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(Follow up from "Pants Off")

Jenna rolled sleepily in her bed as the light from the window hit her eyes. She smiled. Already, she could tell the wishes had worked. The bedsheets she felt were silky smooth and piled high. Stretching her limbs out, she felt more and more open space of bed all to herself, and knew whatever mattress she was sleeping on was huge. Perhaps more importantly, it was huge and DRY, so that little misunderstanding was over and done with.

She opened her eyes and smiled again. Semi transparent silken sheets flowed down from a peak above her bed, gathering to each of the sides. The roof was high above her, and though the light was dim, she could see it was painted with a mural. She giggled. A king sized bed and a MURAL above it? Whatever the star's magic was, it had FULLY understood what she meant by "rich." In fact, if the rest of the house was like this, it had gone out of its way to drive the point home. She had hit the jackpot.

Next, to see if the wish had fixed her problems with the clothes she had been given. Already, she could tell from the soft material her pajamas were a different then the night before. She closed her eyes again, then ran her hands down her sides and kicked her feet out.

She stopped and frowned. From the feel of it, the pajamas were footed. It was an odd choice, but she supposed it wasn't that bad. More important was if the wish had fixed the issue with her underwear, and replaced the pull up with something less embarrassing.

 She ran her hands down her sides to feel for it, and they hit a bump around her hips. Curious, she began to run her hands onto the bump, feeling stiff plastic material beneath her pajamas.

Her eyes bolted open a second time. Well, she supposed it wasn't a pull up.

"No," she said, feeling the thick, smooth garment beneath her.

She got up from under the covers and knelt up in her bed. She looked down at herself, and gasped. 

The pajamas had been changed, to some degree. They still had the soft pink and unicorn design, but now the two piece set had joined into a single, long onesie, with snaps running down the stomach. More snaps centered over a thick bulge that jutted out from her hips and ran between her legs, leaving a clear flap.

To check a.... Her mind began to fill in the blanks, but she blocked it out. 

She glanced behind herself. As she expected, her pajamas had feet, meaning she was in a full footed baby sleeper sized for an adult. More thick material jutted out behind her, making it appear as if her bottom had doubled in size.

She paused. Part of her told her not to check, that she didn't want to know the answer, but she knew she had to. She reached for the flap behind her, then closed her eyes.

"Oh god oh god oh god please no" she said out loud, then ripped the flap open.

"NOOO!" she moaned as she confirmed her dread. Her underwear wasn't a pull up, it was a diaper. Thick, plain white, and taped snugly to her sides, there was no mistaken what the magic had wrought for her. 

"First of all, no pull ups. I get you went there because I said what I was seen in before was too skimpy, but those were WAY to big. It was too much for me. I'm not a toddler, I don't belong in pull ups"

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!" She moaned out loud. 

Her own words ran through her head. She hung her head and considered each portion. "They were too big." She had meant that as opposed to being skimpy, that she didn't need THAT much covering, but the star had understood as in her being "too little to wear them." She said "too much", meaning it had taken it too far, but the star had understood "too much responsibility." The final part, "I'm not a toddler, I don't belong in pull ups," was the easiest- she had meant she was way older then that, the star understood the opposite.

She looked up from her shame, and surveyed the room. Her bed was massive, as she noticed before. What she didn't notice before were the wooden headboards on each end and the rows of bars running along the sides. 

She was in a king sized crib.

She crawled to the edge. Piles of stuffed animals ran along the size, with every creature in the animal kingdom represented. Bears, possums, giraffes, everything a grown woman with the tastes of a baby and endless money could want. Above them the bars rose high over her head, ensuring it would be a hard effort for her to climb out.

As the light from the window grew stronger, she looked around the room itself, and confirmed her suspicion.

She was in a giant, adult sized nursery. The murals she had noticed before covered the walls as well, each one representing a different Disney princess.

"I want to be more like a spoiled princess."

She squeezed her eyes at her own words, then opened to examine the damage more.

It really was a nursery. She identified a high chair, and a baby bouncer. The closet door was closed, but open shelves beside it showed piles upon piles of diapers, all, she knew, intended for her bottom. This was confirmed by the most shameful of all the furniture she noticed, which was a giant diaper changing table, with an overstuffed diaper bucket beside it. Once she noticed that it was open, she couldn't ignore the slight hint of smell in the air, coming, she knew, from her own past diapers in this life. After all that, she could only imagine what horror her closet held. 

