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Monster Pirate Whores Chapter 02: Cum Like A Pirate

Days At Sea: 3

     “…and this statue is to blame,” Jyne finished, her oddly modulating voice like a song on ocean wind as the offending black rock in her hand slowly crumbled into dust, whatever magic it contained already spread among the crew.

     The crew, by and large, took divine transmogrification in stride. No one was spared - clothing wasn’t happening until they could get to port - though a few of the more modest girls rigged temporary coverings with whatever they found. An entire day after the transformations began, one hundred girls set out from Olgutra, consisting of eighty-eight Breenan humans - from Breen proper, the Easter Colonies and four sisters from Faluss - three orcs of the Gnashing Clan, four elves, one high aelf, two dwarfs and two goblins. What started at dusk continued spreading through the entire crew like a plague for over forty hours, leaving every girl no longer themselves. Not just a collection of different races, there were girls with appearance and abilities not even Berry could put name to. No one was spared, and no one affected in the same way. Yet although bouts of panic emerged, after the officers got a hold of themselves they kept order, gathering the confused corsairs the next morning to sort the bootlicked swashhalter situation out.

     “Krizz, how much longer until the Faluss coastline and we can use the current down Wylo?” Jyna asked, unable to keep irritation out of her newly melodic voice despite making every effort to act captain. Afraid to lose more clothing after her sudden growth then shrinking, as much as she could wear safely, Jyne remained naked excepting a belt with three pistols and saber, her tricorn, eyepatch and a body of fins and fishscales.

     “Winds been kind, Krizz says, so Krizz thinks still two days,” the goblin said, laying maps onto the deck with help from Tops to keep them flat. Also, careful to move her third leg of a flaccid dick away from parchment, shiny green premen pooling behind as she jutted a cup of the stuff every few minutes. Three girls hardly past their first blooding (though they must have been older, as Jyne tended to think every teenager a tween in her advanced years of thirty-three. The captain had a hard rule no girl under 18 was allowed to pirate) followed the goblin everywhere with mops and buckets, the diminutive goblin being one of the messier victims from these changes.

     “Which means we’ll starve before scurvy sets in,” Xorli muttered, hunched and seated port to keep the ship balanced, though the massive twenty feet of orcflesh muttered at the volume of a cannon now. As quartermaster, it was her responsibility to measure the stores of food on the ship and manage the crew, and the future manifested grim. “Not counting myself and the twins, more girls grew than shrunk, and Stef still gorges like a dwarf. The more magical the race, the more they eat, and the majority of the crew used to be Breenan. Unless we solve the food issue, we might not have two days.”

     The twins Zera and Zari, now a two headed giant, nodded from their seat under the center mast. This rustled Tops and Stef from their roosts high above, floating down to the deck to float over the crew of monsters that now casually or nervously stood and waiting for their captain to make a decision. Because despite what had happened to everyone, the girls here trusted Jyne to get them through it.

     Jyne grimaced. She had been Breenan herself a day and a half ago, whatever humanity previous possessed transformed into this fish monster she lived inside, like the feminine cross of a parrotfish and lionfish. When she first burst out of her familiar skin, the creature stood over seven feet with tits large enough to compare to ripe fruit, but her proportions shrunk back to previous measurements over the day, leaving her wearing scales but otherwise sporting the same shape. Mostly, the gills on her neck exhaling and inhaling rather than with a nose she no longer possessed were the most bothering to a captain long resigned to fate instead of fairness.

     The captain also shared the same problems gnawing inside her entire crew: horny and hungry. They were out of food. They were out of bones and tripe, some of the girls no longer picky. Nulissula nearly drowned a few with her slimy body to stop girls from eating wood boards used for ship repair. If the way a walking sheep with brandy casks for tits kept clopping away from larger girls with even larger teeth was any indication, how long before cannibalism become a desperate option?

     Horny she would deal with later. Hungry needed to be dealt with now.

     “Ms. Totts,” Jyne shouted, speaking in her captain voice directly to the goblin but loud enough for the entire crew to hear, “in your opinion, how much time can we spare and still nab the booty?”

     Kriss consulted chart compass and measured their speed, scribbling on scrap paper with charcoal for calculations. “Kriss no want too much time passing, Kriss already think we miss the ships before they dock. Half a day?”

     “Ms. Cuddles, furl sail and deploy sea anchors!”

     “Aye aye, captain!” The most immobile crew member, First Mate Berry Cuddles looking much the cow but with a pair of tits lifting her feet off the ground and balancing the boat against six ton of orc with her minotaurish gargantuan mammaries. Even depressing under their own brown and white furred weight, each breast five feet tall and half again wide lashed as they were to keep her from tipping into the sea. Because, by necessity, those leaking teats poured enough milk over starboard as to put a dairy out of business. Based upon the loud sloshing and continued slow taut growth, each of those moo juicers were filled to bursting with hot cream. A normal woman would have asked to be relieved of duty, but Berry lost none of her capabilities as a mate and hands scrambled about the rigging to slow them to a halt in deep ocean.

