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We sat in front of the doctor’s desk, and I was getting even more worried as I looked at his face. The doctor was clearly concerned, but there was something else. His face made me feel like I was in a horror movie right before the moment the monster suddenly jumped in. The doctor kept reading Spencer’s file while we were silent. I looked at Spencer, and he was pale. He knew something was wrong, so I held his hand tighter.

“Mr. Collins, Mr. Richards. Welcome back. We have... well, a few things to discuss,” the doctor said without looking at us, only passing page after page of Spencer’s results. “So, most of your results look fine,” the doctor said but stopped while re-reading everything.

“It means there’s something wrong. Am I dying? I can’t die. We’re having kids, and I...” Spencer said, taking deep, random breaths and tears in his eyes.

“No, I never said that. Let me finish. There’s nothing wrong, but some of these results are unusual. You seem to have a hormonal imbalance that’s atypical for a man your age, or any to be exact,” the doctor said, looking at Spencer while his breathing normalized. “But I need you to be honest with me. Do you consume, apply, or inject any variety of anabolic steroids?” The doctor observed Spencer’s body up and down.

“What? No! I’ve never injected any of that,” Spencer said, confused and intrigued rather than offended. “I have good genetics for growing. I’ve never needed any help gaining muscles. What does this have to do with my sickness?”

“Anabolic steroids are used to increase muscle mass faster and, as some people say, to get huge. These products, mostly injectables, enforce muscle development, but they alter the hormonal levels in the body. Most people don’t know or don’t pay the required attention to the secondary effects of these products,” the doctor explained, sounding worried.

“I promise. I’ve never used steroids,” Spencer firmly replied.

“I believe you; we ran tests looking for signs of steroid use, and you’re clean, but I still had to ask.” The doctor smiled kindly and went back to reading the papers. “Mr. Collins, I don’t want to scare you, but I’ll be honest, considering all your symptoms and based on these results, it could be testicular cancer. It would explain the fatigue, the nausea, and the hormonal disorder. However, it wouldn’t explain the fast increase in your weight, which I assume is a consequence of an increase in appetite, and that’s very uncommon in cancer patients.”

“T-Testicular cancer?” Spencer said with a shaky voice, and I was about to cry in fear. In an instant, my dreams of us having a family faded, but he looked at me, and I knew I had to be strong for him.

“It’s only a possibility. Please, don’t be afraid. I want to check on your testicles to look for any lumps or abnormal growth that could confirm or discard it. This is a regular procedure. Please take your pants and underwear off and sit on the bed in the corner.”

The doctor stood up and put on some gloves while Spencer was frozen in his chair. I pulled his hand and kissed it, smiling at him and showing him my support. I knew he was scared, and I could barely contain my tears, but as Spencer came to, I guided him to the bed and helped him remove his pants and underwear. He sat on the edge of the bed, tightly holding my hand, and even though he was scared, he smiled at me as if saying, “Everything will be fine.”

When the doctor approached, he was evidently surprised by Spencer’s dick and balls. He was professional and hid his reaction, but I noticed he was in shock. The doctor asked Spencer if his testicles were usually that big, and when Spencer nodded, I saw a slight grin on the doctor’s face. Sitting in front of Spencer, the doctor started squeezing and massaging Spencer’s big balls, looking for lumps, but he didn’t find any.

We sighed in relief when the doctor said Spence’s balls looked fine. Then, he mentioned that even though he didn’t find any lumps, Spencer’s balls were larger than average, so he needed to check if there wasn’t something else causing that swelling. Spencer put on his clothes again, and the doctor asked us to follow him to another room to run an ultrasound. The doctor explained that most people didn’t know the procedure even existed, but he wanted to run an ultrasound on Spencer’s balls to officially discard testicular cancer.

With Spencer on his back on the examination table a few minutes later and the doctor moving the transducer of the ultrasound over his large balls, I could barely contain my laughter since I knew Spencer’s balls were naturally big, and the doctor didn’t seem to believe it.

