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This chapter was really hard to write, and I blame "Irene" entirely. Just as Ai is based on myself, Irene is based on someone, and she has input. Good input, the input makes a great story, but it was like running the treadmill at full speed the entire time. Also, I really wanted the orgy in this chapter, but I got to the stopping point I did and realized I would need to write another 5k minimum to do the orgy justice, and nope. My style of waxing too long on description got the better of me and so everything is set up for next chapter, which I have 1k words into right now.

I think I'll eventually split Irene of into her own section, but right now I think it works putting them together, gives a balance to the story overall. Perceptive readers will realize I'm fitting more and more of the same city and world descriptions together and realize they are not going to be separate stories for much longer.


Ai Love Therapy Ch. 04

The following is an experiment. I haven't written much fiction lately and my therapist encouraged I get back at it. There is no rhyme or reason to this. No Editor-kun, no second draft: going commando here! Expect lots of BE, FMG, GTS, Futa and other sexual growth, but there might be whole chapters where I complain how badly they adapted a favorite book series.


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