     Meanwhile, Jyne scanned through the crew to decide on who could help fix the food problem, tallying the time for piracy then a run down the coast to free waters. “Ms. Xorli, Ms. Waters, how much fish do we need to last six days and how much weight can the ship handle before we sink into the leviathan’s embrace?”

     “We set out from Olgutra Port light on food but otherwise fully loaded, displacing 4600 tons.” The massive orc woman leaned over to check the line of the ship in the water, adjusting numbers in her head. “Now we have no food and tossed as much detritus and materials overboard as could be spared. We are teetering near 5800 tons. The Scorned Lover will capsize in a stiff wind if we displace a goblin fart more than 7700 tons. With booty that doesn’t leave a lot of room.”

     “No guesses how much food these salty tarts suckle now, but I’m hungry enough to eat a horse, not exaggerating.” JC had her arms folded under floppy granny juggs, the top half of her body deceptively unchanged as the legs spread out through the front of the prow and hung down towards the deep blue with dark purple tentacles that would put a kraken to shame. “If the whole lot of spunk guzzlers manage to swallow, I can keep us fed for a week with a hundred tons of fish, though we’ll need to live off fruit when we get back to port else hair and teeth will fall out faster than a virgin priest in a bathhouse. Will probably supplement our water with Jumbo McCreamy over here, but won’t want to overdo it if it hurts Berry.”

     “We are not going to get a hundred tons from lines,” Nulissula said placidly, her voice taken on a gurgle sounding refined from the austere aelf, never mind her goopy state. Purple only in the sense of pastel violet, more translucent than opaque and only someone knowing her previous features could observe how she retained form. Forgoing legs at the moment, instead Nulissula rested in a puddle of herself on the deck, though it did not change regal manner while indicating towards the dozens of ropes over the side with hooks and a prayer they brought up a good sized catch. “We need more food.”

     “I have a plan, and if it works we’ll be sick of fish for the rest of our lives but we’ll also have plenty to chow.” Jyne spotted what she needed from the crew, pointing the girls out. “You, you, you, sorry, I’ll relearn names later, right now I need everyone with gills and looks like they can swim. That include you, Lorryn.”

     Though everyone in the crew was affected by the curse, whatever it was, not all were affected equally, the previously bubbly and unstoppable talking machine of Lorryn Dawnstrider the most emotionally damaged. Whatever femininity she once possessed, this girl lost it beneath an avalanche of defined muscles fit to explode out from under blue and white shark skin. Still possessing breasts, but swallowed by pecs large enough to make a normal woman unable to tilt their head downward. Not normal, this wasn’t Lorryn’s problem, as chondrocranium grew larger in proportion than the rest of her slabulature, a megalodon personification of nightmares. Far more teeth than a shark’s mouth, pitch black eyes and a snout slicing out in half moon like a broad hatchet. Bone plates spread through her face and formed in odd places, mostly around joints. The impression now, between fins edged in razors, a muscled mass somehow so dense she weighted the equal to Xorli yet only a third of the height, a mouth capable biting chunks out of anchors, Lorryn became violence waiting to unleash.

     At least, physically. Sitting stern to keep the weight distributed, she slumped silently and sobbed, disappointed sharks didn’t shed tears. Angry, too, at least after she picked up her lute last night and crushed it before stopping herself. Followed by the destruction of a table and two chairs. Next would have been the hull, but Jiggles eventually talked her off the plank. Mostly, thought, it appeared she hated her inability to speak, as if staying silent were a physical pain and didn’t know how to cope.

     Jyne strode over and put her own scaly and webbed hand on Lorryn’s shoulder, speaking with a smile of her own needled teeth. “I am sorry this happened to you. You are surrounded by friends and we will survive this, but I need all hands.” Jyne took off her hat and shook her fins out, taking off the belt but drawing her cutlass. “We are in the deep ocean and about to swim into the abyss. I can’t think of someone better to join me than yourself. Everything else, I’ll personally see what can be done to help, I swear it.”

     Lorryn, bless the perky girl’s heart, managed to make the merciless depths of a shark’s face appear hopeful and thankful. Rousing bulk from the boat and standing quickly, Jyne actually felt the entire ship shift in the waves and desperately pled to a goddess other than Cluothe! they could survive long enough to reach shore.

     “Alright, enough clam flapping!” Jyne yelled, stomping to quarterdeck and gathering the four joining her. Lorryn appeared the most fierce, but wasn’t the most odd. An eel with arms and legs, an otherwise normal girl with a squid on her head, the last getting off closer to Jyne with scales and a one arm a giant lobster claw. On a visual inspection, though, they all looked capable of breathing and swimming in the Blue Expanse. “We are south of the leviathan kingdoms, so just fishes here. Doesn’t make this any less dangerous, but if we don’t come back with food, we starve. Ms. Cuddles, the ship is yours.”

