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In the large backyard of his new house, Jackson started his cardio routine a week after the birth of the 320 babies. After the enormous changes that his last pregnancy had left on his body, Jackson had come to love his new physique, which miraculously shrunk into a much more manageable proportion after the birth. However, still standing at 6’8”, after the 6-inch growth in height during his pregnancy with Hale’s babies, and weighing 380 pounds, a considerable portion of his weight was sculpted muscles, but the post-pregnancy fat hadn’t entirely disappeared.

Jackson’s imposing figure was a perfect combination of strength and fatherly features that couldn’t hide the evidence of his five pregnancies, especially the last one. His large remaining belly, enormous milky pecs, and massive fat ass accentuated the effects of the pregnancies. His enormous pectorals, adorned with large engorged nipples, obscured most of Jackson’s view and bounced rhythmically with each stride as he jogged around the backyard. The bouncing caused the pecs to constantly leak, showing they overflowed with milk.

His soft remaining belly had shrunk to make him look due with large quadruplets, which was surprising considering Jackson’s abdomen had housed 320 babies only a week before. His enormous ass and wide hips accentuated his imposing figure, making him look thicker than ever. Every single inch of his body evidenced the extraordinary pregnancies he had gone through.

As he jogged around the backyard, Jackson glanced down at his body again and sighed in relief. His pecs were enormous, but he could move. His belly was huge, but he could move. His ass was gigantic, but he could move. Even his cock and balls, which had also grown a lot during the pregnancy, had shrunk considerably. His balls resembled basketballs in size, and his dick reduced to 30 inches when hard and 20 inches when soft. His bulge was huge under any standards, but he could move. His latest pregnancy had been so extreme that he was thankful that he could at least move.

Sweating profusely, Jackson stopped for a few minutes to catch his breath. His formerly athletic build was gone, and even though he was still very active, he couldn’t exercise as much as he used to without getting breathless. As he caught his breath, his gaze drifted to Ronan, Eric, Jared, and Bill, playing with each of their respective batch of kids not far from where Jackson stood. Near them, Hale sat on a reclined chair admiring Jackson’s cardio routine while many babysitters took care of the 320 babies inside the house.

Ronan played with his 10-month-and-a-week-old twins. Eric had a great time with his 10-month-old triplets. Jared laughed and enjoyed his time with his 9-month-and-3-week-old twelve babies. And Bill carefully played with his 9-month-and-2-week-old ten babies. Each dad was fantastic with their kids and helped with the 9-month-and-a-week-old 320 babies. Jackson wasn’t in a relationship with any of the dads, but they all had a great time together.

Jackson took his sweat-damped massive tank top, and his five former partners marveled at his enormous, sexy body. As Jackson chuckled at the men’s reaction, he was interrupted by the familiar buzz of his phone. Wiping away beads of sweat, he retrieved his phone from his pocket, and a smile spread across his face as he saw a notification from FlirtNest on his screen. He had forgotten about that app in the last months due to the extreme pregnancy and the enormous challenge of being a dad to 347 babies.

Even though FlirtNest was somewhat responsible for his five pregnancies in a row, Jackson couldn’t help but feel curious about the new match. He looked up at the men and the kids in the house, and before giving it a second thought, he opened the notification to see the profile of his newfound match, Aiden. The profile left Jackson intrigued. Aiden was a nerdy Asian with spiked black hair and a strong-looking, muscular body. Standing at 6’0” tall and weighing in at a solid 210 pounds of muscle, the 22-year-old Asian man made Jackson sigh excitedly.

“That’s a hot man,” Jackson murmured, his mind racing with thoughts of the possibilities that lay ahead. However, apprehension crept into his thoughts as he glanced at his bustling brood of children and the changes his body had undergone. “What if I get pregnant again? Could I handle it?” He added, moving his hand to his big fat belly.

Still, as he thought about each of his pregnancies, Jackson smiled and realized that no matter how many times he had to face this decision, he would always do the same. With a decisive swipe to the right on the blue arrow, Jackson accepted the date with Aiden. Almost immediately, a message from Aiden popped up on the screen. Jackson couldn’t help but chuckle at the timing as he read the message.

