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Tim waddled out of the office, dragged by the hand by Samantha and cursing her boss with every word she could think of. 

How could this have happened to her? HER? A powerful witch, known for making entire cities her playground, right in the one location she spent most of her time controlling? 

She had infiltrated every aspect of the college to make it work. She had personas as professors, administrators, students, all to excerpt her control. Her powerful magic surrounded it, ensuring it all flowed without interference. It was HER strongpoint.

And normally, NORMALLY, this was all fine with the other witches. They all did similar things, they all brought humans as submissives and "toys" into various roles in their own world, no one cared. Sure, she had taken it further then any of them, bringing more humans without their own interest in the kink, and began "punishing" people who had no real crime with far harsher endings, but didn't that just prove her own control was stronger? Wouldn't they do the same if they could? To her it was outrageous the council of witches would make an example of her, or could even so easily overpower her in her own realm.

Yet there she was, being lead by a human, a HUMAN, with no magic powers, stuck without her powers, in the wrong body, in one of the most humiliating submissive outfits she had ever come up with. Even if she was to be punished in the same way she punished humans, this was far. If anyone could see her baby blue onesie, barely concealing the thick, now horribly full diaper, and a pacifier in her mouth, she would be the laughing stock of the witch. If they could SMELL her overloaded diaper, see her awkwardly walk with splayed legs, or see her gagging at her own smell, they'd laugh harder. But worse of all would be if they knew she was in control of a non magic human, someone they all saw as beneath them, closer to pets then equals, and knew that human had full control to dress, spank, or otherwise control her however they wanted. What would the other witches even think of that? Why would they want her controlled by someone who was better off as effectively a pet?

Unfortunately, she had her answer. She heard laughter, coming from faint voices. She looked over her shoulder to see a semi-transparent portal, and she gasped in horror. Faces watched her- not just any faces, but the faces of other witches she had known before. Much as she had used visual portals to watch her submissives, they had set one up to monitor her, and only she could see it.

"Waddle waddle," her new "Daddy", Paul, teased, and patted her hard on the bottom. She squealed as the mess squished into her and reached back to cover the back of her diaper, but felt him push her hand away. "Now now stinky, we know you're in diapers now, and could all tell what you just did in them. You have to get used to people knowing, so no trying to hide it or we will have to spank you, ok?"

She looked away from him and frowned.

He cupped her chin and brought her eyes to him. "I said no trying to hide or we will have to spank you, ok? Answer Daddy."

She glared, then nodded "Yes, Daddy." He seemed satisfied with that, and walked beside her. 

"God that smell though. You really did a number on your diapers, eh? What did they feed you? Eh?" He pushed further.

She looked down again. "Yes Daddy, I don't know Daddy," she responded, feeling her blush get deeper. A new feeling began to form in her stomach. It was familiar, but she couldn't quite place it.

Giggling faces met her as they dragged her into the crowds of students heading toward the afternoon meeting. Some of those became louder as she passed and the state of her diapers became clear, others turned to moans and exaggerated gagging.

"Paul, your baby needs a diapie change. REAL bad" a voice said. She didn't check to see who was speaking, and instead kept her eyes down and blushed.

"I know, I'll be doing it in a bit," Paul responded.

"I don't envy you that. I can smell her from here," the voice finished, and Tim prayed for no more comments. Instead, she found a face leaning up to her. "Hey stinky baby. You have a poopie diapie that needs changing?"

Tim blushed and looked away. The feeling she had noticed before came back.

"Be a good baby boy and answer the grown up sweetie," Paul said.

"Yes Daddy. I have a poopie diapie that needs changing," she said. 

The sound of it coming from her mouth shook her. Why had she said it like that? Technically, she could have just said "yes," or used one of a thousand other ways to describe it. Instead, she felt an odd urge to use a deliberately humiliating phrase. I'm a stinky baby with a poopie diapie and I need my Daddy to change my... her mind went on impulsively, and she shook her head to clear it. Where had THOSE thoughts came from? The strange feeling returned stronger, and her mind began to drift back into the same train of thought.

The train stopped again and her throat caught as she saw their destination. If she took a moment to think, she might have found it odd that she was being lead by the hand after how she had seen the other "babies" treated. If she took a moment, she may have expected it. Instead, the sight of an adult sized stroller made her gasp.

The laughter of both the audience, and the faces of the witches only she could see, began to get louder as she pulled away. "Nonononon" she muttered underneath her breath. Aside from the humiliation of being pushed in it, the thought of her dirty diaper pressed against her, strapped into the stroller, made her feel...

