Sketches and small things. (Patreon)
Some stuff from the last week. Could have posted some of it earlier but was waiting until I had a good amount of things since they're all sorta random.
First two are a couple attempts at at something like goo tank maintenance using a suit design I was toying with last month. Technically the design wasn't for BSFS stuff, but it absolutely works in the setting and I can still tweak/ reuse it for the thing I was designing it for originally.
Next two are some more scifi takes on hornyjail. Some iterations on a suit design (Im going with the top right one), and then a sketch that came about from talking with Sui about the idea.
After that is a page of josh/kig/dong doodles.
And lastly is some random vaguely Kat shaped gynoid sexdoll.
More to come as time goes on.