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This one must be viewed on the bitchute because youtube blocked it and i have neither the TIME nor the FUCKING patience to re-edit what is clearly already PERF. Perf is gonna be my new thing. It has been decided. 

Since bitchute Embeds NEVER fucking embed properly here's a back up link just in case the thumbnail fucking FAILS. Random caps lock is my other new thing.



That's it. That's my big joke for the day. Saying gundam wrong. Gumbum. You're welcome. There's a fly in my house and a hole in my sock. I slapped it out of the air two times like a gumbum slapping a little guy in a plane or something and the fucker is still buzzing around. It doesnt even have the courtesy to die. 

This is the gonna be the worst text post of the year. Don't read it, just watch the video. the video is good. Good show. Good anime. Good Request. Big fuckin robots smashing around in the jungle and then home boy smashes the long green woman. Hubba Hubba. I want her. 

No. No. Damn it. I'm gonna write something normal here. Something decent. Something non-retardo. The... ffffff-UCKING.... woman in the gundam show is incredibly hot hee-haw i wanna fill her with my STUFF. 

Yeah okay, this text post is officially an unsalvageable disaster. I should just end it here but now im morbidly curious to see how much stupider it can get if i just keep pounding away at this keyboard.

Top ten hottest anime babes. The lady in this show is definitely one of em. Then you got Princess Peach, The chick from Death Parade with the sexy bangs, Misato is a no-brainer, but also Bulma and Marge Simpson when she lets her hair down. God i literally don't care about anything in this stupid life except babes.

Don't even get me started on real life babes. I see em everywhere. I see em in they pajamas at the grocery store at 3 am. I see em playing volleyball on the tv. I even see em in my dreams when i drink too much and pass out in a heap of regrets. 

Oh for fucks sake my goddamn sparky-ass power strip that keeps my tv and playstation on keeps blinking out for no reason. What a piece of shit. Now i'm gonna have to get up and jiggle it to get my stories back on. Oh but of course now my FUCKING CAT wants to jump up on my goddamn face while im trying to type this and get comfortable making bread with her claws needling into my vulnerable chest skin. NO! GET OFF ME! GET THE FUCK OFF!. 

That's it, no more funny. No more ha ha stories and am-i-rights. i'm in a pissed off mood now. I'm in a violent state. I'm positively sickened by the way things are. I look around and i go is this it? Really? This crap-sucking cunt-hole of a world? This miserable goddamn stinking life? I'm exhausted from living too much and embittered from not living enough. 

Enough is enough and it's time for a change. It's time again to wage war on God. I demand a better, more fulfilling existence in a less crappy world and a hot springs date with the sexy naked lady from the gumbum show. And if i dont get it im gonna go dinosaur, which you do NOT want to see. You're not ready. None of you are. When i go dinosaur you'll know, and it'll be the last thing you fucking know. 

You've already seen too much. I told you not to read this post. i warned you it was gonna be hellish. If you already read it go back and un-read it. I don't wanna be responsible for any loss of hope suffered by exposing yourself to this much raw realness about how poop life is and how bad it all stinks. 

Fuck Miles Morales i should be spider-man. I certainly suffer enough. Stop fucking reading this and watch the damn video. NOW.


Your Japanese Animes: Gundam 08 MS Team

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Boy, now THAT was a classic Jess video!


Gah daym, that was good. Gotta give this one a watch, like Aina did to Shiro.