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Welcum to Twat Talk! My pussy has googly eyes attached and I'm ready to squirt Truth!

Yeah yeah, not a perfect preggo Diane. Literally my first attempt, and it isn't good. Spouse wants me to get away from the computer, and he has a point. I'll make this quick.

First, I have been insanely busy. I might as well fess up that I'm essentially working 2 jobs right now. Our finances are stable, but I'm working too much. I will maintain this for as long as I am physically able to, though, until something else comes along to help us out. To the surprise of no one, the second job is basically doing editing work for Editor-kun. So understand, I won't tell people or mention anything about what I do for him, only know that there are published works out there that have been outlined and edited in part by me.

*non sequitur smokebomb!*

It came up in the Discord why I tell stories with so many references. I've alluded to the idea that this is just the way I am, but I felt a need to explain WHY I am the way I am. I have trouble relating with people in conversations, so I created this weird network of media metaphors in how I talk to describe to people what I mean. 

Yeah, I am Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra in real life. I DO get it, though. Sometimes my stuff gets obscure. One lesson I took from an older webcomic - Dresden Codak - is that the internet exists. Don't fret about making some obscure reference, people can spend literally 15 seconds and get on the same page. Then they feel smart for being in on the joke, which everyone can love. I also have a lot of Nihongo in my work. Same thing. The world is more than things everyone knows.

And that is why I write this way.

The next part will be hard for me.

I can't have children. Some of you realize this, and it isn't like I've hidden this. What I don't know gets across is how much I've done to try and reverse that. Spouse and I burned through our savings, took out loans, spent decades...empty. Eventually I stopped crying because it hurt too much. Even now, we are registered for adoption, but with my condition...it isn't going to happen.

So yes, I wrote a story about a harem of monster girls that scratches as many of my kinks as possible. I'm weird, and pregnant women is a kink.

Yet in a small way, a part of me is holding those children. Because I never will.

Thank you for reading.


Joseph Whitfield

I'm so sorry to hear that you can't have kids. I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like. I'm not going to go on with that, since I doubt it would do anything to make you feel better, but I still felt like I needed to say something to acknowledge it and say sorry for it. Even as I write this it makes no sense. Sorry. Also, I love the way you write, so keep in keepin on.


I know all to well that pain... I cant have kids thanks to some of the Drugs I have been given in my time in the Military and by the VA. has left me with a Zero swimmer count. Ai these stories' are yours birthed from your mind