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Hello Everyone:),

Let me introduce you to CHATEAU Part 2, a 37-item set for your Chateaus entrance and hallways.

An area that I was always longing to have more items for was a 'grand foyer'. I simply wanted to have proper French stairs but was too afraid of trying out creating them. I pulled myself together and made the stairs plus additional pieces such as curved landings and suitable french fence and railing pieces. Now that I made stone stairs, in the future I will also create a wooden one, the possibilities are endless :D.

Another Area I haven't touched for quite some time is proper historical pieces, but a chateau set can't live without them. I sat down and created a Lous XV console table as a full and quarter version ( actually I found a console table at Hotel de la Marine in Paris and had to recreate it with a twist and incorporated a Plumbob) and a Rococo Mirror inspired by an original from Athena Calderone's apartment. The Mirror comes in three height options. I also made a hanging light and a wall sconce. Two additional items that are less historic but more rustic are a round table, perfect for giant bouquet displays, and a potted Fiddle Leaf tree :)

In this month's set, you will also find a classic Parisian wooden floor, a black and white stone floor, and wallpaper with handpainted patterns( Which I created myself from scratch). I also didn't want to miss out on interior doors :)

DOWNLOAD: https://legacy.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/chateau-part-2/files 

A little heads up about what's coming next: kitchen month :)

Thank you so so much for all your support and love and I hope you enjoying my new set. Don't worry I didn't forget about the shell building!

Happy Simming!

Felix xxxxxxxxxxx




The best stairs EVER! I use them for EVERY build! What are the chances of a wood swatch being added? That matches flooring 🤞😅


Hi maybe it's just me. But the chateau walls have this weird glitch. They look as if they're divided.

Sunny Gibson

Has anyone found out what category the stairs are in? I can't find them.


The stairs are within the stairs category and the ending can be found bye typing CHATEAU into the search bar 🌼


Me encanta el contenido pero creo que te falta dos maneras de barandilla corrígeme si me equivoco falta la subida en u y de plano a subida


Nose si se puede añadir fotos para que me entiendas mejor


Me alegro de que te guste el set. Las escaleras están dentro de la categoría de escaleras y el final se puede encontrar escribiendo CHATEAU en la barra de búsqueda 🌼

Sims Storyteller

I was wondering if the stairs were ever fixed? They crash your game if you place them in a build and try to load that build. The bug was discovered by a builder when she kept getting subscribers mentioning her build was causing problems. I did a bit of digging around online and these stairs are listed as “do not use” by the Discord troubleshooting groups.


I signed up to patreon just for Felixandre, because your work is my absolute FAV CC Sims 4 content. I've never had a problem with ANY of your awesome content.... but for love nor money I canNOT find these stairs!! I've searched through everything, searched "felix", searched "Chateau", searched "stairs" .... I really don't want to use the (horrible) basic stairs for my current build and was so excited to use yours instead.... I was up until 1am last night playing "where's waldo" for these stairs and may lose my mind today trying again as I just placed the mega basic stairs and they're so ugly .... pardon me while I drown my tears with more espresso. And chocolate. Yes, chocolate might be the answer.


I love this set, I was wondering if you have any tips on getting the railings you made to go on the stairs like in the showcase pictures, even when using bb.moveobjects I can't get the railings on to the middle portion of the stairs they just end up on the ground under the stairs

Anabel Axton

Hi ! I'm in LOVE with your designs. I've tried downloading them recently on Curseforge and each time I get a little notification that the connexion is lost. Is this something on your end or mine? I've tried so many different times....

Cecilie Iuell

Hi, have you tried pressing the 9-key several times after bb.moveobjects on? :) If you use Windows laptop that usually works. Sorry if you've already tried this