     “Aye aye,” Berry acknowledged, but it was subdued. A lot rode on success.

     Jyne took a step onto the gangway and leapt, diving into the dark ocean sword first, quickly followed by her school of fishgirls.

     “I can talk? I can talk!”

     Jyne would have paid attention to Lorryn’s nonstop nonsense babbling, but the captain was engrossed in viewing the world under waves with crystal clarity. From where she floated with the other women, looking down, she saw the ocean floor miles away. There was no murk, no haziness, only a pure vision never experienced while she beheld every secret the waters kept as if under noonday suns. All in far more color and vibrancy then Jyne ever thought possible, the world topside now a bland shadow. The experience humbled her to the point of dropping sword and not caring while it sank into depths, past schools of fish, past forests of kelp, past creatures she had no name for.

     “Can anyone else see this?” Jyne asked, not taking eyes off something the shape of a turtle lumbering on the far floor below, spitting out lava from crevices in its back. It must has been a hundred times the size of the Scorned Lover. That was just one of a myriad of things she estimated could gobble the girls like a handful of nuts.

     “See what?” the girl with the squid head asked, her voice identifying Uliechi, one of the carpenters working under Nulissula and the pervert who carved dildos for the crew. “All I have is ocean and blackness below. I think I see tuna over yon but can’t be sure.”

     The others replied similarly, then Lorryn quickly railroaded everyone, realizing gills meant breathed separately from her monster gab hole. “I can’t see the fish, but maybe I can see the fish, because I know they are over there, which is like I can smell them over there but it isn’t smelling, it is more like I can hear-shock-taste. Think of rubbing your feet over plush carpet, then touch your tongue to a doorknob and bam it is like the shock lets me see the doorknob, so I know the fish are over there, but I also feel some fish below them and there’s something larger with a lot of legs, like a sea spider of some kind. I once met an arachne from the Heheim countries, and she was really nice, she had such pretty hair, but those legs were like ick though I didn’t want to be rude, so I said…”

     The sea spider resembled a ten-legged blue starfish blinking a giant eye in the center, lazily floating half a mile below and to the right of Jyne. It was as large as the brothel she grew up in. At the moment, that eye had no notice of them or the ship.

     Jyne never feared the ocean until this moment. Before, she blissfully thought her ship stood a chance against most creatures beneath them. Now, empirical evidence presented a dozen things within this stretch of ocean could swallow the ship and crew whole. It was humbling, it was…


     The noise bubbling from Jyne wasn’t words or sounds, more something escaping lips without source. It was that feeling again - not an orgasm - instead a pleasurable jab into her pelvis, there a moment then gone. If an orgasm could be a fist, some bilge-sucker punched her gut and left her moaning since they started this thrice-cursed voyage! Feeling it off an on since this all started, each time there was nothing for Jyne to prepare when it hit. She was getting better at controlling visible reactions, though. This one helped clarify her mind onto the importance of their actions now.

     “Alright, ya whisker biscuits,” Jyne said, gathering the girls around her while whispering water. “I can see better than anyone has a right to down here, so follow me and keep yapping to a minimum, savvy?” Everyone glared at Lorryn, who did modulate her monologue into a low mutter. “I’ve got a target for us that should get us tack for the trip. Hope everyone likes whale.”

     Jyne shot down towards the white bull cachalot, the others close behind and trying to keep sight of their captain in the deep.


     “Can you not capsize us when you stuff your tacos on deck, Zs?!” Xorli shouted, moving her massive green orciness around to keep the ship steady as the twin-in-one slid down onto the deck, blue body throwing a few more spasms. “We’re all horny!”

     “Sorry, X, tried to stop rocking the boat…” one of the large blue heads said, all ridges and whorls and teeth enough to make a clan chief jealous, large body relaxing and shifting so as not to break the main mast. The twins, Zera and Zari, combined were the tallest girl(s) on the ship now, over fifty feet. Weight didn’t equate size, as Xorli, Berry and Lorryn were far denser. The blue skinned, four armed and two headed twinbination wasn’t a lightweight, only possessing a mass lighter than size suggested. All crags and skin plates in different shades of vibrant blues, she might have been mistaken for a demonic except she didn’t give off the right smell.

     “…but if you suddenly had twice as much, how could you resist?” the other blue head finished, smiling and licking the ear of the other head. Aside from being one body now, she tended towards two sets of everything. Two sets of arms, two sets of tits, two heads, and as they discovered a few minutes before, two pussies. This pair of orgasms proved historically accurate like before becoming one person, one cunt throbbed in orgasm while the other splashed a barrel worth of cunny onto the deck. The three swabbies with mops were not amused.

     “If we don’t start showing restraint,” Xorli said, through her brow glistened and six foot of cock rose to full mast, hard enough to penetrate a battleship between crossed legs, “we will capsize. Besides, the captain will be back any moment with our food and we need to prepare for anything.”

