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A small priest of the Order retrieves a lost artifact from a long gone plant civilization.

The Order often sends their members on a search to seek and secure ancient artifacts for study and to prevent misuse by unknowing explorers. Not every artifact is dangerous but it is best to approach one with caution and handle with care.



Scott Marlowe

I wonder what power it will grant. Very well done!


Edward here has to bring it back to a lab for study to figure that out. He and a few scientists would plant it in a special biosphere, suitable for Rewt growth and record observations.

Thomas Fredrickson

Where can I get those glasses? Do they include LED light that change colors? Asking for a friend ;)


Sometimes the Order buys from other manufacturers, possibly the same ones that made Cassie's glasses. Stylish yet functional. The lenses do feature a unique crystalline construction that can capture LED-like colors of choice without obstructing sight. This gives a mysterious fluorescent opaque look.