Between the furniture was further evidence of her status- in exactly how she asked for it. Mountains of toys, from more stuffed animals, to doll houses, to video game sets, dotted the corners and toy boxes around it. Ben clearly was making a lot of money, and he gave her everything she asked.

The door opened, and the light flicked on. Jenna blinked at the sudden harsh light.

Ben strode into the room, then stopped and looked at her. "Princess! Sweetie! You're up! Since when do you wake up earlier then you need to?" he asked.

"I ummm uhhh," she said, but couldn't think of a reply. "I'm actually a completely different person and a mistaken wish just changed my entire life" didn't seem like something he'd understand. Based on the things around her, he'd probably just assume it was a silly story she was making up.

He reached to the edge of her crib and pushed the bars open. "Hmmm, your flap opened up, that's odd." He grabbed her from the bottom and lifted her up. "Yep! That's one soggy diaper! Good thing its bath time anyway."

"What?" She looked down at the diaper between her legs. "How did you know?"

He smirked. "Daddy always knows. Now come on, lets get you cleaned up."

The bath ran much the same as the day before. The primary difference was in how it ended- with her lying on the diaper changing table, teeth gritted, naked except for the bows tying her hair into her now trademark pigtails, and waiting for her new "daddy" to come and diaper her. He appeared after a moment, holding up an unmistakable hourglass of white plastic padding.

"Daddy, please, I..." She paused and tried to think of a way to explain. "I don't think I need that."

He laughed. "Oh sweetie, why not?"

She paused. There was no way he'd believe her if she said it, but she decided to give it a go. "This isn't really my life. I'm a adult"

"I know, just an special adult, an adult BABY."

"NO I mean a REGULAR adult, and I don't wear diapers. I even have a job and was making a lot of money. I tried wishing on a star for more, and I think I made some mistakes, and I... umm"

She looked into his eyes. They met hers with charmed amusement, the expression she'd expect from anyone listening to such a ridiculous story.
He shook his head. "That's very cute, but this diaper is still going on your bum. don't you remember what happened last time?"

"No." she answered truthfully.

"Aww that's ok, I figured. Daddy can remember things for you." She winced at the line- it didn't say much for what he thought of her intelligence. "Last time we tried you in pull ups, you ended up damaging our floors and ruining your favorite dress. Then you tried to argue for regular panties, and I had to spank you to stop. Do you want that to happen again? To damage our floor, ruin your clothes, and get spanked?"

She blushed. She told herself he must be making it up, but the evidence of it filled the room around her. More importantly, no argument she could make would trump his spanking hand. "No I don't daddy," she said finally.

"Good girl! So what should we do now?"

She blushed again. "You should put me in a diaper."

"Good girl! And what are you going to wear from now on, without complaining, so you don't ruin floors and get spanked?"

"A diaper daddy. I'll wear a diaper."

"Good girl! Glad we had this little talk." He poked her nose. "Now stop being silly and lift your butt up so daddy can tape this on." 

She obeyed his command, and he lay the material underneath, then spread powder over her.

She sighed as the front part of the diaper lifted up between her legs, then lay down snugly over her hips. Ben taped it on securely, ran a finger around the edges to ensure it was on properly, and backed up to admire his handiwork.

"There! All clean and snug! Isn't that better?"

"Yes daddy," she said. If anything, the diaper was even worse then she expected. The plain white plastic of that morning was embarrassing enough, but the cursed wishing star didn't even let her have THAT dignity. Instead, her new diaper was covered with brightly colored prints, showing crowns and ribbons and the words "Princess" written right between the tapes.

"See? Aren't they adorable? And perfect for my little princess," Ben said, giving her a kiss on the forehead as he did. "Now lets find an equally adorable outfit for my adorable baby in her adorable diapers."

Ben reached between her arms, and with the same ease as the day before, lifted her clean off her feet. He took her to the tall mirrored doors of her closet and stood her in front of them.

She cringed at what she saw. Involuntarily she reached across her bare stomach and clung to her other arm, then turned away from her own reflection. Even knowing how she was dressed, seeing herself in the full mirror, naked except for a printed diaper, and with her hair hanging to the sides of her head in pigtails, was hard to take.

Her shame at it didn't last long however, as Ben pushed the door open.

"Oh god," she said.

He smirked back at her. "I know, aren't they all adorable, Princess? The outfits you pick are always so cute."

She cringed again. Of course she had picked out those outfits, she was treated like a "spoiled princess" after all, and the outfits showed it. Each one was something one might imagine a princess wearing, if 'one' had the clothing taste of a baby and was mainly informed by cartoons.