     “Yes, that is…is very good, moooodvice, Quartermaster,” Berry said, the chop and Zs’ actions causing a swell to knock her minotaur knockers against the deck and spray milk down the side. “We should aaaaallll show some…at least, we need to make sure…” Because tits propped her up and thrust naked furred hips into plain view, it was obvious one hand reached around past pregnant belly to tickle her clit. “Just try not to sink us.”

     For a moment no one knew what to say. Berry was the restrained one, the calm logic balancing against Jyne’s passion. Even Nulissula lost prim noblesse more often. And for that moment, a hundred girls managed to consider the consequences of giving into their collected burning lusts, each girl an expert in controlling lust from hundreds accumulated years of  prostitution between them all.

     “First dibs on orc cock!”

     Pandemonium erupted as every skilled hand, mouth, foot, tongue, tentacle or appendage found genitals and the entire ship attempted to discover if orgasms had limits.


     Swimming with webbed hands and feet proved a new experience. Not only for Jyne, but all the hunting party.


     All the Black Hearts knew how to swim, something Jyne required them to practice regularly. In her mind, it made no sense for buxom buccaneers to drift crowded on flotsam in the twelve seas of Yerm or crossing the Blue Expanse without at least an ability to keep head above water. Regular swimming also gave great cardio. It made perfect sense to Jyne, a woman was smaller and less muscled than a man. If they wanted to best a crew of trained cutthroats, every girl on the Scorned Lover needed to be in better physical shape. The ruthless success of three years spoke loudly that every girl aboard wasn’t just physically fit, they were apex female predators.

     “Xortli looked in great shape topside.”

     So Jyne dove deep towards the target, hardly noticing the increasing pressure or the other girls’ difficulty following, the deep ocean dark as to have no difference between eyes opened and closed without light. Swimming took on an effortless motion, no different than strolling the forecastle, meaning this change in body came with some changes in her mind, which Jyne didn’t care for knowing magic messed with her head. 

     The other girls displayed similar effortlessness swimming, though to different effects. Lorynn shot through the water like a cannonball, halted, then returned, each movement with extreme speed, strength, and only the minimal amount of control. Uliechi appeared a better swimmer than Jyne, having absolute dominion in the water, gaining strength and ability to see more clearly the deeper they went. Qiv - the eel with arms and legs and a gunner under Stef - spun in graceful spirals yet made those lazy circles devour the fathoms. She also provided faint bioluminescence along her finned back, giving the others enough light to stay together instead of swimming hopelessly into abyss. The claw girl struggled the most, though she kept pace. She hadn’t said much, which led Jyne to think she was the young and stoic Woon, one of the powder monkies. Little talking overall among the group, regardless, aside from the constant though low muttering of Lorynn and the occasional outburst from Jyne.

     “Keep it together, woman!” Jyne harshly whispered, clenching needle fangs to keep from shouting.

     The others shared concern for their captain, but said nothing after Jyne nearly bit Qiv’s snout off for asking. Descending even such a short distance with their newfound skills at swimming would have been a simple affair, but after an hour they remained a hundred yards from target. Mostly because the route Jyne led them through had enough twists and turns to secure a thousand yards of sail. At first the hunters were skeptical of the sudden changes in direction, but after a close run in with a school of sharks Lorynn insisted she felt pass them, the trust they gave Jyne became absolute.

     They couldn’t ignore the smell filtering into their gills, though. Because while in the most dangerous water any air-breather ever knew, they followed Jyne and the hormonal discharge she dispersed into the sea intoxicated like hot bukakke and tantalized as a tongue lapping labias. Like breathing in sex through their gills and only danger kept them from collectively finding out if their captain truly was a muff queen. The longer it went on, the danger itself added spice to their own lusts.

     Jyne’s problem was different than her crew. Duty heavier than a millstone around her neck, a willpower she never suspected possessing warring against the need to grab the nearest lips and shove them between spread legs, shouting they lick harder! It took all the strength left in her body to stop from grabbing Krizz’s rubbery gobbo meat and shoving it inside her when they were waiting through the night and wondering if these changes would foretold their deaths. Jyne fantasized if Stef’s new pixie body would fit inside and how wiggling legs squirmed around clenched canal while the former dwarf sucked clit.

     “…” the captain bit down on her tongue hard enough to slice the tip off, extremely careful to keep her mouth closed and prevent any blood entering the water, turning the last stretch before they made it to their target. It happened constantly now, the former blows of edging-without-an-orgasm turning from occasional gut punch into unrelenting beatings driving her mad. A lesser woman would have succumbed, leaving crew to die as she descended into hedonistic catatonia, but she would not submit to foreign sensations! She gave in before, it was her fault the changes happened to the Black Hearts.

     It is my fault! Jyne screamed inside her mind, the accusation echoing again and again, guilt and shame giving strength to kick her webbed feet harder and motion they were coming up on the pale sperm whale lazily swimming in front of them.