“So, is there something wrong? Or are you convinced that I have big balls?” Spencer said, making the doctor blush.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Collins. I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. I only needed to discard any swelling due to some abnormality. But you have big and healthy testicles for sure,” the doctor said, smiling kindly at Spencer. “Now that I have discarded this hypothesis, I’d like to check on your abdomen because you mentioned you’ve been experiencing unusual bloating, right?” The doctor said, changing the wand of the ultrasound machine.

“Yeah, I’ve never had a gut like this one. It’s one of the reasons I came here in the first place. Owen thought I was growing a tumor or that he had broken something inside me... ” Spencer said, but I punched his arm, and he stopped.

“I don’t think it’s a tumor because they usually grow differently, and... about something breaking inside you, I’d need you to give me more details if you had any accidents that could cause such a wound,” the doctor said, leaving us speechless.

“I… we… I mean… I really don’t know how to explain this. Owen, please, you tell him,” Spencer said, looking at me, soon followed by the doctor.

I froze for what felt like an eternity but finally found the courage to tell him that I was afraid of hurting Spencer with my dick. “I know it’s unlikely, but since he wasn’t used to... you know, and I’m… you know… well, you know what I mean.”

The doctor nodded, turning as red as a tomato and turning to face Spencer again. “I don’t think you should worry about that. I mean, it’s unlikely that someone could break something inside his partner during intercourse,” the doctor said, and there was a long pause. “Now, Mr. Collins, please lift your shirt up. I’ll apply this gel to your abdomen to run an ultrasound. Hopefully, we will find out the source of the bloating.”

As Spencer revealed his distended abdomen, I saw the surprise on the doctor’s face, but he acted professionally and started applying gel to Spencer’s lower abs. His belly looked like a turtle shell, similar to the large guts that massive bodybuilders had, but Spencer’s looked different. The doctor asked us about Spencer’s eating habits, and I explained that he was a pain in the ass about his diet. Spencer didn’t even drink any alcohol; his eating regimen was so strict that it allowed him to drink a soda once a month. The doctor chuckled but then turned pale, and we got worried.

“Mr. Collins, when you mentioned earlier that you couldn’t die because you are having kids, what did you exactly mean?” the doctor asked while looking at the screen, clearly in shock.

“That’s kind of personal, but Owen and I are going to have twins through a kind of surrogacy process. There’s a woman, and she’s 16 weeks pregnant with twins, and I’m the biological father. Owen and I will raise those babies together. Why is this important?” Spencer asked, reaching to hold my hand while the doctor stayed silent.

“I thought you meant something else,” the doctor replied, becoming silent again. My heart was beating fast, and I knew Spencer was worried. “I have no words to describe this. I read your medical history, and it says you were assigned male at birth. I touched your testicles a few minutes ago, so I’m sure you’re a man. However, the screen shows me a womb and what seem to be fetuses growing inside you. Did you know you were pregnant?” The doctor said, looking at us in shock, receiving similar expressions of shock from us.

“What?!” Spencer and I shouted at the same time.

“I get from your reaction that you had no idea. Let me put it into simple words. Mr. Collins, you’re pregnant. And very pregnant. I count eight fetuses growing in your uterus,” the doctor said, turning the screen around and pointing at eight tiny shapes labeled A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H.

“What the fuck are you talking about? Men don’t get pregnant,” I said out loud without even thinking about my words, while Spencer was speechless in shock.

“Honestly, I have no idea what I’m talking about. This shouldn’t be possible, but I can see the unmistakable shape of eight fetuses inside Mr. Collins’ abdomen. It seems like he has a uterus or womb, which is incredibly remarkable, and it seems like, considering some of the information you provided earlier, you conceived octuplets naturally, about 8 or 9 weeks ago,” the doctor said, leaving us speechless. “I don’t know how to explain this, but I can confirm that you are pregnant with octuplets.”