“Hey Jackson, I’m glad you swiped to the right. My name’s Aiden. I think I have seen you in the gym I frequent, but I haven’t seen you in a while.” Aiden’s message made Jackson laugh because he hadn’t been to the gym in months. “I’m not good with dates, but maybe you’d be up for giving me some pointers on my training? We could go have lunch after that?”

A smile spread across Jackson’s face as he read the message. His apprehension melted away when he noticed Aiden’s enthusiasm. He looked down at his body again and chuckled at Aiden’s invitation because he really needed to go to the gym.

“Sure thing,” Jackson replied. “I’d be happy to meet you there. 3:00 pm sounds good?”

“Sounds perfect!” Aiden replied. “I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see those muscles in action,” Aiden added, making Jackson chuckle again.

Jackson couldn’t stop smiling, and the other men noticed. They all knew Jackson had arranged a date, and they couldn’t be happier.


Jackson arrived at the gym the next day, feeling excited and nervous. As he stepped inside, the sounds of iron clanging and the familiar scent of sweat brought back many memories of Jackson’s days as a fitness trainer before the unexpected pregnancies and parenthood. Jackson smiled, noticing some guys staring at him, but couldn’t blame them. He knew some of them from his old times as a gym rat, so he understood why they were so shocked about seeing his new thicker frame.

Jackson didn’t want to give everybody long explanations about his pregnancies and the many kids waiting for him at home; he only smiled kindly at some of them and started looking for Aiden. Jackson fixed his tight-fitting t-shirt and shorts, which strained due to his large body, and chuckled when he saw more people staring at his enormous proportions.

Jackson saw Aiden near the weight action and couldn’t help but notice Aiden’s body was impressively well-defined. Aiden’s profile description said he was 210 pounds, but his muscular frame looked heavier than that. Also, his gym attire accentuated his magnificent body, while his features and hair made him look nerdy. Jackson smiled at Aiden’s cuteness as he approached.

“Aiden?” Jackson called out, smiling at his date, who was looking at his reflection in the mirror.

“Hey, Jackson!” Aiden replied as he turned around, his eyes widening as he took in Jackson’s thick body. “Wow! You’re so much bigger than in your picture and far bigger than I remember.”

“Thanks. And you definitely look better than in your profile picture,” Jackson said, chuckling and firmly gripping Aiden’s hand.

Jackson couldn’t help but notice the blush that colored Aiden’s cheeks, making him chuckle even more. Aiden was a big jock, but it was evident he was a sweet guy. Aiden looked at Jackson up and down, marveling at his enormous body, and he couldn’t help but feel aroused at the sight. As his dick stirred to life in his gym shorts, Aiden tried his best to hide his bulge, but Jackson noticed the unmistakable shape of a big dick.

“I’m glad you accepted the invitation. I remember you used to be one of the best guys here, and... well, I mean, you look wonderful now but different, you know.” Aiden said, turning around to hide his bulge and pretending to be looking for some dumbbells.

“Yeah, that’s a long story. I don’t want to get you all bored, but I can help. I know I’m all fat and pretty rusted, but I’m still the best around,” Jackson flexed his huge bicep and noticed Aiden staring at it in the mirror. “I can help, and we can meet each other while we work out.”

“I appreciate it. Thanks so much. I was wondering if you could mentor me to get huge like you but… maybe we can go have dinner together after the workout? Like, on an actual date. I mean, if you want.” Aiden turned to face Jackson with a broad smile on his face.

“Sounds wonderful. But let’s start with some bench presses before talking about eating anything. Believe me, growing boys get ravenous appetites, and I’ve been growing a lot lately,” Jackson said, adjusting the weight to push himself harder.

Jackson laid back on the bench and lifted the barbell with practiced ease. The weight wasn’t demanding for his body, but the size of his pectorals gave him some trouble completing the rep efficiently. Jackson groaned as he felt his t-shirt straining against his muscles and making some ripping sounds as he did more reps. Aiden spotted him all along, and it was clear the young man was impressed.

“Did you build your chest doing presses? I’d love to have a massive chest like yours,” Aiden said, making Jackson laugh.

“No. I used to have a big chest, but nothing compared to this. That’s a long story. Let’s say life took an unexpected turn. But I wouldn’t change it for anything,” Jackson said, placing the bar in its place again and sitting up to talk to Aiden.

