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Hello Everyone :),

UPDATE: I have fix the bedding, however for the merged files I need a bit more time to organize, reupload and share them. Im on the jump to visit my parents but will be back in two days, then I can take care of the merged files situation. For the ones who use unmerged files you can download here:

Bedding Unmerged Download: https://we.tl/t-3SXH8gCVGs

For the ones of you who dont want to wait or download everything again you could use sims4studio to batchfix your bedding, it really is just 1 click and fixes every bed from every creator :) 

Harrie did a tutorial on how to fix broken cc a while back and the tutorial is still valid and you can watch the video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeFnHJ_bJ5g

The whole bedding thing caught me off guard in a time in which I am without computer and I am sorry for the delay!


the recent update broke all cc beds 🛏 💔. There is already a solution how to fix them. However I am on holiday and not at home right now, I will fix them as soon as I am back (first half of August). 

Before I left I finished my monthly set,  there will be new items beginnning of next month as per usual :), and might I say you are in for a treat 🍭

thank you for everything 💚,

Felix xxx


Sarah Connor

Can anyone share the fix for SS4? My mac refuses to download SS4 :(Please!