Each outfit was gaudy, brightly colored, and above all, childish. It looked like piles of Halloween costumes which were designed for babies but mistakenly made far, far too big. Dresses, onesies, t shirts and footed pajamas, all in bright pinks and purples, and all covered with  ribbons and ruffles galore, made dozens of rows going into a giant walk in closet that was bigger then her old bedroom. In a way, it was a dream come true. In another, it was a nightmare.

Ben walked into the closet. "Do you have a preference, sweetie?"

"No," she said weakly. Her preference was to burn them all in a giant pile, but she doubted he'd go for that option.

"Good then, because I think I know the perfect thing for our business meeting today." He grabbed something off the shelf, and took it back to her.

She wanted to groan when she saw it, but stopped herself "Oh," she said. "That's...nice."

The truth was the outfit was awful, but she doubted arguing would get her anywhere. He held a short purple tutu, with straps over the shoulders and a skirt that ran wide in an array of ruffles. Beneath it was the top of a pink collared shirt with balled shoulders, seemingly attached inside it. 

She sighed. Even if she argued, none of the other clothes she saw were any less embarrassing. Instead, she forced a smile, and held her arms up. "Thanks daddy!" she said cheerfully, and let him pull it over her. 

As she watched in the mirror he straightened the tutu out over her, though it barely went down on her hips. Then he took a plastic tiara off of one of the shelves and placed it on her head. "There!" he said. "A perfect look for the baby princess!"

She forced herself to look in the mirror again. Much to her dismay, not only was the tutu itself embarrassingly childish, but it did nothing to hide the even more embarrassing garment taped to her waist. The skirt jutted out at right angles, and since her daddy hadn't bothered with tights, it left her diaper fully visible from the tapes at the top to the bottom. In one image, she saw a new, horrible, humiliating life lay out before her, one where even the slightest dignity was gone, and not even a factor in the minds of the people taking care of her. The toy tiara only added to it, reminding her of the childish greed of her own wish, and mocking her with her own words.

Her mental rant didn't last long, however, as a second later Ben again lifted her and began to carry her out the door. She clung her arms around him and tried not to think about what the future held.

The house they went through was massive. The hall ran on and on past dozens of doors and wide open rooms, each richly decorated with paintings and statues. She saw a room with a TV that covered an entire wall and every gaming consul she knew beneath it, a sun room with high windows that opened onto a gigantic pool, and of course the smaller pool full of floats for her, and a foam-carpeted play room with a locking play pen wall she guessed was for herself. Each section spoke to the strange dichotomy of her new life- immense wealth and luxury, all themed around her permanent degradation. 

Driving the point home, they passed a giant library- which, she noticed, had a clear baby book section- where a blond haired maid was cleaning with a pink duster as an aging butler with a clip board watched. She stared at them as they passed. They even had the stereotypical black and white clothes, which she would have thought were now regulated to fiction. When it came to her demands for wealth, the star had delivered.

They entered the kitchen. In this life, it was a huge, open concept space with two ovens and all brand new appliances. Ben carried her to the table, and plopped her down with a crinkle.

She was a bit surprised when her bottom hit the chair earlier then she expected, but the personal sized table which swung in front of her reminded her of her new role, and the fact that she was in a high chair. Ben tried a bib around her neck, then put a plate of scrambled eggs and steak in front of her. "Open for the airplane!" he said, and once again began feeding her. This time she didn't bother arguing, and ate each mouth full, trying her best to ignore his overly enthusiastic praising as she "successfully" swallowed.

She ate until the plate was empty and her stomach was full. As she demanded with the wish, she didn't lift a finger. She kept them by her side as Ben fed her, and dismissed any attempts otherwise with a condescending "tata." When she was done, it was Ben who wiped her face off, put her plate in the dishwasher, and lifted her up out of the high chair. Then, to her further surprise, it was Ben who held her over her shoulder and began patting her back.

"BARRP!" She burped, and put a hand to her mouth.

"Good girl! Better out there then the other way," Bean teased, patting her diapered bottom as he did.

Jenna kept her hand to her mouth as he carried her down the hall. So, not only was he taking care of chores, not only was he taking care of simple tasks like dressing and feeding her, he was even helping her with basic body functions. She had not expected he could make her burp that easily, or would even care to try.

