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Welcum to Twat Talk! My pussy has googly eyes attached and I'm ready to squirt Truth!

I found this meme and it made me laugh. I hope you also enjoy it.

I am exhausted, so I'll bullet point everything.

My Health: I am on the mend, I think. My body is FINALLY adjusting to the new drugs and I've even managed to get out of bed every so often. I've started the carnivore diet proper, and my brain is telling me I need to eat a box of donuts. For now I am remaining strong, but I really want donuts. Mentally, I've improved vastly. Anyone who has known me has seen that the last few months have been a lot of moping and depression. Well, I'm done with that crap! Whatever happens will happen, and until then I'll not live my life dictated by sadness.

Literotica: I just got the notice in the last hour, but Literotica is now refusing to publish any of my chapters with Status updates.

I can't change this all midstream! What do they expect me to do?! So good thing I've already started moving things to Scribblehub. 


When I can, I'll begin the formatting process for everything else I have on Lit, then I'll just move everything over. The simple fact is while Lit has been a pain to work with, there was always a way to work with them before. Now, they just simply won't publish me.

Good thing there will be another option opening up in the very near future.

Clussy: I'm getting a short story published in Annabelle Hawthorne's Radleyverse, though it works as a stand alone story. For real, not fanfiction this time! It involves clowns and my usual brand of fetishes and humor. I also went overboard with the Stephen King references. Read it with your friends and see who can spot more King references than the other.


Cums on Oct 1st! And it will even have an audiobook version with real horns and kazoos! I am super excited for everyone to experience it.

Otterly: I really should plug this guy more. He is a publishing machine, and everything I've read of his has been gold. He is also the only authorized author to write in the Becoming Monsters universe, and I've also gotten a few tidbits sprinkled into the chapters that have been coming out for months. By the time of the end of Book 2, his characters will take on a larger role in the story and I couldn't be more excited to see how everything all works out. If you haven't already, check him out on his Patreon page or Lit.



Alright, I think I'm done. Y'all have a harmonizing day!



Glad you're feeling better.


I found your series through Otterly :)