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I need to finish it! I’ve been planning to make reference of Henry so many years..




Oh awesome, I recognize several of these poses, and love the new ones. ^^ I agree with Schmozy. It's not that very simple ref sheets are bad, but having such dynamic actions and situations for your character can really help build their personality. ^^ Even with the Louis one, the two poses he has really convey his vibes very well, for example. : )


I mean, ideas of charactes change like we tangible beings change. It's okay to make a ref sheet for now, knowing it'll be updated the next time.


The problem was to make any reference sheet for myself. It will be updated someday for sure, but it can take a lot of time to make a new one, I don't remember when I did my previous reference sheet, hmmm, maybe 5-6 years ago or even more..


Oh without a doubt! ❤️ Do what makes you happy.