♫If trouble ye want then trouble ye get♫
♫My lass is the ocean as I am her pet♫
♫Tis long from the shore and longer I’ll be♫
♫Till the moment my lass is ever with me♫

     Doctor Jiggles - her name long lost and anyone fool enough to ask found themselves in the infirmary, wondering how they got there and why their head hurt so much - had a voice that deserved a stage. Not that she sung with tones of an angel or siren, but it was a practiced voice, experienced as a heart going on over the deep. Also where many girls theorized the name Jiggles came from, because proper lungs that aria-ed as much as cackled shook that prodigious rack more than wobbly pudding.

     “I give! Curse my buttered onions, I made a mistake, you twisted physician! I never should have asked for this, I-I-aaaaaahh!!”

     Frost bit the corner of the room, the assistant cook Cendalicana struggling against sticky arachne silk bonds binding her as she came, hoar ice spreading under frozen snatch spitting ice so cold it spread icicles simply from the air. Jiggles was careful to use the long tongs to twist and crack the dildo out of ice and pussy, pleasantly singing through it all, moving onto the next patient of the dozen caught in her webs through the infirmary, massive arachne body dripping spider silk from her own arousal while eight legs steadily clicked along.

♫I thrust to the sea, come into her swell♫
♫Wet tides bring reply to where ever I dwell♫
♫Sailing her crest out beyond from the quay♫
♫Till the moment my lass is ever with me♫

     Song drifted into the galley, a bawdy number given depth with skill and tone of the singer, yet that hardly mattered to the girl rutting into a womanly collection of translucent slime. All together, a ship once containing no penises (aside from those fashioned from wood, metal or the strange materials found in Yrlmuh’s stores) now contained eight. Technically seven, but everygirl agreed the two flopping above Jaylina’s pussy and a pair of balls swinging past her knees were odd even for all the other changes the crew recently endured.

     “Very good, Daizine,” Nulissula gurgled, somehow both breathy and dignified, even as details of her body flowed more and more into simple jelly mold. “So glad to see you quick figuring out how this male appendage can be put into use.”

     “Nothin’ to it, mum,” the middle aged and scarred boarding combatant grunted, pounding sloppy ooze pussy like she were beating a drum. “The Upper Pantheon knows I be havin’ enough dick in me to grasp the basics over the years.” 

     Daizine initially found herself the least changed when magic swept through the decks, only gaining a cock of moderate size where clit should be. Brown hair with gray at the temples and cut short, the squat and tanned woman generally got along with everyone and made little fuss. However, when everyone remained in the throws of wild divinity, she found herself inside Hiri’s pussy and cumming buckets before either girl knew to stop and think. Hiri, a rigger and the cross of a bat and a bear, suddenly found herself staring at a monstrous twin when Daizine turned into the same bear-bat combination for as long as it took cum to leak out of furry twat. Once that happened, Daizine reverted, returning her to the most human crew member. Taciturn by nature, she shrugged and asked if any one else needed cock.

     There were a lot of hands…hands, claws, tentacles, etc…

     Regardless, it didn’t take more than half a dozen girls to realize so long as Daizine had some of her spunk in a girl, she became that girl, or at least the race of that girl, though she kept her dick. This included multiple partners, making for some weird combinations, though it never lasted long because every girl stuffed full of jizz felt an uncontrollable need to expel it out of themselves, often violently and with screams of ecstasy. It was a good thing Daizine had become a bottomless barrel of cum, because she was quickly becoming a favorite.

     Speaking of cum…

     “Yohoho!!” Daizine screamed, Nulissula ululating similar as hot ejaculate diluting her body, spreading into living gelatin, infusing, more and more and more.

     “This do be a problem!” the recently turned, older futa woman mentioned to the goo aelf she geysered into. And kept cumming, the orgasm sensation unwilling to stop after far longer than any man ever had cum, even as the woman tried to grasp her urethra closed with overtaxed kegels. Though only a day, Daizine was accustomed to massive loads, sometimes half a gallon of girl chowder basting a womb before dribbling. This time, it didn’t stop, and trying to pull out the of goo girl stretching and clinging to her futa cock, she realized her skin milky and creamy thick as splooge shooting into quivering purple blob. And she was shrinking, too quickly to do anything as it took only minutes more to ejaculate her entire self into Nulissula, struggles to escape ultimately futile.

     “Mmmmmppppllbbbbbbmmm,” the aelf bubbled, formless sloshing and shaking around sensations impossible to experience as a solid creature, orgasm rippling through her on a cellular level. Rippling faster and faster, a quake convulsing, building toward a stiff hardness until she violently collapsed on herself and gushulated the white inside onto the wall, painting the room in steaming cum.

     It took time, but jizz goop gathered itself and slopped over the floor, Daizine returning to human self, though now covered in liquids from both women. Nulissula tried sculpting features, but the best effort was a simplistic face garbling and bubbling breathless words. “That was different.”

     Daizine turned weakly and coughed up her own cum, smiling agreeably to the whole affair. “Aye.”


