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Here's a Blue Glow of a fucking awesome game called MechaNika which you should all buy because it rules. It's basically the true story of me if i was a cute loli. Man what a great video. Also i got the new doom but i haven't played it yet. I'll do a blue glow of that too as soon as I'm not being crushed under the enormous weight of the ten trillion horrible vlogs i recorded. Speaking of which...

Vlog - Get a computer


This is such a terrible piece of shit video. it belongs in a wet garbage bag. Believe it or not it was actually worse before I fixed it by overdubbing the last part. I wouldn't even have posted this were it not for 2 saving graces that i feel just barely make it worth existing. Firstly i think it's pretty funny that my calm sincere overdub is pretty funny juxtaposed with the video of me flipping out and clearly threatening everybody in some way. Also i get a kick out of instantly contradicting myself by telling people to get a computer immediately after posting this...

Fuck Computers

longtime fans may remember that i once had 2 videos called fuck computers, and fuck computers 2. Well those videos were flushed down the toilet to bad video hell years ago and they shall remain there forevermore because it's where they belong. Here is a brand new, much better version of the same sentiment, The new and improved fuck computers.

The Most Important Vlog - Top Secret


And finally here's a pretty cool vlog shilling the blue glow to all those piece of shit endless jess subscribers. I don't know why i bother, most of them are ignorant ingrates who don't deserve my gaming greatness but hey, i was born to give. 

Obviously the blue glow's existance doesn't come as any shock to you patrons because i post it here all the time anyways, but this is still a decently articulate and moderately funny off the cuff tirade. It almost makes up for that shameful display in the Get a Computer vlog. Almost. 

enjoy   my garbage... goooddbyeeee 




The Blue Glow: MechaNika

This game rules. Twiptter: https://twitter.com/ papton: https://www.patreon.com/jessewood?ty=h


Reverse Spectrum

was showing my friend we loved it until my friends mother comes in and you are singing about smooth child pussy.