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Welcum to Twat Talk! My pussy has googly eyes attached and I'm ready to squirt Truth!

Got some quick and dirty AI images for Uncle Aki and Aunt Shilo. I'll work on the kids next just so I can have the entire set. And have I done Gwyneth yet? Maybe some Gwyneth later.

February is not my favorite month. Why? It is too short. Can't get as much done in the month. And when you have bills to pay, also harder to make sure you have all the money for rent and utilities in place. Ug. So everything is running a little late, but I'm all caught up now.

Really, only touching base here to let everyone know I'm still alive. Got the 2 chapters for Patreon up, and today finished publishing the December chapters onto Scrib and Lit. On things to do this month, I'll finish the edits for the two major Top Secret Projects. One of them will probably be published soon. Gonna spend some time working on covers today, here's hoping my ancient and decrepit computer doesn't crash too much. Want to get back to actually writing, so will try and dent into Portal Pussy and see if I can get that out this month as well. Maybe a Procrastia if I have time.

Just got word from RL work that next week is going to be intense. Not looking forward to that. Pray for my sanity.

Becoming Monsters is inching towards one of my favorite chapters. Hope you are all wanting it as much as I want to share it!

Loves to you all, will be more in touch later. Until then, you can always poke me on Discord.

This has been another vigorous edition of Twat Talk. Queefing Out!



Aww, patreon doesn't support image insertion here. We shall pray that you only suffer the good kinds of insanity, not the stressful ones (Sane is boring) 😅

Ai Love

I know how much I would love to have something inserted, but Patreon really is a bunch of prudes.