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Editor-kun here.

According to the original wishes of Ai Love and Mr. Love, I was directed to close down this channel and other avenues. The plan was that when Ai recovered, she would resume part or all of her productions based on her capabilities and desires. There are multiple reasons all involved wanted to do things this way, but which all involved wanted to keep private.

In the last few days, I have been contacted by not one, not two, but dozens of individuals, asking to somehow donate for Ai. Honestly I was taken aback. I have the advantage of being my own boss, so I and my wife have spent much of the last few days trading time with Mr. Love to watch over Ai at the hospital. All three of us have been able to discuss this.

I am about to go a little off script here, and Mr. Love can fight me if he wants. The Loves are some of the most stubborn people I know. If they were both drowning and you threw them a rope, they would spend the next hour telling you they were perfectly fine and did not need the help, you should throw the rope to someone else that needs it more. I brought Mr. Love some lunch yesterday and despite everything he handed me ten dollars. When Ai had nothing a year ago and could not pay her utility bills and was too sick to leave her home, she gave bags of freeze dried food out of her food storage to a local food bank because, and I quote, "no one should ever go hungry." She was living off her food storage and could not buy groceries, and she gave part of it away.

Ai has been adamant in the past that she will not receive money unless she can justify providing a service of some sort. Getting her to accept charity is like pulling teeth.

I spent some time yesterday looking into options through other websites, like GoFundMe and the like, to try and find a way to do it. Nothing would provide the anonymity that Ai, Mr. Love, and myself needed. One of those requesting to help out suggested to continue using Patreon. More discussions.

The crux of the idea is that the Patreon will resume in one month. At that time, all the tiers will change to purely donation purposes. I will make it very clear that anyone who stays and donates will not be doing it with the expectation of new content or any form of reciprocation. This will be purely for the benefit of the Love family and a way to show support for them. I cannot make the chapters free to view as the explicit nature of them goes against Patreon's TOS, otherwise I would. 

This means that anyone currently subscribed and paying needs to understand that moving forward, until such time as Ai recovers and is able to resume providing content, is donating to Ai for the sole purpose of charity rather than for a service. Anyone who does not wish to subscribe for this charity purpose should unsubscribe or move to a free tier. Patrons should not feel obligated to donate to Ai, and she would likely feel guilty if people remained out of peer pressure or otherwise. People should only remain if they are able and willing to donate to the Loves and no other reason.

I will have more information in the coming weeks on what this means or how this will work. I spoke with Ai an hour ago and read to her some of the things people have written on her Discord and Patreon. It is hard to know how much she is understanding, but I believe she at least understood enough to know what I was trying to convey.


Joseph Whitfield

I'm not going to jump ship on supporting one of my favorite Authors when she needs help the most. I'm in this until the end. I would also like to say that I expect nothing in return from her. No special postings, or what have you. This is help freely given to someone going through a hard time.


ready and waiting. Hoping to hear Ai give us all an earful later too :P *conspires for good deeds*