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Oh god i've been lost in a scary Blue Glow tunnel. I can't stop playing cool games. Oh crap i don't feel so good. That's not an avengers reference i literally am dying. 

That stupid god of war video took so goddamn long i couldn't get nothing else done this month but a dumb rap and a bunch of lets plays. This is the price i pay for actually making something good for once. Tossed down the blue glow hole with no escape. No escape from fun. A cursed fate. 

Anyways here's two more games, One Night Stand and Trivia Night

One Night Stand is like a choose your own adventure thing where you wake up in a pretty girl's bed and try not to spill spaghetti all over it. You can steal her panties and look in her wallet in you want but i didn't do that cause i'm a gentleman. I just asked her politely but firmly to smell my poopy hole. I'm romantic like that. 

Trivia Night doesn't even need a description it's just Trivia. Which I rule at. Praise me for all the answers i got right and ignore the ones i didn't. 

One Night Stand


Trivia Night 


Oh god i feel so crappy. It's like my bones have a headache. 


The Blue Glow: One Night Stand

love me: patreon.com/endlessjess


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