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hey look i made an actual video for once. I think these are called "video essays" now. 

This is the part where i usually write a big huge text essay to go with the video essay but there ain't nothing left to say. I feel like I've been talking about God of War for a month straight, and now I hope to never talk about it again. 

The only addendum i feel necessary to add to this video is that of the game journalists i poke fun of in the beginning, the first one i show, Victor Lucas, is actually a cool guy who i like a lot. He used to have a show on G4, it was great. Definitely still my favorite of the "professional games journalism" crowd. 

Anyways it seems like people are liking this return to me actually having a sincere opinion about something. Thank you very much for the kind words and lovely comments. I hope this one gets some traction. I think it's a pretty important point I'm making here. If we claim to see games as art, and if we take art and artists seriously, then we can't undersell old art to promote the new. 

From the beginning the God of War series was always a deceptively mature look at a flawed protagonist's struggle toward self-forgiveness while falling ever deeper into the throes of madness and hate. The very definition of a Greek Tragedy (as in the classical definition of the term, not just by virtue of being a tragedy that happens to be Greek, although it is that too).

The series was always deeper than it appeared at a surface glance and this culminated in the very ahead-of-it's-time God of War 3, which goes all out in showing the full unflinching horror of the monster that Kratos had become, presenting itself in horror movie shots of the protagonist as he stalks and brutalizes many who are now flat out defenseless. Subverting the series nature as a power fantasy into a full on power nightmare. Making the player realize Kratos has completely lost his humanity just as Kratos himself comes to the same realization and ultimately atones by releasing the last of the hope inside him as a final sacrifice. It's a shame that the depth of this narrative has been robbed from the series in a backhanded effort to convince the world of the newest iterations merits. 

Also, how fuckin sweet was it when Kratos had sex with Aphrodite? Dude, they were siblings. You know he was braggin about that encounter on r/inceststories. My man ATTACKS the pussy with no remorse! He MURDERS the pussy just like he MURDERS the rest of his family. What a badass. I hope Aphrodite comes back so i can see that puss in ULTRA HIGH DEFINITION PS4 GRAPHICS BABY! HELL YEAH! ASS AND TITTIES! GETTIN GOD-PUSS AND KILLING PEOPLE WHOOP WHOOOP!



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Yo Jess I'm not a gamer so I didn't really know most of the facts going in but I really enjoyed this. What an incredible return to form man.