Ben's obsession with taking care of every portion of her life continued. He carried her to the front of the house, sat her down, and tied running shoes onto her feet for her. Part of her was embarrassed to be taken care of like a child, though she had to admit it was fun to not have to do anything for a change. When he was done, he picked her up again, and she noticed that despite the running shoes it didn't seem she was going to do much walking on her own. 

Ben carried her outside, and she gasped at what she saw.

"Oh my god," she said.

If their house was big, the yard was HUGE. Acres of green grass and garden stretched in front of her, surrounded by an iron fence and tall trees. A gate arched at the far end, so far she could barely see it, and more trees made dual lines flanking the drive way that ended in a circle around a giant fountain. It was only after taking it in that she really saw the full extent of the house- a huge, four story stone building, with turrets dotting it and carved gargoyles hanging from it. Her new home wasn't just a mansion, it was almost a castle.

Equally impressive, and clearly intended just for her, was the huge wooden play structure to the right of the house. From its lay out, with multiple slides and sets of swings, it would have been big even if built normally, but was built with extra height to accommodate her. Clearly, the wishing star didn't just intend her to live this way, but to have multiple adult friends in the same pampered situation.

Ben waved to her side, and she turned to see yet another luxury pull in front of them.

"A... a limo? We are going in a limo?" She said.

Ben shrugged. "I was going to take the Bently, but I think this really drives the point home, and we may need to take some new friends back here. Plus, you always like it, don't you? Nice carriage for the princess?"

"Uhh uh huh," humiliating circumstances aside, there was no way she was going to argue about being driven around in a limousine. 

"...as in mansion, servants and limousine rich..."

That part the wishing star had gotten right. It pulled up, and drove until the last door was in front of them. A chauffeur in a black suit got out, walked to the back, and opened the door for them.

"Of course," she said. She had never heard of a limousine with a baby car seat, but then again, she never heard of a baby car seat that would fit her before. Ben carried her to it and sat her down, then buckled her in.

Ben sat on a chair opposite her and began going through charts on an ipad. The vehicle itself drove out the gate and down a long wooded street. A few other homes filled the area sparsely, each a large, palatial mansion like the one she now lived in.

Ben was distracted by her work, and she decided to leave him to it. The car seat was surrounded by different toys, and a Nintendo switch was in the pocket of the seat in front of her. She took it out, and fiddled around with a platform type game.

More importantly, they were in the city now, and tall skyscrapers filled the sites outside her window. One of those were probably Ben's target, through he didn't care to discuss the plan with his now diapered "baby" wife- obviously, thinking and planning were for FULL adults, not adults in full diapers. 

She shuddered at the last thought. She prayed the wishing star wouldn't make THAT happen.

The limousine stopped in an underground parking lot, and one of the dual chauffeurs got out. Ben got out after him, and they both worked something out of the trunk, and set it beside her door.

Ben then opened the door. "Hey there sweetie! Ready to help Daddy in his meeting?" he asked.

"Yes Daddy!" she said, hoping not to force too much fake enthusiasm into it. Truthfully, she was. Whatever Ben was doing financially was obviously working, and she'd do whatever it took to maintain that. Plus, she had asked the star for a role in it, and was curious what it was.

Ben undid her straps, then picked her up. "Of course," she said under her breath as she saw the giant stroller waiting for her. He carried her to it and strapped her in, then began pushing.

It took her a moment to realize where they were, but when she did, her mouth hung open and she began to panic.

It was her old office. As in, the office she had been working in just two days earlier, before a wishing star decided she was better off in diapers and playpens then nice dresses and board meetings. 

The stroller stopped in front of an elevator, and her mind raced. She was about to be paraded in front of all her old co-workers in a diaper, tutu, and stroller, and there was nothing she could do to change it. She looked at the straps of her stroller and fiddled with them, but much like the leash from the day before, they were unbreakable to her hands.

The elevator rang, and they got in. Jenna stared with eyes wide at the doors, praying they never opened.

Another bell, and the doors swung open.

"HELLO!," said a chorus of voices in unison. 

Jenna could have screamed.

Miranda was there, her old competitor. The old executive who had seen her lose her pants was there. The interns she had trained were there. Dozens of people she had known for years were there.

And now she was there as well, dressed in the most humiliating outfit she could imagine.

The stroller moved into the crowed. Jenna's face felt pale, and her stomach was in knots.

"Please welcome the famous Ben, and his equally famous baby assistant, Jenna!" said Bob, a large, round man who served as the CEO. Jenna had barely seen him while working there, but obviously he'd come out for the man who owned a castle like mansion and drove limos and Bently's.

