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After 10,000 years of constant torment Babadook Spook has finally hit his breaking point. In this episode we see the darkest unraveling of the darkest mind. Babadook Spook has been lost in Lordran for so many endless cycles he doesn't even know who he is anymore. He doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and he doesn't know his brain from a poopy toilet or something. 

Struggling to hold on to some semblance of self in the nihlistic nightmare he inhabits, Babadook Spook begins to question everything. Is this the beginning of the end for Babadook Spook? Or the beginning of a new character arc to slowly unfold over yet another 50,000 episodes? Is it possible, could it be that the most evil death worshipping fuck who ever slithered out of Hell's pit is at last undergoing some kind of metamorphosis? Is this the dreaded "character development"?Is Babadook Spook becoming.... woke? 

What new nightmare awaits us? A woke spook could mean a waking hell for himself and for the world even beyond what he knew previously, and i fear the true horror is just beginning. I am falling asleep typing this and have no idea what I'm talking about. Oh god, the ennui is rubbing off on me. My own over-woke ghetto-spiritual despair has rubbed off on the Babadook Spook and is now rubbing back off on to me, amplified ten fold by it's own self-sustaining poop loop. 

This might be the most insane episode of Babadook Spook so far, and that's got to be some kind of achievement. Like tragic Oppenheimer, I don't know whether to be proud or horrified of what terrible genius i have unleashed upon the world. 

When will Babadook Spook's terrifying torment end? When will mine? When will anyone's? Is death the only true escape? For us, maybe. But for a twisted soul like Babadook Spook there may be no escape at all. For he has died before many times, and even Hell itself has spat him back out. Cursed the walk the earth spreading a dark cloud of malice and reveling in his own decadent cruelty until he can revel no longer, either out of remorse.... or boredom. 


Depression Spook


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