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Just… a little… bit… longer….

I really hoped i could get the next Pleeb/Weeb episode out by the end of this month. But here we are once again on the 30th and me having to scramble to find something remotely palatable to hold you over. As always your patience is appreciated. In fact my appreciation for said patience is dwarfed only by my seething righteous contempt for those who do not possess it. 

I’m glad everyone liked my dumb little Doctor Who video last week, it was slapped together in one night because i found myself having to leave town and didn’t know when or if I’d be back to do anything else. I just barely got back in time for my Monthly Patreon Apology Avalanche of Shame. 

I had some important personal matters that required me to take an 18 hour drive across the country on very short notice. Thankfully in that time my good friends in The Procrastinators took it upon themselves to (without consulting me) gauge interest in a future kickstarter by deeming the previous one a failure.

This is news to me, as I was under the impression that I, the one member of the PCP actually working on the project, was in fact still working on it. Little did I know that this project, which to my knowledge never had a deadline, apparently did. I guess the deadline was “Whenever we decide to crowd-fund another Radcon”. 

Should have read the fine print, I suppose. 

Trust me, I feel deeply ashamed for “taking too long” on my stupid little brilliant masterpiece. I am massively sorry for inconveniencing the other Procrastinators and making all the lovely PCP fans wait. 

Oh shit I lied. What I meant to say is that i feel no shame whatsoever and everyone complaining can kiss my ass because in the end when the video comes out they will quietly pick their jaws up off the floor and thank me, like always. 

Then everyone will realize for the 1 millionth time that I’m a fucking genius before promptly forgetting and calling me unreliable again a week later. I call it the Circle of Entitlement. 

The only people I’m actually sorry to are you patrons, and I hope this little Pleeb Weeb Bonus Episode makes up for it. 

This is a behind the scenes look at one of the later episodes this season, by which point my mental state had deteriorated so much that it actually looped around the infinity of nonexistence and emerged from the other side as an ascended entity of such overwhelming intellectual power that it can only communicate with regular mortals by assuming the form of one of their beloved duck-based cartoon characters and other assorted Scotsmen. 

Basically it’s a video of me being as Fat and Dangerous as humanly possible while Digi gets progressively more annoyed. 

This is what happens when you take a hamboi from his home, put him in a cage, and tell him to make an anime show. Apparently you get "The FFOCKING Highlanderrr."

Honestly, this is probably more coherent than like half the actual episodes we filmed. You think you’re ready for the rest of these episodes. You’re not, but I’m working on it. 

And once you get the cyber-eye implants to replace the ones that melted out of your skull, you’ll look upon me with equal parts admiration and fear, as well you should. 

The Pleeb and The Weeb is my show, my curse, and my gift to you. Many paid for the kickstarter, but I assure you I have paid more. And I intend to bless you all with every drop of pain and madness that came with it. 

A wise man named Me once said there are two things you should never give to a genius. Money and Responsibility. Always remember the second part of that saying and please forget the first.


The pleeb and the weeb?

Help. Let me out. https://www.patreon.com/endlessjess



Thank you so much for your continued effort to bring out content. I'm happy to see you're still doing it. I don't mind waiting for new content as long as I know you're still making it. Keep doing you. Thanks again

Norman A. Letterman

I was pretty sure this was gonna be the response heh. I contributed, conscious of the fact I was funding mad genius, and I don't regret it so far. I'm eager to see your vision, regardless of the time it takes.


Even if you never released another video, I think I'd keep paying just to read these updates. They're little works of art in and of themselves.