Ben reached out his hand to shake it. "Thank you so much Bob! And where is that new CFO I adore?"

To Jenna's horror, Miranda ran up to him and hugged him. Not only had she been promoted, but apparently jumped up several places in the hierarchy, and was now overly affectionate with Jenna's own husband. Meanwhile Jeanna...

Jenna looked down at her diaper and the stroller straps keeping her from even moving without permission. Meanwhile she had gone in the opposite direction. She had asked not to lift a finger, and she wasn't deemed responsible enough to even try.

The stroller moved through crowds that parted in front of them. Each person they passed excitedly shook Ben's hand, then bent over to coo at his 'baby' or pinch her cheeks. By the end of the hall, her face felt like a pin cushion.

The stroller ended up in the corner of a huge, open meeting room with a long oval table in the center. All of the executives piled around it, with Bob at the far end, and Miranda by his right hand.

Ben took his place at the front beside a tall white projector screen. He smiled at Jenna, winked at Miranda, then began.

"Good evening my soon to be coworkers! Are you read for us all to get RICH?" He asked, to a chorus of approval. A chart appeared on the screen, and he began.

Jenna was shocked by what she saw. He was vibrant, he was dynamic, he was EXCITING. More importantly, even though she couldn't follow what he was saying, he sounded intelligent, speaking well above her level. It was a side of him she had never seen before, and perhaps didn't even exist before the wish. Much as her own position was strange, seeing what the wish did to Ben was amazing. 

She blushed. If she wasn't careful, her husband's new ability might leave her diaper wet in a completely different way then expected.

Ben finally slowed, and opened the floor to questions. They came with enthusiasm, offering new ideas, asking about details, and all filled with joy at the possibilities. It was then that Jenna realized she may have been the ONLY one who couldn't follow what he was saying. She guessed the star had decided she didn't need to in her new position.

However, something was missing. She had asked for a role somehow, and obviously Ben had brought her for something. Her role couldn't just be sit in a stroller and get pinched and teased by former equals, so what was it?

Ben kept speaking, and she kept watching. From what she could understand, they were expecting to make a fortune with Ben's idea. Miranda spoke especially in favor of him, once again using terms Jenna couldn't follow, and the others nodded along. There was a vote, unanimously in his favor, and they cheered.

Ben walked around to her stroller. He leaned over it. "Hey my little princess! How was that? Did it seem good to you?" Ben asked.

"Y..yeah," she replied. 

"Good girl! I'm sure you understood EVERY word," there were FAR too many chuckles at that emphasis, "but in case you didn't, I think they all agreed to support Daddy, so maybe I'll by you another play structure." He winked at her, and they laughed.

"Now, you ready to earn it too? Ready for your job?"

"Ummm yes?" she said. This was it, she knew. She had some kind of role, which she knew nothing about, but would now be expected to do it.

Ben turned to his audience. "And are you all ready for everyone's favorite part? Jenna's entertainment?"

They all laughed and applauded.

"Entertainment?" Jeanna thought. "What could THAT mean?"

The wish came back to her. "but I want some kind of part of it. Even just in charge of the entertainment, so I can have a roll as we get rich. He can do most, 95% of it, but I should have some visible role as well so people will know and recognize me."

She cursed her own lack of specificity. She dreaded to know what she could be expected to do for entertainment. Apparently, they all knew what it was, and she had asked for a "visible role" where people would "recognize" her. The thought of what that could entail made her stomach turn.

Ben lifted her up and stood her in the center of the table.  She realized it was the first time she had stood on her own that morning, and the thickness of her diaper made her stand in an awkward stance, made all the more awkward by the eyes watching her.

"Ummm," she said, looking around at the smiling faces with clear views up her skirt and at her diaper, then back at Ben. "Ummm?" she said again.

Ben smiled. "It's ok, she's just shy. Go on, dance ballet, like you do. We even got your special tutu for it."

The audience cheered, and Jenna's eyes went wide. "But I don't know ballet!"

"Sure you do. All pretty little princesses in tutus and tiaras do. Spin around and dance for us!"

"YEAHH!" the audience cheered, and applauded. Someone she didn't see hit a button, and the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy began.

Still blushing, Jenna began to make up dance moves to go with the music. The audience smiled and applauded with each jump and spin, seemingly louder the more ridiculous the moves. She had never danced like that before, and the padding of the diaper made her even clumsier, but that just added to what she realized really made the show.

