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Sleeping is kinda charging to me. It makes me feel better after many events.

Last week I visited my parents to celebrate my granny’s birthday (she’s 85 y.o). The flight was a bit problematic, the trip was much longer than I expected because of bad weather. Me, my husband and my brother spent three days being surrounded by our relatives. Then I came back home. After events like these I need some time to stay alone and sleep well, it can take several days. This drawings about that.

And I’m back for working.




Happy birthday granny but these are a mood beyond belief


You always need recovery time, even from pleasant stuff. I always say you need to factor in a vacation day after your vacation just to get back on your feet! I adore this series of pictures. Henry is trying so hard to get good rest, Ernest just doesn't understand haha. Henry looks fantastic in each of them, I really like the top right ^^