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Yaaay, I’m finally at home! Doctors removed my inguinal hernia, now I can dance, do sport, lift weights and don’t afraid of hernia infringement (after a month of recovery, of course) - I think this is a best gift for myself ever, because I was afraid of surgery very much, but still I did it :) I’m feeling good, just have some pains in my belly, hope it’s not for long, also I couldn’t draw while I was in the hospital, cuz yesterday it was really hurt to sit, so I was mostly lying in bed.




Очень рад за вас, что всё прошло хорошо и идёте на поправку. Вы молодец ^^


Очень хорошие новости, с наступающим! <3


Да вроде как всё хорошо, спасибо!^^


Спасибо большое, и тебя тоже с наступающим ;)


Oh gosh, I'm glad it went well, and I'm excited for you to be able to do things more easily from here onward! : D


Выздоравливай! С наступающим тебя ^^

Tucker Fox

Glad you got fixed up. Hope your recovery goes fast and glad you can start to enjoy certain things again.