She recognized the looks, of course. It was the look any adult gave as they humored little children. They were acting impressed, and thought she fully believed them, all while thinking about how silly it was.

Still, the music kept playing, and she promised to do her role. She danced around to mounting cheers.

Another sound was coming through. A few people let out "awws," and more began to laugh.

She looked at Ben, who held a hand to his mouth to keep from doing the same. "Ummm," she said.

"Don't worry about it sweetheart, just keep dancing!" he said, and waved a hand.

She started again, and the laughter grew louder. She got nervous, and her movements became clumsier. Finally, an awkward landing made her stumble, and she passe gas loudly into her diaper.

"EEP!" she shouted. Involuntarily a hand went to her backside and she turned to look at it,  bringing more laughter from the audience.

Something was off. Her diaper looked different, and she couldn't tell why. Not worrying about the others anymore, she examined the front and back, trying to find out what it was. However, it was the same plain white diaper...

"Plain white," she thought. Except that morning her diaper was fully printed, with ribbons, crowns, and letters.

"Where are the prints Daddy?" she said out loud, and the room burst into even louder laughter then before.

"That is for grown ups to know," Ben said. He walked to the table and reached to pick her up. "Now come on soggy butt, lets get your diapies changed."

"What?" she said. She considered his words as he carried her. "Oh no!" she suddenly shouted as the thought hit.

It explained how he knew she was wet that morning. That diaper wasn't supposed to be plain white either, she had MADE it that way. She had heard of diapers with prints that dissolved when wet, meant to signal parents when it was time for a change. She just never expected they would make them for adults, or that she would be the one wearing one.

Which meant, to her far worse embarrassment, that she had wet herself. The entire time she had been dancing, she was slowly wetting her diaper, and everyone had realized it but her. That easily explained the laughter.

"I don't belong in pull ups. Also, I'm able to use the toilet, so I don't need anything like that, and don't want anything I don't need." Was her wish. She meant that she shouldn't be in pull ups, much less diapers, as she could use the toilet. However, the star had deemed her to belong in diapers, and instead changed the other aspect of the conflict. If she was going to wear diapers, she would 'need' them.

"Its ok Princess," an annoyingly nasally voice said. Miranda stood in front of her and cupped her cheek. "Here, see if this makes you feel better." She reached up and pushed something into Jenna's mouth.

Jenna went cross-eyed trying to look at it. "MPPH!" she gasped in shock from behind the purple pacifier she was now sucking.

"Aww isn't that cute!" Ben said.

"Yes, she is adorable. Really silly too," Miranda said. She tilted Jenna's face toward hers, and Jenna met her eyes. Miranda then turned to the rest of the room. "You know who she reminds me of? That Jensy girl. Remember with the printer?"

Jenna blushed, and the rest of the room laughed. "Remember how she used to say "Uhh" and "ummm", as if she was ever thinking? I mean her job didn't take much thought, just scan the freaking documents!"

They laughed again, and Ben was carrying her out, and she waved at her former coworkers who only now knew her as the grown women who wet herself in diapers.

Now that Ben was carrying her on his hip, exposed and now plain white diaper jutting out, everyone else in the building would know as well.

As Ben carried her to the bathroom and began to change her diaper, Jenny took stock of her new life. She knew she had no part at all in the changing, based on her own wish and what she had experienced so far, there was no way they'd give her the dignity of even trying to change herself. That would be, after all, "lifting a finger."

It was odd, that was sure. Some of it was horrible, and some was amazing, but all in all it was odd.

So, she was being treated like a baby, and everyone seemed to think that was normal. Not one person protested, looked at her strongly, or even seemed confused, so they all decided she belonged like this. However, at the same time, they seemed to also be aware she was an adult. They SHOULD, she was still the same size and body, and some actions on both days showed it. No one would ever spank an actual kid like Ben had spanked her, and people would intervene. Also, though they treated it as expected she should be dressed that way, she did notice the few condescending smirks, chuckles, and giggles that followed when her pull up was exposed, or when people saw do something particularly childish.

Even stranger, no one ELSE seemed to be in her situation. Though the extra swings on the play structure implied they must be SOMEWHERE, she couldn't see another adult in the same situation. Through her entire walk around as a toddler the day before, and even as they drove into the city and past crowds of people, she never once saw an adult in diapers or pull ups, or getting spanked, or being sat in high chairs, or any of a thousand signs that this was normal. It just seemed everyone accepted she was the one adult who was still treated as a baby, and didn't pay it any mind.

