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Hi guys, i need to take a small break from long animations, so during a few days i'm going to make just pics and animated loops just for fun.

Im even thinking on making another live stream when the audience choose what i'm going to do.

I think it's a good way to prevent burnout while i'm still active and having fun with what i love making.



I wish you luck on this plan! I also hope it prevents that’s dreaded burnout!


Thank you for your hard effort my friend 🙏 you deserve it 👍 have a break 👍


Enjoy yourself you MORE than earned it


That is cool my god emperor of awesomeness friend. Take as much time as you need to rest and recharge yourself. After all the hard work you have done you have earned and deserve a break.*yetihug* thank you so very much for all of your hard work and for being the best and greatest of the best and greatest ever!


A good and healthy decision! Keep having fun!


The main thing is to continue to enjoy what you are doing. You can still work on long animations later.


Always nice to take a break 🙏


I completely agree with you, since there is nothing worse in creative work than burnout. I think this should help you!