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“Wash your hands”, “Stay home”.. They forgot another important thing - ventilate your room! This picture illustrates the way how I feel now: sleepy, weak, apathetic. (I was pretty active till Wednesday though..) I opened windows for one hour, because I slept too much for two days (more than 24 hours I guess), seems my brain needs a lot of oxygen.

But I also have a nice thing: I finally bought iPad for drawing, I wished it for two years, I saved money for it.. Now I’m holding it in my hands and still can’t believe it’s mine. This thing is perfect for daily simple drawings. I like an imitation of pencil sketches. But unfortunately I can’t understand how painting works here, this is still difficult to me.

Anyway this tablet saves me. I feel very lazy and sleepy today, I could just lie on the sofa and do nothing, but instead of this I’m lying on the sofa and drawing)




Congratulations on the new iPad! It looks like you are already using it to draw amazing quality pictures!


Поздравляю с приобретением =) Ох это незабываемое чувство от приобретения новой техники..)


Thanks! It took 2 days, still feel that I learned not enough for drawing)


Спасибо! Да, особенно той техники, которая будет использоваться ежедневно)