Then there was the name. Miranda and the others had discussed the mythical "Jensy," which she knew must have meant her. So, they remembered her, seemingly as an incompetent adult co-worker, and saw her in her new role in front of them, and didn't draw the connection.

She shook her head. It was a strange pickle, and she didn't know if she could solve it. Realistically, there wasn't much to be solved. The star had interpreted the wish as best it could, and everything changed to fit accordingly. It thought she was a grown adult who wanted to be treated as a baby, and it made it happen, logic be dammed. She didn't know if there WAS a pickle to solve.

Faces they passed hid laughter behind hands, her odd position as the only full adult baby around making its mark. With the soggy padding between her legs getting torn off and cleaned by her husband, she couldn't even blame them for the teasing. She had, after all, wished for it.


It was 730 PM, though she supposed that was late for an adult baby. Jenna was back in her footed pjs, kneeling at the bars.

"But I want to come and play too!" she said.

"Now now sweetie, you know its passed your bedtime," Ben said. "Besides, I think this is a game just for grown ups."

He looked down at her and laughed. "I mean, as in, REGULAR grown ups."

More laughter came from the hallway. Three women were waiting for him. One was Miranda, whose inclusion was almost as bad as the situation itself. Another was a new intern at work, and the third was a model Miranda had texted before getting into Ben's limo. They had spent the ride back kissing and groping each other in the middle seats as Jeanna watched from her car seat, held back from having any part at all.

"But, but..." she whined. She did her best to look cute and make her eyes wide for him. If she was going to be pushed into this role, she would play it. That meant playing up the cuteness factor as much as possible to get what she wanted.

Ben shook his head. "Now now, that won't work on me tonight Princess, you know this time is just for Daddy. You can have fun in your crib and sleep when you need it."

"But that's not fair!" she said, as much to Ben as to the star.

The star should be giving her this at least. She knew she had wished for it. 

"By the way, seemed like Ben didn't even think of me as a women he could be... intimate... with. That isn't fair to either of us, we are in a committed relationship. Also, are both grown adults, and should be able to get off when we want. I want him in our bed and horny every night. I want to be able to #*@ my prince every night."

Her eyes went out the window to the night sky, looking at the blank space where it used to be.

Ben followed her gaze. "Oh yeah, your favorite star. Sorry sweetie, its gone now. Its just her for two days, then its gone for another five years, remember?"


"That's right princess. It was pretty though, wasn't it? Now, wave goodnight, and we'll see you in the morning." 

"Good...night," she said in a dead pan voice and waved.

Miranda walked up to her. She reached into the crib, and pushed the pacifier into her mouth again. "Goodnight little girl. Just suck your paci and rest until morning. Don't worry, we'll be gentle with your Daddy."

Ben bent down to kiss her, then walked to the door. The other women all waved goodnight to her, and shut off the lights.

Five years. It would be five years until she could fix this. That meant five years of diapers, tutus, bottle feeding, and humiliation. It meant five years of Ben meeting random people while she was locked in a crib.

She heard the footsteps move into the room beside her. Despite the size of the house, the sound carried far, and she heard as they stripped and piled onto the bed.

That was when the moaning and grunting started. She curled up under her covers and pulled a pillow around her ears, but it did little to stop. Each sound came so clearly she could almost picture it.

Worse still, it was having a clear effect on her. 

"No no no not now please," she said under her breath. The sound of her husband sleeping with three beautiful women at once, all of them looking up to him, with him clearly in charge of them, had its impact. She felt herself get wet, and began to crave release. She wished again and again Ben would return, explain it was a joke, and bring her in to join. However, the sounds kept continuing, and she doubted any of them even thought of letting the diaper clad women they had all seen wet herself join.

And what was with that? She had been clear...

She stopped. She HAD been clear, and the wish obeyed. It solved the problem of them being committed meaning he couldn't be intimate. He was in his bed and horny every night, people probably flocked to be with the strong, attractive billionaire. They were both grown adults, and could get off when they wanted. So far, none of that said he had to be sleeping with HER, just that he would be sleeping with SOMEONE.

That left the last part. "I want to be able to #*@ my prince every night." Except she couldn't do that to Ben, so who could it be?

The moans were getting louder, and her mind filled with images of her husband, naked, sweating, standing over her, and she twisted in the bed sheets, trying to think of a solution.

If she, apparently seen as a full time adult baby woman, was spoiled as a princess, then her prince would be...

"The toys!" she said. She looked at the piles around her. One of them had to be the answer. 

