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Taught. Tight. Buttocks. 

what the hell is the title of this? That's not even his name. Spooky Hell Man is like some off-brand guy. 

Here's another fuking babadook spook thing i sure hope its funny i can'tt tell because my girlfirnds cookies all have pot in them so my mind is all stupid. Help. 

im watchin g this movie  rigth now i dont even know what it is. Some shit about a gas station and some white people. But there's a monster. 

This shit is broing. Why am i watchin gthis shit and not something cool. ?Whats a good movie to watch when you're  desperate to ignore the voice in your head telling you to churn out content and you just want to take it easy and enjoy life for one fucking day but your soul is so messed up from years of writing and recording constantly that you dont know how to even be normal and enjoy yourself anymore without thinking about the work you could be doing or the horrific nightmare that is your enslavement to the internet and so you deseperately binge on whatver substances you can to trick your brain into  relaxing by altering its fucking chemicals but even then you spend half the time worried about how your eventually going to come down and remember how bad everything is. 

If you are cool you should up your pledges and join my cool discord. You can talk to me in it and stuff. I forsake twitter. Be my friend. Dude. 

Crap life is lonely. 



BabAdook SPOoks Tight Buttocks.


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