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Finally the fated day has arrived where i play Crazy Taxi. Unfortunately it's the newfangled version with some of the lamest music ever created. This is one of the worst war crimes ever unleashed on an unsuspecting populace. I assume the story here is that some fool somewhere didn't do his due dilligence in maintaining the soundtrack rights, so this re-release had to replace all the iconic Offspring and Bad Religion tracks with dogshit generic emo-poofter-ass-rock.

I mean they didn't HAVE to, even if they had to replace the music they could have at least made an effort to find similar sounding music. This stuff in here isn't even the same genre, it's a permutation a couple of genres over and it does not get me pumped for driving crazily at all. They might as well have called this version Regular Taxi or Sane Taxi or Mildly-In-a-Bit-of-a-Rush-but-Otherwise-Mostly-Chill-Taxi. 

The only ones going crazy in this scenario would be the passengers having to listen to the normie driver's crummy taste in music. I'd be begging for a station change, i'd be jumping out the window to get away from all the nasally crooning. 

It just ain't the same game when the tunes are lame. But those deeply valid grievances aside, i'm still the best at it.


crazy taxi


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