She rummaged through the pile. A gorilla went to the side, followed by a giraffe. She crawled to the other side of the bed, and quickly discarded a few small stuffed dolls in dresses. Cute, but not PRINCE material. So what could it be?

She looked around.

There, in the corner, was a tall, wide teddy bear with a crown on it's head. She crawled toward it.

Part of her couldn't believe this is what she was turning too. However, the sounds kept coming from the other bedroom, and the aching desire inside of her was growing. 

She checked its tag. The teddy bears name was, indeed, "Prince Ted." She laughed out loud. She turned it over and examined it.

"Make me dance with these switches!" a panel on the back read, with arrows pointing to three switches.

She hit the first, and music began playing. She quickly shut it off.

The second made its limbs start rotating, presumably in a way that would make it move if stood up on solid ground. Better, but still not what she needed. She switched it off.

She hit the third switch.

"THHEEERE we go," she said. She knew that, in an odd way, the star would have to deliver. It wasn't the best, it wasn't what she hoped for, but it was better then being left helplessly horny with no relief while being cucked by groups of people within ear shot.

The third switch had made it vibrate. She flipped it back onto its back and put a hand on it. 

The material of the bear was stiff and hard, and it shook better then any sex toy she had seen. She smirked and pushed it between her knees.

She knew what she was about to do should be humiliating. However, she was desperate, and nothing she could do would be more humiliating then the rest of the day.

She listened again to the sound of her husband moaning, eagerly drinking in each passionate burst. She held the bear in place and pictured it as a man, then slowly  lowered herself into a squat over it. She got closer and bit her lip, savoring the feeling of...


Release. Just an entirely different kind of release then she expected.

"NO NO NO! NOT NOW!" she said in despair as she felt her diaper inflate around her. Muck poured out of her bottom with no warning or control, filling her diaper to the brim.

"Oh god why," she said. In disgust, she turned off the teddy bear and threw it across the bed. Horny as she was, the idea of playing with herself in a full diaper was just too much for her stomach, and her pride, to handle.

She wanted to scream. She crawled around the bed, ending up at the crib bars and slamming her hands into them. "NO NO NO NO!" she said. "THIS ISN"T FAIR!" If she couldn't have her fun, she decided, she'd at least ruin it for Ben. They wanted her to act like a baby, she'd do it. She'd scream and fake cry until they HAD to stop and come to her. If she could hear their moaning, they'd be deafened by her screams.

She got to the edge of the crib and prepared to start screaming. She inhaled...

And stopped, gagging on the smell. Despite her diaper's thickness, whatever her stomach had dumped in it powered through, and it was RANK.

"Ew ew ew!" she said, covering her nose. The smell was getting worse, and she knew if she didn't find something to cover it, she'd start gagging even more. She crawled to the edge top of the bed, put herself under the covers, pulled them up, and sat down.

"EEWWWW!" she shouted again as her bottom settled into the much. She had been reacting, and didn't even consider what might happen when she landed in it. The result was a shock to her system, as the warm ooze was mashed against her.

The feeling made her stomach turn, and she tried to kneel again.

"EWWWW" she said again as the blankets fell and the smell assaulted her nose a second time. She decided she needed to keep her diaper covered with the blankets to avoid the smell, but couldn't just sit down. 

Gingerly she re settled herself, and lowered herself further into the sheets until she was lying down on her back. 

"Hmph," she said. So the result was her lying quietly in her bed, as she had been told to do by her Daddy. The smell was still present, but mainly contained by the blankets, and she could still feel the mush, but not nearly as bad as when she sat down. This was the best possible position.

So, as it turned out, she wasn't just supposed to wet her diaper, but mess it too. Worse, she had to do it while listening to her husband cuck her with a groups of women every night. She would just lay there, horny, humiliated, and dirty, and with no way to relieve anything unless she wanted to push the teddy bear against her dirty diaper and deal with the smell the entire time.

It seemed that in order for her husband to be stinking rich, she also had to be just plain, well... stinking.

She looked at the sky. It was going to be five years until she could wish her way out of it. It was a long time just to pick the perfect phrasing so that nothing could be confused, but she figured she'd need every second of it.



I do hope for another chapter but it is going good. I always like the idea of the cuckold but one where the cuckold is the only one who's loved. I would think that's the case here. That Ben only loves Jenna, that those other woman are mostly just sex objects to him.


Thanks for commenting! I may end up doing another chapter, its really up to Jenna. We had discussed it, but if it happens it will be some time next year.