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Welcum to Twat Talk! My pussy has googly eyes attached and I'm ready to squirt Truth!

Quickly throwing updates up between naps. And I gotta say, just did one quick pass on the ol' NovelAI, and I REALLY like the image there of Honoka's Mind Palace. Not perfect, but for literally 30 seconds of work, it is a pretty image.

Don't want to sound repetitive, but my health has not improved. Without moving into much detail, I wanted to sound positive for the first time in a few months by saying I'll be starting the Carnivore Diet in October. Throughout September, I'll be doing the fat adaptation prep by having a stick of butter each morning for breakfast.

If this sounds extreme, know that I've been researching it for almost a year now, just didn't have the finances to go into it before now. Money...is still a problem, but it is less of a problem. All that work I was doing in the background paid off and I got a nice commission with some options to do more work next year.

Which comes back around to my health. For me, the word diet is a bit of a misnomer, because I'm not trying to lose weight. It is about regaining control of my mind and my hormones and other bodily processes. Honestly, I have reached a point of "what have I got to lose?", but I do think this might have some healing benefits. And if I had known about this 20 years ago, I'm thinking I might not be in the current state I'm in now.

Anyone who wants to get details about the diet, I'm on Discord sometimes.

As a quick update for all those other secret projects I worked on this year, one of them has a confirmed release for Halloween time. Another of them is in the hands of the programmers and should have a release this year. The last one I got an update and they are taking my stuff and getting started on it. Got 4-5 more covers that are just waiting to get the templates for and then those will have me finishing up.

Gettin' sleepy, so I'll wrap up by letting you all know I love you. This has been some of the warmest reception I've ever gotten for anything I've ever done. Sure, there are some bumps (I'm glaring at you, HaremLit community), but they are worth it to have met y'all. Thank you!