     Years later, after the girls retired to an island, enjoying a hardy round of drinks, they would all laugh at the time Jyne thought it was a good idea to take newly changed monster girls and attack a full grown bull sperm whale. Hahaha! they’d giggle, Another round for our idiot captain!

     “I really hope I live long enough to laugh about this!” Jyne screamed, kicking legs for all she was worth to stay ahead of the wide jaws of Moby Dickless.


     Jyne never heard sperm whale song, but she did not expect rapid clicking shot into her. By itself, it didn’t sound menacing. As she swerved in pain and grasped hands over ears - narrowly avoiding the snap of hard teeth and flat jaws - Jyne experienced the loudest sound, made worse in the water as those clicks wracked her like typhoon swells. This was not her first fight, though, so she gathered wits and floundered further down, using greater agility in the water to counter the massive creature’s speed. It wasn’t going to be enough, though, as the whale bent itself and plunged faster than Jyne could react in a daze state, coming quickly for the kill. With a certainty this was it, Jyne wished she still had her sword as the mouth opened wide to take her whole.


     Jaws closed, and the entire beast yanked back in the water, though Jyne bruised an arm as lips smacked against her scales.

     “Heave, you clap infested excuse for cum queefs!” Uliechi shouted, squid tentacles latched around the tail next to Woon’s giant claw while Qiv constricted sinuous eel body around the middle of the beast, lit up bright enough to act beacon for half the ocean.

     Jyne took the save, scrambling in the water to rise above and far enough away to breath (is the term to breath in water to gill?), shaking weakness out and acting the captain. “Keep him locked! We are attracting too much attention so we’ll only get one shot! Woon, yer up!”

     Woon said nothing, swimming next to Jyne and positioning that lobster claw out in front, opening it as wide as possible. When Woon changed into the cross of a catfish and lobster, the claw became an obvious problem: four feet long and looking it weighed as much as a forecastle. Woon had no trouble moving it around, but when others tried to lift, it was like shifting a full barrel of salt. Afterwards, when Woon tested out her new body belowdecks, she discovered another ability. At least, they figured it out after repairing the hole in the hull.


     If the whale click had been a typhoon, this was an entire broadside cannon barrage focused into one narrow shot. Jyne couldn’t follow the effect, one blink Woon straining to keep her claw open, the next it closed with that sound. The water parted in a cylinder of air flooding back in the next second and hit hard enough to crater the beast’s ribs. Physics shot Woon back a hundred feet before she controlled herself and swam back, but the bull would have bounced off the ocean floor if Qiv didn’t spin while constricting the whale and somehow keeping it in place.

     However, as devastating an attack as Woon delivered, the whale only appeared mildly injured. Spinning and fighting Uliechi and Qiv in a rage to feast on Jyne Sashimi, the bull rushed upwards faster than Jyne felt she could escape. The starfish eyed creature glared down at them and drifted their way, a dozen sharks in a school would converge on them in minutes and even the massive volcano turtle turned an eye the size of a building upward.

     Which is when Lorryn body-checked into the other side of its head so fast it snapped the creature in half, killing it on the spot. It was a wonder the entire white whale wasn’t torn in half from the force.

     Plan concocted on the fly, Jyne enjoyed reading books about science.  Physics was a favorite hobby, much to Stef’s chagrin when she played around with cannonballs. It didn’t take a genius to realize Lorryn’s new mass combined with incredible swimming speed was going to be the finishing move. All Lorryn needed was a bright enough of a target - provided by Qiv - and then a long arcing start with time for the muscled sharkgirl to gain velocity. Sure, the bard could just as easily bitten the whale in twain, but the goal was meat, even bruised meat. And if they wanted to keep that meat, they would need to move quickly.

     “Hoist my clit, me hearties!” Jyne cheered, ignoring her arm and swimming a happy jig. “Now haul this booty topside before we become bilge bait!”

     This whole time, a shivering throb in her uterus built and built towards a climax that never came. With nervous trepidation, Jyne fought it down, terrified of what awaited her crew the next time she orgasmed.


     “Someone has to wait for the captain,” Xortli repeated.

     “Krizz needs to watch ship,” Krizz echoed.

     Most of the crew had descended into debauchery, but there was a ring of a dozen cornering the quatermaster and navigator. These girls were hungry and there were only seven cocks to pass around ninety twats (eight cocks, if you counted Jaylina twice). Skilled fingers, thick tentacles, living flesh out of the strangest fetish dreams and nightmares, the crew made use of every new experience they found among themselves. Yet when a girl needed a dick, she needed a dick. Poor Biba - changed into something like a mushroom with a stem in the right place and ejaculating creamy spores - lay unconscious and dragged down to the crew quarters to recover, given as much Berry milk as she could drink to stay hydrated.

     “Delegate,” Stef intoned while flitting around, but she retained enough restraint to resist touching. “Ye need ta share da loot. Beside,” she continued, gesturing towards the sausages on deck, “ye both’re pent up fierce.”

