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When people ask me “Why Ango76?”, I usually start to tell: “Well… once I had the axe…”

Every summer, starting at the age of 13, I had a camping with the group of children and teens and a couple of adults, going by catamarans down the river during 7-12 days. Once, when I was 16 years old, we prepared the necessary tools for our regular camping and realized that our old axes were already useless, we had two good ones only and it wasn’t enough. I was responsible for firewood, so I volunteered to buy an axe. And I’ve bought it. The price tag “290” was drawn on the handle of my new ax, I didn’t like it, so I took a marker and tried to change it somehow - it turned out “Ango”.

Some years later I started posting my first drawings on DeviantArt, and before posting anything, I had to register and create my own login (nickname) for myself. I had no ideas how to call myself, then I recalled my axe. The nickname “Ango” was already taken, but it didn’t bother me, I just added two random numbers as my fingers lay on the keyboard - I got 76.

That’s it. There is no meaning in my nickname :)

My parents recently found my axe, they’ve sent me these photos, so I decided to show you them and tell this story.




I have only been a Patron of yours 24 hours, and already I'm loving the new artworks and characters I've never seen. I also wondered about your name, but never imagined the actual origins would be like this! Absolutely hilarious, and the product of a vivid imagination! :-)


That's so neat! I always wondered as well, but I really love this story. It's such a natural way for a random name to come around, and then that name gets used... and used more... It's funny how that can happen. Tsarin is few step process, starting with me stealing Du'uk Tsarith as my screen name from a book many many years ago and eventually altering it when I discovered furry stuff, so that it wouldn't be associated with my old gaming accounts. Now I just use it for everything haha.