We didn’t know what to say, so we only listened to the doctor give us a long and confusing explanation about the position of each baby. The only thing that I could register was when he said, “Everything looks perfectly healthy, though.” Then, the doctor turned the screen off and wiped the gel from Spencer’s, talking about calling a specialist and some of his colleagues to study Spencer’s case. I didn’t want him to turn Spencer into a guinea pig, but at the same time, I was worried about his health.

I tightly held Spencer’s hand, and I noticed it was cold. He was unresponsive while the doctor talked about his hypothesis. However, when the doctor said he thought the best option was to proceed with a selective reduction in the number of fetuses he was carrying, Spencer finally came to. While the doctor explained that he wanted to take some of the fetuses out of Spencer’s womb, my big guy jumped off the bed, and without saying a word, he stormed out of the room, pulling me by the hand. I was glad he was moving again, but his reaction confused me.

Once we were out of the clinic, he finally stopped and turned to face me. I knew him very well, so I knew he was angry. Even then, I tried to convince him to return to the doctor’s office, which he immediately refused. He insisted he had no reason to go back inside since, as a man, he couldn’t be pregnant. I thought his male ego was hurt, so while we walked to our apartment, I tried to calm him down by telling him that the doctor could be wrong. However, he looked angrier the more I talked about it.

“I’m not fucking pregnant! I’m a man,” he finally exploded when we arrived at the apartment. “There are no babies to get rid of. There’s nothing wrong with me, so don’t keep talking about this nonsense. I’m freaking hungry, and I’m tired, fuck! No wonder why I’m getting fat,” he said as he sat on the couch.

“Spencer, you need to see another doctor. You’ve been sick; you can’t deny that, and... You saw the screen... our…” I said, but he interrupted me.

“I didn’t see anything. I only know I’m sick, and now I’m sure this is your fault. You and your freaking foot-long dick broke something inside me. Go fuck yourself from now on,” he shouted in anger, and I felt my blood heating up.

“I’ll ignore these words because I know you’re scared and confused, but I’ll remind you that we were doing fine until you went and knocked up that bitch! I can’t believe you cheated on me with such a horrible person!” I replied angrily.

“Stop calling her a bitch. She’s carrying my kids,” he replied.

“I thought they were our kids,” I said and saw his face changing from anger to guilt.

I went to my room and stayed there alone for a few hours. I heard Spencer in the kitchen, and even though I was starving, I was deeply hurt. Many thoughts crossed my mind, but I started crying with joy as I imagined what the babies growing in Spencer’s belly would look like. As a gay guy, I never thought it would be possible for me to have kids with Spencer—not in the regular way, at least. But the more I thought about it, the happier I felt, and the more I understood Spencer’s confusion, fear, and anger. Then, I remembered the moment that made Spencer snap out of his trance at the clinic, and I understood that he wasn’t angry about the pregnancy; he was mad because the doctor wanted to get rid of our babies. This made me cry even more.

Wiping off my tears and realizing that I owed Spencer an apology, I stood up and attempted to walk out of the bedroom, but the door opened, and I saw Spencer’s massive frame walking in with a tray full of food and a card that said, “I’m sorry.” My heart immediately warmed up, and I fell even more in love with Spencer.

“Owen, I know you’re mad, but please forgive me. I was freaking out, and... I don’t think this is your fault. You know I love when you fuck me, and... That woman is a total bitch, and please, don’t leave me alone in this. The twins are ours. Everything that’s mine is yours,” Spencer said with tears streaming down his face as I took the tray from his hands.

“I’m the one who owes you an apology. Now I get you’ve been dealing with lots of things, and I wasn’t helping at all,” I said, pulling Spencer by the hand until we were both sitting in bed. “And I just realized something. You aren’t mad about the doctor saying you’re pregnant. Right? You know he was telling the truth.”

