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You guys are the best. My birthday is coming up and I'm getting the fuck away from this vile cesspool of malice and mob justice called the internet for a few days, so i'm going to post some stuff for you to vibe with while i do my best not to fall into a hopeless vortex of utter despair at the state of humanity.

Here my adventure through Rise of The Tomb Raider w/Digi continues. I hope it brings you many laffs and feelings of friendships. I wish i had more impressive content to show you but the world is a sick sad place swarming with soulless people with no conscience who take great pleasure in attempting to destroy the lives of others for no other reason than voyeurism and perverse cruelty, and i just don't feel like looking at it for the next few days. Hopefully a miracle will happen and my birthday wish of being abducted by 1960s LSD hippie space-aliens will finally come true. With any good fortune they can take me away from this poisoned swamp of malevolence forever in their cosmic cliche space-van with a wizard painted on the side and the song Magic Carpet Ride playing on 8 track, so i can live out the rest of my days on a psychedelic album cover planet where all the girls have straight hair down to their butts and it's still cool to wear bandanas. 

I don't even remember the topics discussed in this episode, it was recorded so long ago and i don't have time to re-listen to it. I hope it's as fun to listen to as i remember it being to record. You only get so many good friends in this life, and it sucks seeing vindictive and empty people people get away with trying to hurt them. 

I have more to say but thinking about it would only ruin a weekend i can't afford to squander, spiritually speaking. 

I've said this before but your support is the only thing keeping me even remotely invested in having a somewhat steady stream of content. The rest of this ongoing nightmare i would drop in an instant. All my efforts are for you, that's why most of this shit is exclusive. I wish there was a way to be successful without attracting the attention of vultures, but as long as you patreon peeps are happy i can stay as underground as much as possible and hopefully delay the inevitable attention of their circling malice.

I'll try to post a 3 dollar, 5 dollar, and 10 dollar bonus today, and maybe more lets plays for everyone if desired. I don't want to overload you, but i want you to have a good weekend while i forsake the world.

Thank you all eternally for giving a fuck, and remember... Captain Basch of Dalmasca says: Don't listen to Ondore's lies!

That's a Final Fantasy XII reference. I keep it 2006 in this hell hole. 


tomb raider blue glow part 3



Have a happy birthday Jess, enjoy your internet detox


Happy birthday Jess, and don't worry about us, you just focus on having a good time and celebrating somehow still being around after all the crazy shit the last few years have put the world through. :)


Hope your weekend is swell, Jess, and happy birthday!


Happy Birthday Jess, and thanks for all the content. Hopefully you'll comeback refreshed!


It works both ways - your content has brought me laughs and wisdom on many of my darkest days. I'll be earning a decent wage soon, so I'm gonna upgrade to the 5$ tier to show my appreciation <3