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Belated B-day gift for my bro. His B-day was a week ago, couldn’t make the art for him before.

“Babadoobaba” — that’s what he says often, mostly when he has nothing to say, so yeah, it doesn’t mean anything :)




A very happy birthday to your brother...he certainly sounds like an interesting guy! As an English-only speaker 'babadoobaba' sounds like just another Russian word. I'd think your brother was asking me the time of day, or something similar...

Autumn Nemora

Happy birthday to your brother! :3 I've seen a couple of references here and there about him being involved with your furry stuff, including the credits of that absolutely incredible music animation I've seen you released last year with Koul (which I could go on about in its whole own comment haha), I'm just wondering, is he also a furry himself? Because if so that would just be so cool lol, that someone directly in your family would also share such a vibrant and imaginative interest as this x3


Well, he's not a furry, but he likes my arts and arts I make for him. It's like a character who has my bro's personality :)

Autumn Nemora

Ah okay, though like I said it's still pretty cool in any case that he enjoys the stuff you make :3