Jackson told the young guy everything about his pregnancies and how he met the dads of his babies. Aiden was shocked, to say the least, but his arousal was evident because of the hard dick barely contained by his pants. As both of them continued alternating in the machines, Aiden could hardly concentrate because he could only think about Jackson’s stories about pregnancies and fatherhood.

“So... your pecs are so big because you... lactate?” Aiden asked, unsuccessfully trying to hide his hard dick as he finished another set of chest presses.

“Yeah. I have to feed many babies, so these massive pecs aren’t only decorative,” Jackson said, patting his pecs and making them bounce. “Would you like to see them closer?”

Aiden could barely think as Jackson lifted the hem of his shirt to reveal his soft belly, and then, pulling the hem higher, he showed off his big and engorged nipples.

“Do you mind if you show me all of these in private? I don’t think I can resist… well… you know…” Aiden pointed down at his crotch to imply that he would cum if they didn’t leave.


Aiden’s place was near the gym, so by the time they entered the apartment, Aiden was already half-naked, and Jackson soon followed. They started making out in the living room as Aiden’s hands caressed Jackson’s thick body up and down. Aiden squeezed and kneaded Jackson’s fat ass and massaged his massive pecs.

Things escalated very quickly, and just a few minutes later, Jackson was on his back in Aiden’s bed, ready for the young man’s 12.6-inch-long dick. Aiden was on cloud nine because he never expected to have a hot guy like Jackson in his bed, but as he pushed his hips forward and the big head of his dick entered Jackson’s hole, Aiden finally realized it was all true. Aiden quickly went balls deep into Jackson, who moaned out loudly.

“Damn, you’re so tight,” Aiden said as his hips started bucking. “How many babies did you say you have given birth to?”

“347,” Jackson replied, caressing his belly and feeling Aiden’s dick form a bump on his midsection.

“I’d say you’ve never had sex before. You’re so deliciously tight.” Aiden started pounding harder, making Jackson’s pecs and belly bounce.

Jackson’s 30-inch-long hard dick slammed against his abdomen, and his huge balls moved hypnotically, synchronized with Aiden’s thrusts. As he moaned, Jackson reached for his own pecs and started caressing his nipples, moaning even louder in pleasure.

“Well, I’m not tight; you’re just big, and you fuck so well,” Jackson said between moans, enjoying Aiden’s powerful thrusts.

Aiden smiled and sped up his pace, leaning forward to kiss Jackson’s pecs. As he pounded hard, Aiden’s dick started leaking pre, and Jackson could feel his body responding to the stimulation with a strong flow of pre escaping his dick. Deep in Jackson’s mind, he knew his actions would result in another pregnancy, but he couldn’t help but smile as he thought about bringing more babies to his already crowded house.

“I can’t hold back any longer,” Aiden cried out as his thrusts became erratic.

“Go ahead. Fill me up. I’m ready,” Jackson said, wrapping his legs around Aiden’s waist.

Immediately, Aiden started cumming deep inside Jackson’s guts, flooding his insides with his warm seed. Jackson expected an immediate reaction to Aiden’s cum, but nothing happened at first; he only felt bloated due to Aiden’s large load. However, the sensation of Aiden’s dick throbbing inside him was enough to make Jackson cum buckets all over his belly. As both of them panted heavily, Jackson couldn’t stop wondering if Aiden had gotten him pregnant like his previous days.

“I wish… I get to see you pregnant with my kids,” Aiden whispered into Jackson’s ear, still with his dick buried in his hole. Jackson could only smile and nod.


The day after his passionate sex session with Aiden, Jackson woke up feeling a twinge of sadness because he expected to wake up with a big belly. After several rapid pregnancies and the recent extreme pregnancy, Jackson couldn’t help but feel bad about not having a big belly already. The sex with Aiden had been fantastic, and the young man’s warm seed still made Jackson’s abdomen feel bloated, but it wasn’t the same sensation as having babies grow inside him.

