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Hello Everyone,

I hope you all are doing great :), I am back with a brand new Set, Chateau Part 4.

I enjoyed creating the Chateau kitchen last month and in the end, was quite sure that I wanted to make more kitchen items. While I concentrated on the bigger pieces last month I wanted to focus on the smaller but equally important objects this month, it turned somewhat into a clutter month :D.

A kitchen is a nice thing to have, but realistically for a grand house, you would need a pantry too. For this part, I created another type of counter, it's open and you can decorate it to your heart's content. For that purpose, you will get baskets to fill up the space easier :D. Another story I focused on where simified versions of smeg kitchen items, such as a Fridge, a Toaster, and a Kettle, I like their design, and the objects are not too modern for the chateau set but also not too old fashioned. Now let me walk you through the clutter.

The Set includes nine pieces of porcelain, two containers, two towel arrangements, a very French baguette, a basket with veggies, another very French cheese board, and a cute little basil for your kitchen counter :). For the walls and ceiling, I created pots and pans in different sizes and color options, I think this brings the set together.

DOWNLOAD: https://legacy.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/chateau/files 

Thank you again for all your support and lovely messages I`m going to have a few days off with my family but I can't wait to start with the next iteration of the Chateau set, spoiler alert, it might focus on book nerds ( but I'm not 100% sure yet)

Have a lovely day,

Felix xxx



kaylee mae

ahh, looks so good!!

kaylee mae

cant wait to download!!

Vogue Lamb

can you tell me where the shelf is from? i cant seem to find it in the set.. gorgeous xx

Rebekka Krause

Hi there ... I don't know if there's a bug (again?) going on, but it doesn't matter which counter I use in combination with the dishwasher my sims refuse to use it instead they're using the sink. If you have any clues PLS let me know ... TY