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I was giving shelter of this little poo machine for the last few weeks (maybe 2 or 3 weeks), shes now spayed has a chip, and yesterday went to her new home, this was a rollercoaster for me, my first time giving shelter to an animal, and first time with a cat, I didn't know that black cats were so goddamn affectionate πŸ˜…, even tho i'm happy for not dealing with the litter box anymore, and she is now safe with her new family, i'm missing this little panther 😭.

Anyways sorry, i know this is not my usual content, i just needed to get this off my chest.πŸ₯²




I feel your pain. We set our turtle free, and til this day we miss her😭


Hey, it's all good. I'm glad the cat found a new home and a good family. As for your usual content, i'm an author on Wattpad and I let my followers know that just last year in late June my family and I had to put our dog down due to old age. I know the cat is alive but I know how hard it is to say goodbye. So it's all good! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Fat Shisno

Dammit now I need a tissue, and not for the reasons I came here for! (I know and feel your pains)


I’ve owned black cats since I was born… one is turning 15 soon and every day I worry more about when he won’t be with us anymore. The stigma around black cats is completely unjustified β€οΈπŸ‘


I am happy for the little kitty and prod of you my god emperor of awesomeness friend. You did a go job. *yetihug*


In the photo, because of the bright lighting, she seems not black, but reddish ... I had a black cat, he was very affectionate, despite the fact that it was him, not her

Shelved Oddities

Understandable. I hope that the time was fun and good.


Oh, glad to hear that you care about animals, it's a good thing that I think every one should do. And it's great that she has a new home now... She will be fine there, I believe in it


Awww cutie! Best thing you've shared on this patreon to this day!