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Hallo Liebe Leute, ok English only in chat :D,

Update: I am done and I will send out the links this evening, I am a sucker for build items and this set ended up with 34 pieces for your Berlin Altbau 'Facade', as mentioned earlier, you will get windows, doors, trims, pediments, stone frames, and roof decoration and I hope you will enjoy building with them. I wish you a lovely day and will see you in your DMs later ╰(*°▽°*)╯

A new month, a new set of items. I am currently working on Berlin Part 2 and will be concentrating on a typical Berlin 'Altbau' ( Old Building) Facade. 

As you all know, due to the terrible history that happened 80 years ago, many cities throughout Europe have been destroyed and of course Berlin too. Most of the destroyed buildings were replaced with modern and simple ones to go with time and out of necessity. Other older buildings that survived were stripped of their ornamentation but you can still see the old-style windows in them. Because historical buildings are more on the rare side in Berlin it's not always an easy task to find an apartment in them. I love those styles of houses therefore I decided to walk around in Berlin and find direct inspiration just in front of my door :D

By now I have around twenty items finished, there will be the typical windows in three different sizes and two different heights, they come with separate stone frames so you can mix and match everything and have the option to have a more simple facade if you don't want to much ornamentation. As you see in the teaser, I created a new dome quite handy for corner buildings, the dormer windows are separate and light up at night :) The columns are functional and they match the colonial columns too :) the rest of the items you will see very soon.

I am so happy about the feedback on Berlin Part 1, thank you so much(*/ω\*)

Best wishes,





Hallo, super Design 😊 in welcher Welt liegt das Grundstück ?

Shay Oof

where the berlin fence???