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Welcum to Twat Talk! My pussy has googly eyes attached and I'm ready to squirt Truth!

Did a lot trying to get Abra and Gwyneth art, but I am not good at this (as long time readers will well know). This is not BAD for Gwyneth, though her robes are more colorful, she wears gloves, the skull is more demonic, and she has a thinner, feminine shape to her. All I did was touch up the eyes a bit. Lots of failures - especially for Abra, pure nightmare fuel - but I'll throw a few more it is the thought that counts images at the bottom.

I just want the computer to read my mind and make the art how I want it!

How is everyone? Good, good. I've been working on a few things, including outlining for the Editor-kun project, then outlining for an Annabelle project. You will never know anything about the Editor-kun project, but the Annabelle project is a lot of fun. I hope to have actual news about that one this year or early next.

What is outlining? It is creating a story from the ground up, providing all the details for an author to just sit down and write. World building, character details and backgrounds, plot, pacing, etc. All the tidbits that go into making a story. I used to do it a lot as an editor, and there are books that have been published to varying levels of fame that were written off my outlines. Those were IRL, so my real name is attached to them which is why I don't share. 

As Ai, I've dipped my toe into outlining a few stories here and there. I like outlining more than writing, honestly. Taking an idea, working out the details and kinks to make it all fit, it is immensely gratifying. In a different life, I would have been better suited retaining my editor job and helping other authors write great stories.

Anyway, one of the three outlines for Annabelle is in the can, and in the coming months I'll knock out the other two. I've also got a more pressing deadline for the main Top Secret Project, so the next few weeks at least I am going to dedicate as much time as possible to finishing it. I just keep getting distracted with all these little problems, like making sure we have money to eat or this electric bill isn't going to pay itself.

Don't even get me started on diesel prices. Spouse drives a truck.

Interesting note for the next two chapters of Becoming Monsters. 54 and 55 are - trying to put this in a non-spoiler way - big. As in, they have massive word counts, but they are also pivotal for the story. I am inclined to split them into one per month, but I also don't want to be disingenuous to y'all. I haven't made a decision on what I'm going to do yet, but the next chapter is huge, followed by a chapter that blows everything up.

On a related note, the Nash Family has been blessed with three baby girls last month! Woohoo! For those that don't know, the Nashes are friends I found on Discord and they help keep me sane between job and writing. They are also patrons, so give the sisters your congrats when you run into them.

That seems like about it. I'll keep truckin', hope everyone enjoys reading! Loves!

This has been another vigorous edition of Twat Talk. Queefing Out!

I actually really like this one more in a lot of places, especially in the face.

This one was the least terrible, no joke.



Congrats to the Nash family 🎉🎉🎉