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More AI art from Vyrlokar. I am thinking this is more of a Honoka Pre-Change, during one of her visits to Nagasaki. 

Before I move along, can I just say how much I hate everything Patreon has been doing? My computer is not the best, and I have to reload this page all the time and hope things don't just get lost. Hope everyone can at least read the updates.

Alright! First, health update. I have been improving. That doesn't mean I'm 100%, nor does it mean I'm even anywhere near where I was a year ago, which wasn't as good as 2 years ago, which wasn't perfect then either. When I say I'm improving, it is a direction, one I thank God for. However, I may have underplayed how severely BAD it was only a few months ago. So, still not good, but at last I'm out of the bed for part of each day, I'm doing PT regularly, and I see the tiny improvements.

What does that mean for writing? Well, I do have the rest of Book 2 written...I just don't like it. I have been spending time polishing and fixing and rewriting, so it should all work out. My goal for the rest of the year is to keep putting out chapters as I am able. If my condition improves, I'll get back to all the other stories I started and had to halt once my condition tanked. Now that I put in far fewer hours for my job, it does open up more time to write, which I enjoy. I will also go back for the last...I think 6-8 chapters and give them a better edit. I'll let people know when I do that so you can enjoy those chapters with the level of quality you've expected from me from the beginning, rather than the less than stellar quality of late.

Sounds like a lot to do, but it really isn't. As my health improves, I think I can get this all done in a few months, then plow ahead full steam. I'm excited, and I hope everyone is as well.

This year has been a lot of hard work on things that were less visible. Believe it or not, about 300k words of work was done behind the scenes, a lot of them to those strange secret projects I've been talking about. One is the short story I did with Annabelle, which now has an Amazon and Audible release. Apparently, the company that did the audiobook at first couldn't believe we wanted them to use actual horns and kazoos, but then they went all in for it.



I outlined works for 4 different authors this year, including someone in the Big Time. I have almost finished another book that is not erotica and will be published under another name. Then soon - very, very soon - National Erotica will be launching. They are planning on directly competing with Literotica. And I wrote a comprehensive tutorial on how to write erotica there.

So been busy, but a lot of this stuff ate into my Ai Writing Time, for which I am sorry. If my health had remained at least stable if not perfect, I would have been able to produce a lot more. Next year, I am clearing my plate and making sure I get back to work on Ai. That means finishing Becoming Monsters 2 and putting a serious dent into Becoming Monsters 3, while also completing a first book for Steam and Farm. If I have time, I'll also turn Therapy into at least a book. So next year, just going to flood this place with content. At the same time, I'm probably going to poke Annabelle to do another joint project because I honestly like working with her, and in the end I want to do things I like.

I thank God for my life. Hard to be thankful when everything is crumbling around me, and I get easily depressed anyway. More than a little of me is in Honoka, more than a few of her problems are metaphors for my own. Life is hard, but in the end I want to laugh and love and spend my time doing something of worth. So I pray and write. Thank y'all for being here for me.



Glad to hear you're improving. Take care of yourself first!