     Restraint really was the term for everyone currently crowding portside. Supernaturally horny to girls riding spars and humping cannons, a lifetime of being forced in one form or another - it was sometimes semantics - made consent prostitutes’ greatest treasure. And while Xorli kept to complex codes of honor among the orc clans and Krizz grew up in the communal warrens of deep goblin nations, they were every bit the former working girls as every other woman aboard. Sex wasn’t something to be ashamed of: it was comfort, it was love, and many a girl received release after some abusive John hours before. The difference was choice, choosing who and what and when. For many and for many years, it was all they had and no one would break that.

     Yet despite what a girl might want, many of the crew came to terms there were things many of them needed now, and the pixie undersold the problem. Every girl changed, some more obvious than other, but superficially the orc and goblin looked similar to an orc and goblin. There was more Xorli, her muscles straining under black-green skin and rippling like soft waves in the sea even when relaxed, breasts now boulders, tusks making her mouth a bucket of swords. Six foot orc cock was a mast between her crossed legs that sprung hard without wavering. Earlier, on a dare, Xorli had asked one of the girls to smack it with a plank. A few smacks later, the plank shattered and Xorli didn’t even twitch. Pre leaked from meatus in a slow drip, but otherwise appeared as the longer she went, the harder she got.

     Krizz didn’t change in size, though her skin gained a rubbery stretch beyond even goblin anatomy. Some volunteers managed to stretch her arms from port to starboard, no even remotely harming the little gobbo, pea green body snapping back with a rubbery bounce. Yet her cock also grew more erect over time just as Xorli’s did. The difference is that Xorli grew harder, but Krizz kept growing. Seventeen and a half feet (one of the girls excitedly keeping measure) of cock bloated across the deck. Eighteen feet, a deep stretching sound groaning as the green log grew longer and thicker. And the clear slime juting out every few minutes amounted to fifty gallons apiece. It wasn’t physically possible, like a urethra connected directly to unlimited jizz, the otherwise tiny goblin girl looked healthy and not dehydrating, but the three swabbies assigned to her had given up entirely and aimed the premen overboard next to Berry’s dairy dispensers.

     “We will discuss this when the captain returns, Ms. Breakhammer,” Xorli growled to Stef, though whether she growled in dominance or frustration over her honor keeping from penetrating a line of girls, the former dwarf couldn’t tell.

     “They’ve been gone hours,” Stef complained. With her ethereal beauty it looked more the pout, wings dripping dust in the air as she hovered near the orc’s face. “In another hour, Krizz’ll be longer an’ thicker den the keel! Let a few uv da flexible girls ride ya both, ya stuff us good, we ‘ave ya serviced en no time.”

     “Object spotted!” Tops cried from the crow, thankfully managing to keep feathered talons out of her twat long enough to lookout. “Two points starboard off bow!”

     Xorli, arriving to a decision, nodded and grabbed the pixie out of the air, only her head sticking out of a massive green fist. Leaning down, all tusks and menace, the giant orc first glanced towards the little goblin beside her and crooked an eyebrow. With resignation, Krizz slumped and nodded. The quartermaster then glared at the expectant crew and gestured to the twenty foot long gobbo penis. Horny as everyone was, the dozen girls jumped at the chance and got to work. Then she turned her attention to the captive Stef and thrust the pixie onto the top of Xorli’s own cock.

     “Start licking,” the orc ordered, twitching already as the frustrations of orc honor relaxed and she allowed herself to escalate into her first futanari ejaculation.


     Wresting their prize top side proved nearly as difficult as catching it. A little buoyant, moving the dead meat quick enough to avoid the converging predators kept the pirates from shooting directly upwards. Lorryn saved the day again, her musculature strong enough that even a massive sperm was light load. All things equal, with Jyne’s sight it should have been simple, but the burning between finned legs stole their due and it was all the horny captain could do to stop herself from reaching down and cresting the wave she teetered on for hours.

     Uliechi took charge, wrapping Jyne in tentacles and relating directions to the girls as the suffering woman looked all around and kept them safe between bouts of lustful delirium. Woon and Qiv ran interference, the corsairs cutting a path through depths toward the ship. The rise to the suns and spray blanked out of Jyne’s mind, her thoughts on her womb and making sure she didn’t betray her crew again for a moment of pleasure. Over and over she pled to no one to make it stop, that she wouldn’t, she wouldn’t. The others swam quickly, but with dead white whale weight dragging them, it took twice as long to return as it took to dive.

     Breaching the surface, the relief bubbled out of each of the hunters, everyone laughing, even Jyne, waving in the water while someone got on the wheel and the Scorned Lover drifted close, cheering on the deck making its way to the victorious women. However, as the ship came abreast and a ladder lowered, it became clear those were not cheers, but rather moans and cries of arousal.

