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May I tell you something? I want to make a kinda coming-out for my Patreon and Boosty subscribers, some of you don’t know something about me.

I’m a heterosexual woman. It seems like everything is simple. But it’s not. I’m a tomboy at the same time, I correspond to the description in the picture on the left. And it breaks patterns around people. Strangers consider me a lesbian or bi or just a boy, because I have a short haircut and I don’t wear typical female clothes. My family and even my husband didn’t believe me I was just straight. Yeah, I often look like a guy, but I like guys only. And guys treat me like a friend, and nothing more. I’m absolutely not feminine.. That’s probably why I use my male fursona — Henry speaks a lot about me.

I love my grandma and she kinda loves me too, but her constant judgment of my style drives me crazy. I have been trying to explain to her since I was 16 that I like wearing pants and t-shirts, but she doesn’t believe me. She doesn’t find it beautiful. Silicone boobs isn’t an exaggeration, she recommended me to make this surgery which would made me more pretty for men. I did not manage to convey the idea that it is comfortable and pleasant for me to wear my favorite clothes, to walk with a short haircut and not to make up. My patience is ending explaining this so many times. Fortunately I don't have this problem with my parents anymore .

Sometimes it's hard to be yourself..




Thank you for sharing your vulnerability with us, your fans. We are your fans! We support you.

Autumn Nemora

I know this is a little delayed from joining but I was genuinely surprised to see this, though definitely pleasantly so - by that I mean I'm generally not personally a fan of gendered behaviour, like I'd normally prefer people just do whatever seems to make sense for them rather than trying to morph themselves into any particular cultural trend. So I guess it just kind of makes me happy to know that you are able to recognise (and personally make use of) the value of genuine personal utility over more superficial cultural posturing, unlike your grandmother seems to be suggesting haha. That being out of the way, I also just wanted to express in general that the way you approach art and the *very* particular understanding of expressiveness that you put into your characters honestly feels amazing to me. It's hard for me to describe exactly what it is, but I feel basically only a small handful of artists in the fandom seem to be able to capture the same *particularly* relatable sort of expressiveness that you do. And I'll admit that I've known about your art for (getting to) a fair amount of time now, so it kind of almost feels like an injustice that I hadn't really been in a position financially to help support you until about now, haha.