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It's me, the Malformed Movie Man, long lost twin of the Buff Movie Buff, or something. I barely comprehend the plot of this movie because it's unfathomably insane but in this case that's definitely a good thing.

This comes from 1969 and it's directed by some guy they call the "King of Cult", Teruo Ishii. I don't know his other work but he deserves the title based off this film alone.

This is a fucked up and psychotic tale of an insane man on a really cool island full of hideous freaks doing weird shit for pretty much no reason. If video stores still existed, and i was in one, and i saw that description on the back of the vhs tape it would rent itself. I'd spend an hour browsing behind the porn curtain, get told to leave because i'm 10, rent Conker's Bad Fur Day for the 500th time and then be stopped in my tracks by this masterpiece calling out to me from the weird ass Japanese movie section.

Authors note: i was actually 11 when Conker's Bad Fur Day came out but 10 sounded funnier

Author's other note: If you're wondering how an 11 year old can rent Conker's bad Fur Day so many times, my mom was cooler than yours. She let me watch South Park too.

Let's give a round of applause for our buff movie buff of the week, Socosoap, for recommending this lunacy. Gold star for you. Now who amongst you is man enough or malformed enough to make the honored tribute and request something even cooler, or more deranged? Is such a feat even possible? Let's get buff together and find out.


horrors of the malformed men


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