As he prepared breakfast in the bustling kitchen, with one of his babies nestled against his chest and suckling loudly at his engorged nipple, Jackson’s gaze drifted downward, and his thoughts inevitably turned to his past pregnancies. Glancing at his reflection in the crystal of the kitchen’s door, Jackson marveled once again at his body’s thickness. His snug pajama pants stretched over his massive ass and emphasized his big bulge. His upper body, displayed in full glory to facilitate the breastfeeding, evidenced his extreme fertility, and the thought made him wonder if his fertile days were over after the extreme pregnancy with 320 babies.

In the following weeks, Jackson settled into a routine that balanced the demands of caring for his multitude of babies with his personal fitness goals. Even though he had enjoyed his workout with Aiden, he didn’t have much time to go to the gym every day because of his many responsibilities. His 347 babies needed him very often, and even though Ronan, Eric, Jared, Bill, and Hale were always by his side to help him, he was the only source of milk for them, and the bigger the babies got, the higher the demand rose.

Jackson’s mornings began with gentle cardio in the backyard, where he jogged and stretched as long as he could before he had to sit and attend to the line of babies for their first meal of the day. Feeding 347 babies wasn’t difficult because his pecs had plenty of milk for all of them, but it took him a while. Once the feeding was over, Jackson had breakfast, which was always very large and full of protein to maintain his big body. After that, home workouts followed, carefully designed to rebuild his strength and lose some of the remaining fat all over his body.

Jackson was getting used to his new life as a dad without any other additions to his family. However, around the twins’, the triplets’, the dozen’s, and the 10 babies’ first birthday, about two months after his date with Aiden, he started feeling sick every morning. A wave of nausea swept over him before breakfast and made him feel awful for a few hours. Then, fatigue settled in, leaving him more drained than usual as he tended to his large brood. This affected his home workouts, but Jackson tried his best to continue his journey back to a fitness lifestyle.

As the days passed, Jackson noticed other signs that made him realize the source of his sickness and discomfort. His pecs felt tender and plumper than before, his smell heightened, and he had strange cravings for certain foods. Well aware of what all those symptoms could mean, Jackson excitedly made an appointment with his doctor. Ronan, Eric, Jared, Bill, and Hale were surprised and excited about the possibility of Jackson having more kids because they had come to love their unique family dynamic.

As Jackson lay in the doctor’s office with his belly fully exposed, he couldn’t hide his excitement. He smiled as the doctor moved the ultrasound’s transducer over his round abdomen. Jackson already knew the answer. He felt it in his guts and in his heart. He knew he was pregnant, but he needed confirmation.

“Congratulations, Jackson,” the doctor said with a smile. You’re pregnant again. Quintuplets this time, and they look perfectly healthy for 10 weeks.”

Jackson couldn’t contain his happiness as tears of joy poured down his cheeks. Even though he knew he already had more than enough kids, having five more on the way was perfect for him. Jackson knew he had to tell Aiden immediately, so as soon as he walked out of the clinic, he messaged Aiden with the good news. The young man replied with many happy emojis and stickers, promising Jackson to be by his side during the pregnancy.

As Jackson entered the second trimester, the physical changes and symptoms intensified. His soft belly got firmer since it wasn’t just fat anymore. His nipples are more sensitive than before, but his milk production has thankfully stayed under control. He couldn’t be happier about his sixth pregnancy, which was much more manageable than the previous one.

As the weeks passed, the fatigue was replaced by a surge of energy, but often interspersed with bouts of fatigue. Also, Jackson’s appetite grew dramatically as cravings for particular foods intensified. Aiden stood by Jackson’s side, assisting and showing him his support while fulfilling his cravings.

Despite his growing belly, Jackson remained committed to his fitness routine. He made some adjustments to accommodate his expanding midsection—slower exercises focused on maintaining strength and flexibility while avoiding strain. Aiden encouraged and helped him through the workout, making sure everything was safe for Jackson and the babies. Jackson’s weight loss wasn’t as effective anymore because of the high intake of food, but he was glad his body stayed thick to support the pregnancy.

Since Jackson’s appetite and cravings were over the roof, Ronan, Eric, Jared, Bill, and Hale also delighted in pampering him, eager to fulfill Jackson’s desire. With the six men’s help, Jackson and all the babies were well cared for. Also, as Jackson approached the third trimester, the physical demands of carrying quintuplets became more pronounced, so he needed everybody’s help.