What is that feeling? 

Her complaints fell on death ears as her new Daddy bent to pick her up and cradled her in his arms. "Come on stinky pants!" he said. "Get your padded butt in the stroller. Whew! You really do stink!" 

"Errrr aaaa" she said, finding herself at a loss for words. Somehow, the feeling of him manhandling her, picking her up and carrying her while teasing her, made her feel... something. She wasn't sure what. She relaxed, sunk into his arms, and looked up into his face. She knew he could overpower any resistance she gave, despite her technically being in a grown male body. She knew he was controlling her completely, despite her being an extremally powerful witch who normally treated humans like toys and pets. She knew that people were watching who knew it all as well and were laughing at her predicament, and it made her feel a strange feeling she couldn't place.

He carried her over toward her new vessel, and she clung to her arms whining as he lowered her down, then dropped her inside. She landed with a nauseating SQUELCH and immediately cried out. "Wahhh," she shrieked and began squirming, which only made her situation worse. After a few moments of wiggling as she was strapped down, she forced herself to hold still and held her breath.

The feeling was disgusting. The smell, trapped inside her new mobile prison, was worse. She felt humiliated, embarrassed, controlled, punished, itchy, and...

She gasped as the the front guard of her stroller, and the nagging part of her thoughts, both snapped into place.

HORNY. She felt HORNY.

She couldn't believe it at first. It made no sense, there was nothing here that wasn't the complete opposite of anything she would enjoy. However, it was there, and her Daddy- the name now came to her mind without quotations, without "so called," and without reference to his actual name- wiggling the guard in place made it certain. Even if she denied it in her head, the physical evidence her new body provided, currently rubbing roughly against her underwear and locks, drove the point home.

She breathed heavily and looked around at the faces. Each snicker, each laugh, each teasing word, each insult, each person controlling her, each gag or hand waved in front of a nose at her, each reminder of her new, low status, made the feeling stronger.

She looked back at the witch's faces. What did you do to me? As if reading her thoughts, they laughed harder, and her feeling grew.

The stroller began moving, and she was pushed through the crowds. Completely helpless, as crowds of people saw her locked up in a stroller, wiggling in her own filth, and dressed as a baby.

As a sad, pathetic baby, a complete loser, a failure of an adult, smelling like...

She shook her head, and realized she was grinding herself against the stroller straps. She looked around in a panic, hopping no one saw.

They made her a MASCOCHIST? Why? This was a complete switch around of her normal interests. Most witches were, to some degree, sadistic in their desires. It was seen as almost part and parcel of their abilities- you were born with power, you wanted to use it. After that, centuries of practice and being used to that power only added to it. This was why their homeland often saw regular humans lead on leashes, acting as often-spanked servants, or...

In diapers. But only the most pathetic, humiliated ones, most in need of punishment, the lowest down on the ladder, and here I am, formerly in power, with all my fortunes reverse, beneath those I lorded over...

She was panting at the thought. They had REALLY, REALLY driven the new feelings home. All of her former desires were flipped on their heads, she now craved the punishments she usually gave out, and she was experiencing the absolute worse level of punishment she had ever visited on a submissive.

Someone pointed at her and laughed again, and she realized she was rubbing herself. It was almost compulsive, the feeling of the thick, soaked padding pressed against her, the overwhelming sensations and smells, and the utter humiliation took away her self control.

"Oh Babykins!" a sweet voice said. It was Sam- MOMMY, she corrected herself, she only wanted to think of them as "Mommy" and "Daddy."

Like a pathetic, helpless, dumb...

"Mommy wants you to stop that, ok Babykins?" Tim cringed, realizing her Mommy was using the exact name she, as the witch, had applied to Matilda.

Who will be seeing me like this soon and know exactly who I am and will realize what happened.

The thought hit her with a new wave of emotion, and she realized she was rubbing.

"Babykins, mommy said stop shaking the stroller, it makes it harder to push. Be a good boy, ok?"

She looked up at Mommy and nodded. Every instinct she had desired her to obey her new caretakers every word. More then anything, she wanted to be a "good boy" for them, unthinkingly obeying. Being in the wrong body, which itself would normally be a sign of shame for her, now only helped serve to prove she was obedient to her dominants.

Like a mindless, submissive...

"You want to be a good baby boy, don't you?"


