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Here’s the project I worked for two weeks - it’s a website design for Sillycon, I haven’t drawn for websites before. Five characters, the main mascot of Sillycon this year is Old Skunk (SkuPunk), designed by amazing artist Koul, all other additional characters (deer Maxwell, panda Erica, zebra Ray and badger David) were designed by me. The hardest thing was creating a good background, I changed it several times, and drawn bricks were in vain…=D The final version is probably the best I could make.




Wow, this is brilliant. I love ensemble pieces like this, and every single band member is unique and interesting on their own. It makes me want to learn more about all of them! What an awesome banner, and I look forward to seeing them show up again in the future! Does the SillyCon mascot change each year?


might help you get on topic:) Енот некромант - Братство Бобра https://youtu.be/Ulx9HttAHmE