedrooms than in our house, each with a bathroom. A large backyard and a beautiful pool. And the most beautiful master bedroom I’ve seen.” Sebastian showed Julien several photos of the house.

“Wow. That’s a beautiful house. Perfect for a big family. But why did you want it to be a secret? Is it because of the commission you’ll receive for the deal?” Julien said, marveling at the photos.

“No. Because that’s going to be our house. I bought it. It’s my gift for you and these seven babies you have inside you,” Sebastian asked, leaving Julien speechless.

Without saying a word, Julien pulled Sebastian into a long, passionate kiss while tears poured down his cheeks. “You’re so perfect. How can you be so perfect?” Julien asked between kisses.

“Well, I try my best for you and the kids,” Sebastian responded, caressing Julien’s belly and feeling the babies moving a lot again. “I think they’re excited about the new house.”

“I’m sure they are. And I hope this will convince them to get out soon,” Julien said, breaking the kiss to groan in discomfort.

“I told you, we can try to speed up this process. I think I have the right tool for that,” Sebastian said, winking at Julien. “Oh, but you mentioned food; I cooked...”

“Forget about that. I’m a heavily pregnant man, about to become a daddy to 16 boys. If something turns me on at this point, it’s my man being the best man in the world, proving for our family. Let’s go to our room, get these kids out of me, and put the next batch in right away if you want,” Julien whispered, sending shivers down Sebastian’s spine and making his dick harden in his pants. “I’ve been feeling ready to burst for weeks; please, make me burst!”


Happy May-ternity!

This is a Patreon Exclusive May-ternity Special. I hope you enjoyed meeting Julien's and Sebastian's growing family. This is a sweet paternity-focused story, which I'd love to continue, but it'll depend on whether you all like it or not.


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