"Mommy said stop, stinky pants." This time it was Daddy speaking. "Stop doing that or I'll have to spank your little bum, and I don't think either of us want that, given the state of your diapers."

Tim's eye's went wide. Spanked. In public. In a messy diaper.

She wanted to cry as she knew exactly as her body would respond. The cognitive part of her brain told her to stop, and shouted at her in despair to stop humiliating herself. She knew it was wrong, that she was under a spell, but nothing could control the emotions that flooded her body.

Tears came to her eyes as she prayed to not want it as badly as she did. She began to grind, like a...

Like a naughty, bad, misbehaved, dirty, submissive who needs to get their bum spanked where everyone can see so they all know what a pathetic, misbehaved loser she is.

The thought came to her mind, and any option of self control left it. She began to throw a tantrum, imitating the one she had seen the other willing ABs do earlier. She kicked her legs, shrieked and cried.

Cognitively, she knew she shouldn't be attracting attention to herself in her current state. Emotionally, she loved that shouting out attracted as many eyes to her humiliating situation as possible. She kicked and twisted, hoping as many people as possible would see her display as sad, even disgusting, and see her as an idiot or a failure. Most of all, she hoped...

YES! She cheered inwardly, even as a huge part of her shrieked in terror at what was happening. Her Daddy was over her, unbuckling her, ready to take her out for the promised spanking.

"Alright that is it!" He said. "I am going to spank your pampered behind until you learn to OBEY!"


And cry she did. Heavy, real tears poured down her cheeks between sobs. She shook in humiliation and terror at what was about to happen, but at the same time felt herself unable to stop pushing for more, even fighting in his arms hoping to earn more.

He carried Tim's sobbing body...

crying like a sad little baby, where everyone can see...

To a stone bench and threw her over his lap. He undid the back of her onesie

Now everyone can see your dirty, disgusting diaper...

And raised his hand...

To punish you like a spoiled rotten sub, too much of a beta to fight back, all grown up and still getting spanked...


and brought it down hard.


Tim shouted out, and the pacifier flew from her mouth.


YES! HARDER! HARDER! Tim thought as she cried with each spank. I DESERVE IT! I'M SUCH A BAD DIAPER SUB AND NEED TO BE SPANKED!!

Each smack brought a shock of pain to Tim's behind, far more then it reasonably should with the thick diaper, but she assumed it was a fair part of the magic and let it continue. Soon her tears of humiliation were replaced with tears of pain, and she revelled in the feeling. She found herself grinding again, this time against Daddy's leg, and didn't bother to stop. If he noticed, he'd just punish her more, so all the better.

A large crowed had gathered to watch the show, and she mentally encouraged it, all while berating herself. In her newfound eyes, the more people who saw her being treated this way the better, and she did everything she could to encourage it. Shouting, crying, squirming, she even kicked her legs in a deliberate show to bring laughter from the crowd.

Finally, the spanking stopped, and she winced as her sore bottom was lowered back into the stroller. "Now, will you be a good baby boy?" Mommy asked.

"Yes mommy, I promise to be a good baby boy. Can I please have my paci back?" She replied, bringing a chorus of "Awws" from her watchers. Her Mommy obliged, and began pushing her again.

Now a new pleasure was added to the earlier concoction of the feel of her slimy, itchy diaper pressed against her, the smell of her mess, and the humiliation of the people teasing her. Her now sore, aching bottom called out for relief, and she settled into a deep state of masochistic joy from the pain on top of everything else.

Soon, she'd be in the largest crowd on campus, for all to see. "All" included her former submissives, who'd know who she was and mock her for it. Then, she'd get a VERY public diaper change. When that was done, she'd fill her diapers almost immediately after, victim of her own nasty curse, and be brought into a new set of classes, to send the rest of the evening squirming, itching, and stinking, probably bringing diaper rash... she giggled at the thought of being an adult with diaper rash... all before being put to bed in a crib, and starting the same thing next day.

She knew it was horrifying. It was disgusting, even nauseating, and made her want to cry. However, she couldn't deny what else she felt. Was this "punishment" really some kind of bizarre reward from the witches? Why would they give her a strict punishment, then change her mind state so she perceived it as being wonderful?

She realized she was grinding again, and made herself stop. There would be plenty of time for that later.

The stroller approached the crowd, and she quivered and sunk down into her stroller. People began to peel away from her, and she told herself it was from her smell reaching them, and she blushed deeper and shivered. 