The logistics of caring for his many babies and tending to his own needs became a more challenging task. His growing belly altered his routine. The weight of the babies settled on his hips, making him waddle and not letting him jog anymore. The size of his babies also pressed against his diaphragm, making it harder to catch his breath at times. However, despite the discomfort, Jackson marveled at the life growing within him. His babies kicked and squirmed, filling him with joy.

As Jackson reached full term, his belly expanded to an impressive size, making him feel ready to burst. He was much smaller than in previous pregnancies but couldn’t help but feel full. Each pregnancy had been different and included different sensations depending on the number of babies and the length of the pregnancy. Each quintuplet was estimated to weigh around 15 pounds, which was a remarkable size even for Jackson’s experienced body.

Some simple tasks were discarded due to his belly. Bending over was a near-impossible feat, and even sitting or standing for extended periods grew uncomfortable. Most of his time, Jackson stayed on a reclined sofa where he fed all his babies and enjoyed Aiden’s belly rubs. Aiden’s touch provided comfort amidst his physical strain, helping him deal with the about-to-burst sensation.

As Jackson’s due date arrived, he had been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions for a few days. The contractions grew in intensity and frequency, signaling impending active labor. Jackson was an experienced father-to-be, so he knew what to expect. However, each birth had been different and represented a difficult task.

At night, the contractions were one on top of the other, and the pain was intense. Jackson groaned and grunted while his belly contracted visibly, and his babies became active. Ronan, Eric, Jared, Bill, Hale, and Aiden got everything ready for the delivery while Jackson was in bed dealing with contractions. The pain was intense, but after 347 births, he was somewhat used to the feeling.

The labor was long and arduous. By the time Jackson was ready to start pushing, he was exhausted. He felt the first baby getting into position and slowly moving through his birth canal, and even though he had expertise in giving birth, he wasn’t making much progress with each push. It took him several minutes to feel his baby’s head crowning. His ass was on fire, and even though he continued pushing, the baby stayed in that position for a few minutes, making Jackson cry out in pain.

Jackson continued pushing, and even though he continued making progress, the birth was slow. By the time the first quintuplet was halfway out, Jackson had been in labor for hours, and the intense contractions left him breathless. Aiden and the other dads were by Jackson’s side, supporting him, but there wasn’t much they could do to help.

Jackson couldn’t contain his tears of joy when the first baby was born, but his break didn’t last long. As more contractions came, Jackson started pushing again, and just like the first time, the baby took his time to come out. The second birth was as slow and as painful as the first quintuplet, and Jackson could barely hold on. His hole ached, and his body was sore, but he still had more babies to give birth to.

The third, fourth, and fifth births were equally as slow. By the time the last baby slid out of Jackson’s body, about ten hours had passed, and all along, he had been in active labor. He didn’t have much time to rest between births, so Jackson was extremely exhausted. However, as Aiden placed the last quintuplet in Jackson’s arms, exhaustion gave way to euphoria. Tears of happiness streamed down his cheeks as he looked around at the faces of those who had supported him and his many older babies.

Jackson was happy with his 352 babies: Ronan’s 1 year and seven months old twins; Eric’s 1 year and seven months old triplets; Jared’s 1 year and six months old dozen; Bill’s 1 year and six months old 10 babies; and Hale’s 9 months and a week old 320 babies.

“How do you feel?” Aiden asked.

“Sore, but I’m the luckiest man on Earth. I mean, look at these five handsome babies. They’re as good-looking as their dad and as cute as their many older brothers,” Jackson said while two of the quintuplets sucked on his engorged nipple.

“And as big as their daddy,” Ronan added, making everybody laugh.

“Jackson ate every single second of the day; we couldn’t expect anything else,” Bill added, patting Jackson’s soft belly while the others laughed.

Jackson laughed and happily sighed. His old fitness life was over, but it didn’t matter because all he cared about was the babies he’d given birth to and the possibility of bringing more into the large family.


Thanks to the patron who submitted this nerdy jock, Aiden. March is over end but I still have more submissions with guys to date (and knock-up) Jackson.


Also, check the previous parts:

[Intro] [Ronan] [Eric] [Jared] [Bill] [Hale]


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