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Some ass clown tried arguing with me about breaking bad for 3 hours last night on twitter and I'm still fucking mad. 

People who debate like children and argue wrong is a meme that needs to die. Especially ones who turn around and appropriate my meme that needs to die meme. If I don't respect you, you can't use my catchphrases. That's the law. 

This is a blog about what I've been doing. I've decided that this summer I'm going to start making good videos again and get rich and famous. I think it's about time, i've been putting it off. So fuck it, mark your calenders. 

But first I have to finish up a bunch of projects i've been letting pile up. what a bunch of shit. I'm bored but i gotta finish like a million things before i can do anything fun. 

I'm also trying to beat uncharted 4 but every fucking game is 300 hours long nowadays. It's pretty good i guess. 10/10 

This blog is pointless. 

Things i have to finish this month before my soul can rest in peace

-2 manchild inc vids

-1 horseshoe heaven vid, maybe 2 fuck it i dont know

-one big endless jess vid

- 5 or 6 or 7 comment vids 

-a trillion vlogs

-probably some other stuff. 

After i finish all that stuff im gonna take over the world. 

why am i telling you all this. im revealing all my brilliant secrets. This is what you get being a patron. cool blogs. cool. 

Those fucking anime dweebs challenged me to a rap thing, and i wrote the greatest rap ever made in about 5 minutes. but i have to put off filming it cause i got shit to do this month. 

i watched the first episode of Food Wars and it was cool as shit. 

i also bought like  a million graphic novels that i'll never have time to fucking read. Which reminds me don't buy the new Batgirl it's hipster trash all the characters speak in hashtags and everyone's a fucking pink haired lesbian and for some reason Jim Gordon cant recognize that batgirl is his own fucking daughter even when he's standing 2 feet in front of her face and her costume doesn't even cover her incredibly distinct red hair. i fucking hate it. 

I can't stop buying those shitty funko pop vinyl statues i fucking hate them it's an addiction they're piling up and multiplying like tribbles i fucking hate them its a curse. 

i was gonna lick some fine puss this weekend but i told her don't come over i gotta do shit. i sacrifice so much for me arts. Im hungry. I guess i should beat uncharted 4. 

The end. 



Super excited for the stuff you got coming out, but id feel bad if you were releasing things you don't really want to. Why not skip those and go straight to the fun stuff? Also puss is for normies anyway (except mine)


Lol im just bein silly :p Go hang out with your girlfriend after you're done makin all your cool stuff