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On recent weeks i was teasing my newest video could be 20 minutes long, and probably got you hyped for it, but after watching my rough cut, i realised the very last scenes was destroying the flow of the video, it wasn't too coherent either, so i'm going to go back to my original plan, the video would be like 15 or 16 minutes long.

The most recent scenes will be used for the third episode instead.

Sorry if it was an inconvenience for anyone.



No problem it good you caught yourself before release and the bright side is you already started on next part and you get to build on it!

Shelved Oddities

That is okay! It's a huge episode nonetheless!


I've not been following stuff but even so, a long video is not a simple thing to do, and I'm now just hype to see it'll be a thing at all. Cheering you on and thank you for your hard work~


As long as that footage is getting used in some fashion, then at least you didn't waste any effort. Better to have an episode that flows better than one that you feel is bloated with content.


NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR BRILLIANT CREATIVE GENIUS! *YETIHUG AND FURIOUS HEADPAT* In all seriousness my god emperor of awesomeness friend. it's truly cool and makes complete sense. After all this is your sexy bootylicious futalicious booblicious thicc story. You tell it however you want. We are all here for the full ride and follow you till the end cheering and supporting you and your hard work. *yetihug* Thank you so much for everything you do and for blessing us all with your beautiful sexy gorgeous masterpieces of pure flawless perfection.


thanks buddy, it wasn't an easy choice but i think is the right thing to do, i need to stop at some point XD


Well, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't HEAVILY looking forward to another segment with Tails being moderately involved (And on the receiving end of a serious bloating)... And then to have the can get kicked down the road anywhere from several months to three-quarters of a year? Really does feel like a great big kick in the dick, right when it was lined up and ready. But it's necessary I guess, probably in the minority when it comes to that aspect of your content. Whatever's necessary to avoid some grand mal burnout, go for it. I'd rather take delayed than not at all.