They reached a corner of the path where four other strollers sat. Tim looked up at them, and immediately met Matilda's eyes. She looked shocked, and then nudged Rebecca and pointed, and soon they were both glaring at her. They began to smirk, then laugh.

Tim reveled in their glares, reveled in their smirks, reveled in their laugh. She reveled in the very idea that they were now able to mock her, that they had traded spaces and she had fallen so far she was now beneath her most downtrodden of former toys. She considered the months ahead, months of them seeing her humiliated after she pushed herself so high, months of them using any opportunity to abuse her.

She couldn't wait. She hoped beyond hope they shared the same adult nursery, and would be allowed plenty of alone time to take their rage out on her.

"Oh no, they didn't have a new full nursery for him," Mommy said.

"Huh?" Tim said out loud. She quickly grabbed his pacifier to make sure it stayed in place- she didn't want anyone to see him without that, lest they think she was worthy of being an adult- and looked up.

Mommy was talking to another of the AB caretakers, explaining the situation. "They didn't have enough space to put her in with the normal adult nursery with the others. Instead, they converted a corner of our dorm into one, painted it in cutesy drawings, and put the crib there. You should come and see it, its adorable!"

Tim thought of that and sank deeper into her mess. A corner of the dorm? Did she mean dorm room, or building? Either way, it was a wonderful idea, so much more public, with tons of attention and everyone able to see her humiliation, always with eyes on her to catch any misbehavior...

She stopped. Always with eyes on her. So... no chance to do anything they wouldn't want her to do.

She looked down at the bulging front of her diaper. No chance at all.

A full day in public dressed like this, followed by night in an open crib which people watched, and no time ever on her own. That meant...

She wanted to scream. NO! she thought. NOOO! NOT THAT! 

The true deviousness of the punishment finally hit her. Of COURSE they wanted her to enjoy the humiliation, it wasn't the only punishment. It was BETTER that she get pleasure out of it, only to find herself still being watched.

She had used edging before on her subs. Some severe edging, even. However, she had never spent four MONTHS edging the same person with no chance for relief. She DEFINITLY never did it while that submissive was spending each moment in a world completely filled with overwhelming sensations.

She looked at the witch's faces, who laughed as they saw her realizing her predicament. Of course it made sense. Her crimes were ones of taking out her desires on others. Turning those desires up to ten and giving no way to carry them out made sense.

She wanted to cry. She wanted to tell herself to stop all dirty thoughts and actions. Instead, she found herself again grinding against the locks in front of her, pushing toward a mountain top she could never reach.

Hands unbuckled her straps, and she groaned as they lifted her out of the stroller. She knew what was coming, she knew she would love it, but she knew it would wreck her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

She could barely even remember the diaper change. Each second of it was so overwhelming, her mind became a blur, and her eyes glazed over. She realized her mouth was hanging open, but she could do nothing to stop it as the cold wipes rubbed against her skin. Luckily, the witches' magic ensured her enjoyment wouldn't be visible during the change- though that may have been set up for some other part of the punishment she was missing- each rub still sent shivers down her spine. The teasing voices, the cameras, the jokes, all sent her into a mindless spiral, so much so that she almost didn't realize it when she was plopped back down in her stroller, new, clean diaper taped to her bottom. She looked around at the smirking faces and shook.

I'm a sick pervert, getting the exact punishment I deserve, the exact punishment I gave to others...

"Oh no," she said, as she suddenly remembered the last part of the curse she pushed on the other subs.

Just as the words left her mouth, she felt her bowels again explode into her diaper, immediately filling it to the brim.

"NOOO!" she shouted, and the other ABs shouted with her as the same issue hit their own bodies. A loud cacophony of disgusting noises almost overwhelmed the sound of the speaker on stage, and each one kicked and squirmed as it came.

She was mindlessly grinding again, all while still filling her diaper. She didn't bother to stop. She knew it was making her punishment worse, but there was little she could do to fight the animal instinct.

It was going to be a long, hard semester.

(Note: This story is a Patreon Exclusive, please do not share outside of this page.)



I kind of still would like to see one what her daily life looks like during the punishment.


Even this supposed "epilogue" is building up something. I kind of want to feel something that's not a build-up but in the middle. Where the diapers still feature but are not the focus directly. Like I said I would like one of Anna trying to get by and avoid punishment in the Karma story. Not escalating it but just her trying (sometimes successfully, sometimes not) to get a comfortable life.


if I have time between other commissions, I might write a part, but for now this will have to do.


I see what you mean. Just the character trying to play their role without punishment. I'll see what I can do.