     “…I have no idea what is wrong with me,” Jyne mumbled, the hardest punch yet hitting her and she had to physically hold her hand back from her own pussy, only able to stop herself because of her injuries, “but it sounds like I’m not the only one. We might need to…”

     “Thar she blows!”

     While Jyne hobbled half way up the ladder and closely assisted by Uliechi to get aboard, a magnificent arc of white shot into the air, tall as the mast. At the crest, a screaming pixie bloated in the shape of a sports ball flew past and splashed overboard, nearly taking Woon in the face. Concerned, Jyne pushed her problems aside and clambered up (noting with irritation she lost her eyepatch somewhere in the deeps), finding a scene out of a demonic bacchanal.

     The entire crew - every one of them - were in the process of pleasuring themselves, being pleasured or pleasuring someone else. Or all together at once. Twat on pussy on cunt. Fingers on or in, tongues lapping every surface. Thick cunny wasn’t the only salacious sauce glazing the planks, half of portside a white blob around the slumped Xorli. In fact, the deck might as well have been in a storm for all the fluids sloshing upon planks. Yet when Jyne trudged on deck, they all froze, a tableau illustrating caught by a parent using mother’s dildo.

     “Was that Stef bloated with jizz?” Uliechi asked, tentacles letting her crawl up and quickly join her captain without witnessing the scene and focused on the water. When she turned and looked at the silent crew, Uliechi’s eye drew towards the only movement aboard the ship: a twenty-two foot green cock bucking a dozen girls riding it, pointed right at the squidy carpenter.


     Krizz came a bright green stream as thick as the rudder and hit the squid carpenter hard enough to fling her over the deck and out thirty feet into the blue. Strong enough to break bones and enough volume to fill the entire bilge with a single shot. The ship rocked from the equal opposite reaction! Jyne absently stepped out of the way and alert crew followed  into the water to make sure Uliechi made it safely back on board. Krizz shot eleven more streams before drizzling the last sticky and globular cum then flaccided.

     Through it all, Jyne glared and not one girl said anything. Maybe Jyne might have shouted something, done something, but she was dealing with the realization that the same sensation felt for days now had stopped when she stepped on board, then hit her exactly when goblin futa navigator ejaculated a crew member off the ship. Jyne felt Krizz’s orgasm. She felt everyone’s orgasms. Had been, since that cursed statue bit her hand.

     “I think we have a problem,” Jyne noted, knowing this grew more complicated every day they remained at sea.


     When the Magical Friendship left dock in Yrlmuh - down the broad Nhi Delta, exiting out of the south east end of Bronolle into the Blue Expanse - the cutter was at full sail. Not half a day later, Friendship left the Crimson Haze (a phenomenon localized to the area of Yrlmuh that blocked the twin suns and made the sky into a uniform red from horizon to horizon) one of the many effects of living so close to the Maw. Many sailors berthing around the massive city state often announced the transition with the phrase returning to the Blue.

     First Mate, Lieutenant Commander Fraker, was a seasoned seaman and still capable of leading boarding action no matter the loss of his right arm to raiders over a decade ago. The Ursian didn’t just look the bear, he acted one as well when sabers and pistols came out. Between battles, he exemplified the stalwart with such an attention to details, in a lesser man he would have been called retentive.

     It was one of those details that brought him to the Commander’s cabin, knocking politely.


     Fraker did, not ducking his head as he stepped inside, this ship designed with larger races in mind. “Sir, you wanted to know when we returned to the Blue.”

     “Yes, thank you Number One.”

     Fraker remained at ease, though he closed the door as was proper, waiting for the Commander to nod ascent. “Sir, now that we are underway and in deep water, I hoped to get more details concerning our mission.”

     The Commander pursed lips, then blew them out before running a hand through his mane. “I’ll be frank, Jolliam, I have only a little more information than you.” He stood from his desk and went to the charts of Blue Expanse where Bronelle and Yerm faced each other on the east and west. “Our target is the privateer vessel the Scorned Lover. They left Olgutra a few days ago,” he pointed to the city on the edge of Breen, tracing west across the Expanse towards the Wylo Coast, “and are probably almost to Faluss and the southern current. With our luck we’ll need the sweeps to catch them before they make it to about here.” The Commander’s hand pointed at a hook in the land only a few clicks of the major trading city of Stobon. “I heard word of major cargo transported north and Stoborn is the most likely destination. If the Black Hearts want their prize, that is where I’d set my trap.”

     Fraker kept his hand behind his back, counting the marks on the map and adding the miles while growing worried. “There is too much ocean, we’re against current and if we don’t spend half our time against the wind, I’ll eat the rigging. I don’t think we will make it in time.”

     “We have to make it, even if we need to row through the night,” Commander Custard stated, his horn glowing brightly upon the blue uniform of the Libertonian Navy as the unicorn stooped to give a regretful gaze upon a personal painting of his betrothed, Mizi. “If we don’t reach the Scorned Lover in time, then it will mean the end of Evma as we know it.”



interesting one