“Owen… I-I know he was telling the truth. Don’t you believe him?” Spencer laid on his back, and I snuggled against his muscular torso.

“I do. All the proofs are there, and... I understand it’s impossible, but you’re the sweetest, hottest, biggest, and most amazing person ever, and if someone as perfect as you can exist, then everything is possible.” I lifted the hem of his T-shirt to rub his belly. “But I realized you got scared when the doctor talked about the selective reduction,” I added, and Spencer grunted.

“How could he even think I’d get rid of any of your kids growing in me? That’s… Fuck!” He said angrily but then turned to look at me. “Unless… You wanted him to get rid of the babies? I need to know what you think about this,” Spencer said, joining my hand on his belly.

“What do I think? Well, I think that you…” I said and kissed his lips, “And I...” I kissed him again. “Are going to be the best dads to our, not two but ten babies.” I kissed him repeatedly while we rubbed his belly. “I think we’ll have a big and happy family. I think I love you with all my heart, and I’m already in love with our ten coming kids and the many more that will come after these ones.” I locked my lips with his while tears of joy poured down his cheeks, and our hands didn’t leave his belly.

I noticed he started taking his pants off, and I followed soon. We removed our T-shirts, and I got on top of him, carefully giving his belly the space it needed. We made out for several minutes, only enjoying each other’s bodies before Spencer lifted his legs and helped me get between his legs. He smiled at me, and I leaned forward to kiss his belly. I knew one of the pregnancy symptoms was an increased libido, which made me wonder how horny Spencer’s usually horny self would get.

I lined my dick with his hole, and with a cocky grin, he said, “I dare you to put another eight babies in me.” These words were all I needed to lose my mind, so I buried my big dick in his ass and fucked him long and hard for hours.

Over the next few days, we experienced a rollercoaster of emotions. After the initial shock, we agreed never to go back to visit the doctor who wanted to kill our kids, and we focused on getting ready to father so many kids. We lived in a permanent state of joy and excitement, adorned with sprinkles of lust and desire. We were worried, and the feelings were overwhelming sometimes, but Spencer and I were more in love than ever, and he was insatiable. We fucked several times a day, alternating positions and fully embracing our new dynamic.

With each passing day, I noticed his belly was getting rounder, and after learning the reason for his constant hunger, Spencer let himself go and started eating nonstop the entire day. I loved it when I found him lying on the couch with a burger in each hand and a large portion of fries on the table, along with a large soda. He wasn’t used to eating junk food, but now he constantly said that he was willing to fulfill all his cravings because that’s what the babies wanted him to eat. He was a literal mountain of joy when he talked about the babies.

There were other moments when Spencer experienced intense mood swings, and he ended up crying in my arms while talking about how fat he was getting and making me promise that I was going to love him even when he was as big as a blimp. I only laughed and kissed him when he expressed these emotions because I knew he had all the right to be scared. Some days, we engaged in long conversations about the coming babies, and some questions popped up, and we didn’t have the answers.

“Where are the babies coming out?” I asked him two weeks after we found out he was pregnant. We were cuddling in bed after the wildest sex session, and my dick was still inside him. He chuckled and pushed his ass backward to make his point. I laughed and hugged him tighter, but I wondered if Spencer’s ass was stretchy enough to birth our babies. A part of me was sure that everything would be fine, but I couldn’t ignore the fear that the babies would get stuck inside him and all of them, including Spencer, would die in the process.

Even then, when I hugged Spencer and my hands were on his growing belly, the fears faded, and I could only smile. I loved spending my evenings rubbing his large abdomen because, with each passing day, his abs disappeared, and only a round, taut dome was left. At only 11 weeks along, Spencer looked almost due with a child, but the belly wasn’t noticeable on his large frame. He owned a few oversized T-shirts to cover his massive muscles, and he didn’t look pregnant the few times he came out of the apartment. The rest of the time, my big man preferred to stay fully naked and available for us to have fun.


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